Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 600 China has me, even if it is far away, I will be punished!

Chapter 600 China has me, even if it is far away, I will be punished!
As he fell, someone in the field suddenly shouted:

"It really is Zhou Tianyu, Master Zhou!"

"Master Zhou is the number one expert in our Jincheng. I read his exclusive interview last week. He is already at the level of a master of transformation, and he is a real dragon in our Jincheng!"

The master is like a dragon!

Zhou Tianyu is now the most powerful real dragon in the hearts of Jincheng people!
After Qin Ziyang, Shi Biao and others disappeared from the Jincheng martial arts world one after another, he became the No. 1 in the Jincheng martial arts world.
Moreover, he is different from previous martial arts masters.

He has not always lived in seclusion, but is very high-profile, and often participates in various TV interviews.

Therefore, he is quite famous.

He has already increased his influence in the entire Jincheng City to a level that is difficult for his predecessors to reach.

Now in Jincheng, no one knows his name, Zhou Tianyu!

However, it turns out that the No. 1 rumored in the Jincheng Budo circle is Ye Yun.

But he was too low-key, and he didn't deal with people in martial arts at all.

In addition, people in martial arts have always rumored that he is the master of transformation, and his strength has not surpassed Zhou Tianyu, who came from behind.

So over time, people almost completely forgot about him.

So at this time, after Zhou Tianyu appeared on the stage, everyone felt that Jincheng's only hope lay in Zhou Tianyu.

"Zhou Tianyu is a majestic master and a real dragon in the world. He will definitely defeat Nakamura Yutoshi and rectify my Huaxia name!"

At that moment, someone shouted excitedly.

Facing the worship of everyone, Zhou Tianyu looked proud.

He squinted at Nakamura Yutoshi and said:
"You foreign barbarians dare to speak nonsense on our land in China, you really don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth!"

"Today, I, Zhou Tianyu, represent the Huaxia Martial Arts world, and let you know that the Huaxia Martial Arts cannot be insulted!"

After speaking, boom!With a sound, a burst of true energy gushed out from his body.

In the tens of thousands of square meters of the gymnasium, the air shook violently, causing everyone's hairs to stand on end and exclaimed again and again.

"As expected of a master level master, Master Zhou's aura is as fierce as overwhelming mountains!"

Chu Wenyan asked:
"Big cousin, Master Zhou is so strong, he should be able to defeat Yutoshi Nakamura, right?"

Ye Yun shook his head and said:
"No, he's not Nakamura Yutoshi's opponent."

After Chu Wenyan and Yao Fangling heard this, they couldn't help being surprised:
"The Grandmaster is no match for Yutoshi Nakamura, he is too strong!"

However, a man standing next to Ye Yun swept his contemptuous gaze across Ye Yun's face, frowned and said:

"Brother, you look like a layman."

"That Nakamura Yutoshi is just a master of body training. Sora has a big body and brute strength. He can't be the opponent of Master Zhou!"

Ye Yun smiled slightly and looked up at the stage.

At this time, facing the aggressive Zhou Tianyu, Nakamura Xiongjun only smiled disdainfully and said:

"Flower fists and embroidered legs, I will let you punch three times, you can't even hurt my fur!"

After hearing this, Zhou Tianyu was furious, his true energy had already condensed into threads, and he looked very terrifying.

"Then I'll punch you three times, and see if you dare to go crazy!"

"Heaven's Killing Fist, the first punch, breaks the thunder!"

The words come out.

Zhou Tianyu flew up, aiming at Nakamura Xiongjun's chest with a mighty aura.

Seeing this, the onlookers couldn't help but secretly startled.

Zhou Tianyu's punch was extremely domineering, it seemed that it would not be a problem to drive a truck!
Infuriatingly exploded.

Nakamura Yutoshi remained motionless, looking at Zhou Tianyu with a smile:
"Come again, hahaha!"

The muscles on Zhou Tianyu's face trembled, and he punched again:
"Second Form, Fuyunluo!"

"The third form, extremely vigorous!"

With two punches in a row, Nakamura Yutoshi was not damaged at all, and his body didn't even tremble.

Zhou Tianyu's expression changed drastically, he stepped back two steps in succession, and said in horror:

"This... this is impossible! How can you be so strong?"

The people below also exclaimed:
"It is said that this Heavenly Dao Killing Fist is Master Zhou's best trick. I never thought that three moves in a row failed to defeat Nakamura Yutoshi. This is really incredible!"

