Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 596: A small trick!

Chapter 596: A small trick!
After Ye Yun finished speaking, it was Qiao Bosheng who showed a very surprised expression first.

Andrei, as Russia's number one body-training master, has reached an unimaginable degree of body hardness.

His father, Qiao Yungao, also valued this very much, so he spent a lot of money to invite Andrei from Russia to protect their family's safety.

Qiao Yungao even tested it last year. With a modified Desert Eagle, he fired ten shots at Andre's body, but failed to penetrate his skin.

However, the same gun can shoot through a 5mm steel plate after ten shots in a row.

In such a comparison, the hardness of Andre's body is absolutely shocking.

However, such a beast of a robot was chopped through by Ye Yun like chopping vegetables with his palm.

This is really unimaginable!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Qiao Bosheng wouldn't have believed that someone could kill Andre with just his palm.

"This kid is really evil. It seems that it is indeed a wise move to bring the Night Demon here."

Qiao Bosheng's eyes trembled slightly, showing a trace of fear towards Ye Yun.

But after thinking about it, Ye Mo's power is boundless, and he will definitely be able to kill Ye Yun instantly. He immediately showed a smile of determination.

As for Shen Junyun and Yang Yuze, they were both stunned by Ye Yun's move.

He... He actually slapped Andre to death with a single slap. Is this still the coward who was bullied five years ago?
Both felt incredible.

In just five years, Ye Yun has transformed from a soft bastard who has been bullied to a super expert who single-handedly killed orc masters.

This joke is simply too big!

Even with the help of the Murong family, it is impossible for him to improve so fast and become so powerful!

Could it be that he was possessed by some god-level master?

Hehe, it's impossible to even think about it!
Even if someone wants to possess a body, they won't be attached to a worthless trash!
Shen Junyun and Yang Yuze then looked at each other, and they both saw the speechlessness and incomprehension in each other's eyes.

But, a second later, their eyes were filled with excitement.

"Very good! The stronger you are, the happier I am, because only in this way will there be a good show to watch!"

"It's great! I can finally see Mr. Night Demon making a move! Great!"

As if they had won the lottery, the two looked at Ye Yun excitedly and said:
"The next one to appear is Night Demon!"

"But the one who died must be you!"


Seeing that they were determined to win, Ye Yun couldn't help but shook his head and said with a smile:

"You are so confident that he will be able to kill me?"

Shen Junyun said loudly:

"Do you still need to ask? As long as the Night Demon makes a move, you will definitely die!"

Yang Yu echoed:

"I'm afraid you don't know yet, but in the legend of Tingzhou, the Night Demon is an invincible existence."

"Don't think that if you kill Andre, you can do whatever you want in front of him. Let me tell you, even if you are an armored tyrannosaurus, you are no threat to the night devil!"

"On the contrary, it's him, as long as you make a move, you will have to wait for death!"

"If you don't believe me, just try it and you'll know, hehe!"

Ye Yun sneered and said:
"It seems that you still don't realize who you are facing."

Shen Junyun bah!With a sound, he said disdainfully:
"Who are you? We've known it all for a long time. Although you're capable now, in our hearts, you'll always be that person's coward! You bastard!"

Ye Yun's eyes turned slightly cold:
"Okay, since I said that, before I kill you, I will give you a good lesson and come to know me again."

Those who humiliate others must humiliate themselves!
Ye Yun's visit this time was mainly for the affairs of the Tingzhou branch.

However, the hatred that was wantonly abused by them five years ago is also on the one hand.

Although, Ye Yun had no intention of fussing with such ants.

However, since they have repeatedly provoked and ridiculed unscrupulously, then he can't be blamed.

In particular, they dared to attack Murong Yan's company, which he could not tolerate no matter what!
Now that the old and new grudges are added together, Ye Yun decides to make them completely repent for what they have done before they die!
Seeing how convinced they were of Ye Mo, Ye Yun turned to Ye Mo and said:
"You want to act for them?"

The voice of the Night Demon is like the crying of countless wraiths:
"Yes, I will kill you."

Ye Yun said calmly:
"If you have any ability, just use it and let them see how small you are in front of me."


Ye Yun's words aroused Ye Mo's fury.

"Since you are looking for death, I will give you a happy one!"

The entire hall suddenly went dark, and the night demon forcibly turned the surroundings into night.

However, at the same time, thick black lights gathered in his body from all directions.

Night Demon's body suddenly doubled in size, turning into a huge black figure more than three meters high.

With boundless momentum, he looked down at Ye Yun.

at this time.

