Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 572 I want to kill you, you must die if you don't die!

Chapter 572 I want to kill you, you must die if you don't die!

Two kilometers from the periphery of Victoria Harbor on Hong Kong Island.

A Mercedes-Benz AMG special armored car, escorted by four Hummers, drove straight to Victoria Harbour.

An old man in his 50s sat in the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz.

He has an extraordinary temperament, just sitting there, he reveals the aura of a superior.

Between the eyes, it is full of demeanor looking down on the world.

Beside him sat a young man with brown skin.

There was a blood-red mark on his forehead, which looked a little weird.

Compared with the old man next to him, although he has a feeling of being indifferent.

However, when the old man looked at him, he was filled with infinite awe.

Even, she didn't dare to stare at his side face all the time.

The driver looked through the rearview mirror, glanced at the old man sitting behind, and said:

"Patriarch, our Zhou family is one of the largest big families in Hong Kong Island. Isn't it too flattering to go to war for a yellow-haired boy?"

The old man is Zhou Rongtian, the head of the Zhou family on Hong Kong Island. Hearing this, he smiled disdainfully and said:

"Of course it's a compliment!"

"But, Ziwen said on the phone that that kid killed Jiang Heng with one move, which shows that he is really capable."

"As for me, Zhou Rongtian, if I don't do anything, I must be 100% sure if I want to do it, so I specially asked Mr. Lin to come with me to meet him."

"As long as Mr. Lin makes a move, no matter who he is, there will only be a dead end!"

The driver nodded and said:
"That's true! Mr. Lin's ability is already at the level of a fairy. If he makes a move, he can definitely kill all opponents in seconds!"

Zhou Rongtian glanced at his watch, narrowed his eyes and said:
"Hurry up, there are still three minutes left, I don't want Ziwen to be hurt by that kid."



In the private room of the Victoria cruise ship, Ye Yun was sitting beside Murong Yan, holding Yaya in his arms, watching Murong Yan eat.

Since Ye Yun was going to do something to those people just now, Murong Yan was not in the mood to eat, so Ye Yun could only sit next to her and supervise her to eat on time.

Having seen his ferocious and fierce methods, and seeing how gentle he is to Murong Yan, all the girls present felt very moved.

Isn't what a woman needs is such a man who is merciless to his enemies and tender to himself?

Qiao Yimei and Lu Yingran couldn't help but feel a little confused. They took Murong Yan as an example and wanted to learn everything from her.

However, there is only one Ye Yun, no matter how well they learn, they will not be able to find a man like Ye Yun again!
Thinking of this, the two girls couldn't help feeling a little envious.

How wonderful it would be if sitting there now, the one being doted on by this man was me!
Da da da!
A burst of chaotic footsteps interrupted the thoughts of all the girls.

It was seen that Zhou Rongtian led Mr. Lin, and forty or fifty bodyguards entered in a file.

"Dad! You're finally here!"

Seeing them appear, Zhou Ziwen quickly shouted and ran towards Zhou Rongtian.

Because he was so frightened by Ye Yun before, his legs felt weak when he ran, and his body was about to fall to the ground.

Seeing this, Mr. Lin in the distance hooked his fingers, and a strange black light appeared, holding Zhou Ziwen up.

"Thank you Mr. Lin!"

Zhou Ziwen looked respectful.

Turning around, he glared at Ye Yun and said:
"Dad, it's that kid who killed ten members of our Zhou family in a row, and even said that the Zhou family would be leveled first before killing me!"

"You must avenge them and wash away our previous shame!"

With the backing of Mr. Lin, at this moment he was already full of hostility, gnashing his teeth like an angry beast.

Zhou Rongtian looked Ye Yun up and down, seeing him sitting there calmly facing so many people in the Zhou family, he couldn't help being slightly surprised.

He stepped forward and said:

"Young man, I don't care what your background is, if you dare to treat our Zhou family like this, I can only say that you are extremely stupid!"

"Now, I'll give you a chance. Kneel down and apologize. If you cut off your arm, I'll spare your life!"

When Zhou Ziwen heard this, he stomped his feet anxiously:
"Dad, he is going to destroy our Zhou family, why do you let him go?"

Zhou Rongtian scolded angrily:
"What do you know? Get the hell out of here!"

The previous driver walked up to Zhou Ziwen and whispered:
"The head of the family has already heard about you forcibly robbing other people's wives. If you kill someone directly, it will damage the reputation of the Zhou family if it gets out."

"Now the head of the family has let him cut off his own arm. With this kid's temper, he will definitely not obey. Wouldn't it be logical to let Mr. Lin take action at that time?"

When Zhou Ziwen heard this, he immediately nodded in agreement.

I admired secretly in my heart, sure enough, Jiang was still old and hot, and my father was very thoughtful.

Ye Yun stood up at this moment, showing Zhou Rongtian a disdainful smile:

"Do you think you're smart when you play hard to get?"

Seeing that Ye Yun saw through his thoughts, Zhou Rongtian immediately showed a hint of ferocity and said:

"I just don't want people to think that our Zhou family is bullying the small, so I will give you a choice!"

Ye Yun shook his head and said:
"You made a mistake, it wasn't you who gave me the choice."