"It's over, it's over! Even Master Zhou is no match for him. The face of Jincheng and the entire Chinese martial arts world will be stepped on by the Japanese today!"

Nakamura Yutoshi smiled proudly and said:
"Do you think I'm really just a master of body training?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that I am also very proficient in your Huaxia's internal martial arts. It will take no effort to defeat you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stepped up to Zhou Tianyu.

His right hand slapped Zhou Tianyu's shoulder at an extremely fast speed, sending him flying for several meters.

Zhou Tianyu was so terrified that he had no time to prepare himself. When he regained consciousness, he had already fallen to the ground.

And with this sound, everyone's hearts fell into the abyss in an instant just like him.

"God, it turns out that Nakamura Yutoshi is not only a master of body training, but also a master of inner family. It seems that his cultivation level is not much lower than that of Master Zhou!"

"No wonder, this person was able to win ten sumo championships in Japan. His martial arts talent is really too high!"

"This is really the end! Our Chinese martial arts world has been greatly humiliated today!"

The true strength displayed by Nakamura Yutoshi is so amazing that even Zhou Tianyu, recognized as the number one master in Jincheng, is vulnerable.

Jincheng is about to fall today!
Huaxia must also be humiliated!


Zhou Tianyu lowered his head and lay on the ground, heaving a long sigh, filled with grief.

Everyone also lowered their heads, a deep sense of frustration lingered in everyone's heart, as heavy as Mount Tai.

"Papa, go up and show off the prestige of China!"

Suddenly a childish voice sounded, awakening everyone from their grief.

Immediately, all eyes were on Ye Yun.

"Huh? Isn't this Ye Yun, the husband of Patriarch Murong? He wants to challenge Xiongjun Nakamura?"

"It's him, but it seems to be rumored before that he is also in the realm of a master, and he is not as powerful as Master Zhou. Isn't it a waste of time to go up?"

Several people recognized Ye Yun.

However, immediately after, more people began to shake their heads.

In everyone's impression, Ye Yun was only at the level of a master, not more powerful than Zhou Tian.

Now that Zhou Tianyu can't even catch Nakamura Xiongjun's move, if he goes up, won't he be slapped away?

Seeing that Ye Yun was about to go on stage, the man standing next to him quickly pulled him:
"Mr. Ye, don't be impulsive. Master Zhou's ability is no worse than yours. You can't go up!"

With him taking the lead, many people around him began to persuade Ye Yun not to go on stage.

Although Ye Yun's reputation in the martial arts world is not as good as Zhou Tianyu's.

But he is super handsome, and he is a madman who spoils his wife.

These two names were spread all over the streets and alleys in Jincheng, and many people regarded him as an idol star.

Now Zhou Tianyu has been humiliated.

Everyone felt that it was unnecessary, and let Ye Yun go up to suffer another humiliation.

In that case, the hearts of all Jincheng people will probably be broken into pieces!
Facing everyone's questioning or worried expressions, Ye Yun only smiled slightly, and calmly stepped onto the ring.

Nakamura Yutoshi looked Ye Yun up and down, shook his head and said:
"Go down, I'm not interested in you at all."

He saw that Ye Yun didn't have any pretensions of a martial arts practitioner, so he didn't take him seriously at all.

Ye Yun smiled slightly and said:

"I wasn't interested in you at first."

"However, my daughter thinks that you have insulted China's reputation, and if you want you to apologize in public, I have to take action."

Nakamura Yutoshi smiled disdainfully:
"Only you want me to apologize? Are you crazy?"


As soon as he finished speaking, he felt his body lighten, and was lifted into the air by a terrifying force.

Ye Yun said lightly:

"I want you to bow three times to everyone and shout China Long Live three times."

"You, do you have an opinion?"



Nakamura Yutoshi swallowed hard.

He wanted to reject Ye Yun's request straight away.

However, he found that his body could not move.

That terrifying power made him unable to resist and struggle at all.

He couldn't help feeling a little fear from the bottom of his heart, and nodded quickly:
"I promise! I have no objection!"


After he finished speaking, his body lightened and he fell heavily to the ground.

At this moment, he was lying on the ground panting heavily, and beads of sweat the size of beans were all over his forehead.

He was almost terrified!

Then, under the surprised eyes of everyone, he stood up with humiliation and unwillingness, and bowed three times to everyone.

At last he shouted:
"Long live China!"

"Long live China!"

"Long live China!"

Seeing this, Ye Yun couldn't help smiling.

China has me.

Who dares to commit a crime.

Even if it is far away, it will be punished! !
(End of this chapter)

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