Shen Junyun and the others only felt a emptiness in their heads, as if their entire heads had been opened to the Night Demon.

Let him have what he wants.

"My god, this night devil is too scary! I feel like I have no resistance to him at all, and my body is out of control!"

"It turns out that this is the ability of the night devil! Once caught in his dark night, he will lose all defense capabilities, and he is more fragile than a piece of paper!"

The three of them were already frightened to the point of trembling.

They have never heard of this strange feeling that the body does not seem to exist!

"Night kill!"

At this moment, Ye Mo let out a low roar, turned into a huge black sword, and stabbed Ye Yun's forehead.

Ye Yun only smiled contemptuously, and two faint golden lights flashed in his eyes.

Invisible forces collided together, making the sound of metal clashing.

The black giant sword was instantly shattered, turned into countless black fragments, and regrouped into human form.

"How is it possible for you to have such a huge mental power?"

Ye Mo's figure trembled, and the head-on confrontation just now caused some damage to his mental strength.

Although it wasn't a big injury, it was enough to shock him.

You must know that he has existed for 5000 years. From ancient times to the present, he has devoured at least the spiritual power of billions of human beings.

Such a terrifying cultivation base is enough to cut off the powerful divine sense of a golden core stage with one move.

Unexpectedly, facing this man, instead of being able to kill him with one blow, he was injured by the man instead.

This... is really unexpected!
However, Shen Junyun and the others couldn't help being surprised when they heard Ye Mo's words.

"This kid can actually resist Night Demon, how could he be so strong!"

If Ye Yun killed Andre before, it was nothing to them.

Now, they were really shocked by Ye Yun.

Even Ye Mo said that Ye Yun is strong, it seems that he is really strong!
Facing Ye Mo's shock, Ye Yun only smiled faintly:
"My strength is beyond your imagination."

"Why don't you try your best so that you can die without regrets."

"You... are too crazy!!"

Ye Mo was irritated to the extreme by Ye Yun's words.

For 5000 years, except for those ancient gods, he really has never been afraid of anyone!
Now, being ridiculed by a human being like this is tolerable, what can't be tolerated!
"I will use all my strength to see how arrogant you can be!"

"Dark night, come!"

With a sound of his fall, the light outside the room suddenly dimmed.

The entire courtyard of Shen's villa seemed to be plunged into darkness.

Not only that, this small piece of darkness spread out at a crazy speed in an instant.

In less than 1 minute, the entire Tingzhou was covered.

The city with a radius of 8000 square kilometers was quickly plunged into darkness.

"My God! The sky suddenly turned black!"

"Where did the sun go? It's morning now, how could it be night?"

At this time, every Tingzhou person looked at the sky in horror.

Day turned into night, never heard of such a thing!
However, Shen Junyun and the others saw at this moment that a dazzling fiery red light erupted instantly from Ye Mo's dark body.

All three felt that Night Demon was like a huge black hole, which seemed to be able to swallow everything in this world.

The sense of powerless fear made them feel that they were really small, and they didn't even have the right to beg in front of the Night Demon.

"I'm going to make Tingzhou's 1000 million people dream now!"

The Night Demon grinned grimly and waved his hands in the air.

The strange fiery red light shot straight into the sky, and after it exploded suddenly, it dripped down like rain, covering the entire Tingzhou city.

At the same time, the three of Shen Junyun immediately fell into a nightmare, and kept uttering miserable screams.

Seeing this, Ye Mo smiled and waved his hands again.

In an instant, on the land of Tingzhou.

Groups of red rays of light shot out from everyone's heads, and finally gathered together in the sky, turning into a beam of light and falling on the Night Demon.

"In the dark night, I am the strongest!"

"Zhuzi, die!"

"Holy Night Killer!!"

The night demon gathered the power of 1000 million people and used the strongest magic power.

I saw that he turned into a red and black sharp sword and stabbed at Ye Yun's forehead again.

"This time, let's see if you can stop it!"

In the night sky, Ye Mo's triumphant laughter resounded throughout the world.

However, soon a voice responded to him.

"Small eagle ears."

Two golden lights flashed from Ye Yun's eyes, and instantly swallowed up the sharp sword of the night demon incarnation.

At this moment, the darkness suddenly disappeared.

The entire land of Tingzhou is bright again.

Everyone woke up from the nightmare, not knowing what happened just now.

Only Shen Junyun, Yang Yuze and Qiao Bosheng were suddenly awakened by a shock.

Looking at the handsome figure standing in front of her with wide and terrified eyes, she felt as if her heart had fallen into an ice cave.

He killed the Night Demon! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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