"Instead, I won't give you the Zhou family any choice!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Rongtian was so angry that his beard stood on end:


Ye Yun's implication is that no matter what the Zhou family does, there is only one way for them to go.

That is……

Destroy the door!

These words are too crazy, Zhou Rong is over fifty years old, and this is the first time he heard that someone dared to speak to him like that!

This is simply pulling teeth out of a tiger's mouth. If you don't fight to the death, you will never give up!
"Okay, okay! Since we're talking about this, you just wait to die!"

Zhou Rongtian was a hero all his life, so enraged to this extent, the murderous intent in his heart was already extremely high.

"Mr. Lin, don't show mercy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire private room suddenly went dark.

Everyone just felt all the air, as if being drained, and their bodies felt extremely oppressed.

Looking up, a black light shot up from Mr. Lin's body, easily tearing open the platinum ceiling.

Even the diamonds inlaid on it were twisted into powder by the black light.




There was a chaotic sound, and many people knelt down because they couldn't bear the terrifying pressure.

Everyone was terrified, looking at Mr. Lin with trembling eyes:
"Who the hell is he? How could he be so terrifying?"

Zhou Rongtian smiled proudly:
"Mr. Lin is the only undead king on our planet. He has the ability to resurrect infinitely, and every time he resurrects, he will be several times stronger."

"Fifty years ago, he fought against the Four Elephant Spirit Envoys, killing the three Spirit Envoys of White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu by himself, and forced the Azure Dragon Spirit Envoy to kneel down and beg for mercy."

"Not only that, he also swept across Western Europe, North America, North Africa, and our Northeast China before, and killed dozens of masters who were masters of Tongxuan Tongsheng, as well as our grandmasters and innate masters in the Chinese martial arts world."

"If it weren't for the fact that no one in this world can kill Mr. Lin, he wouldn't have surrendered to our Zhou family. Of course, our Zhou family also needs Mr.'s protection to become a top wealthy family on Hong Kong Island in one fell swoop and win the favor of the British royal family."

Zhou Rongtian said, bowed respectfully to Lin Sha again, raised his head, and shouted arrogantly and proudly:

"So, Mr. Lin is invincible!"

"Anyone who dares to oppose my Zhou family is to oppose Mr. Lin, and their end will be death!"

The voice fell.


The black light shot by Lin Sha instantly became larger, and the strong pressure caused the entire cruise ship to tremble violently.

And this moment.

Within ten nautical miles of Victoria Harbor, water waves soared into the sky, turned into giant dragons, and flew straight into the sky with black light.

The people of Hong Kong Island couldn't help trembling again when they saw this terrifying scene.

"God, this situation happened three times in a day, is it really the end?"

"And this time, it's even more terrifying than the previous two times. I feel like the sky is about to be torn apart. It's terrible, it's really scary!"

However, in the Hong Kong Island Police Headquarters, Zhao Wenyang, who had not had time to catch his breath, saw the data displayed on the screen, and was so startled that he almost fell to the ground.

"My god, the shock index of this black light has reached 3000 million!"

"Fucking... Which monster was born again!"

Zhao Wenyang managed to support his body, and was about to call Director Zhou and the others, asking them to ask the governor for instructions immediately and take corresponding precautionary measures.

At this time, on the Victoria cruise ship, except for Murong Yan and Yaya, almost everyone was lying on the ground.

It was really because Lin Sha's aura was too strong, the feeling of being overwhelmed by Mount Tai scared everyone's heart to pieces.

"Mr. Lin, do it quickly! If you delay a second longer, I'm afraid the whole cruise ship will be torn apart!"

Zhou Rongtian urged with a look of horror.

Lin Sha glanced at Zhou Rongtian, nodded slightly and said:

"Forget it, to deal with such a small character, releasing one ten-thousandth of the power is more than enough!"

At this time, he had torn off his clothes and turned into a huge skeleton.

The dense skull eyes stared at Ye Yun with boundless killing intent.

"You, die!"

"Ming Heisha finger!"

He stretched out his huge finger bones, and patted Ye Yun's head with a terrifying black light.


But, at the same time, he suddenly let out a surprise and lowered his head in astonishment.

I saw that suddenly there was a bewitching purple fire lotus on his chest.

It can be clearly seen that with the beating of the fire lotus flame, his white bones are slowly turning black, and white smoke is constantly emitting.

"Ah... this... what is this thing?!"

The soaring beam of light disappeared suddenly, and the pressure that enveloped everyone disappeared instantly.

Everyone looked up and saw that the flames of the fire lotus gradually grew larger, and even burned all of Lin Sha's bones into gas.

At the same time, the terrifying black light on Lin Sha's body also quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What the hell is this, why can't I be resurrected!"

Lin Sha was inexplicably terrified.

In just a few seconds.

He had already used the resurrection technique no less than a thousand times, but his body was still burned uncontrollably.

Then, ten seconds later, with his scream, Lin Sha, the imposing undead king just now, disappeared without a trace.

Ye Yun looked at the place where Lin Sha disappeared, and a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"In front of me, the undead are just a joke!"

"I want to kill you, you have to die if you don't die!"

(End of this chapter)

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