Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 701 How decent is this?

Chapter 701 How decent is this?
The three hooligans turned around one after another, staring at Ye Yun and Yaya viciously.

"Little boy, do you want to be a hero to save the beauty? I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, or I will take your skin off!"

"Go away, little boy! The three of you guys are the famous three wolves in Dong District. If you don't leave, we'll destroy you!"

A thin man next to the fat man pulled out a dagger from his waist and pointed at Ye Yundao with a ferocious expression.

Bang bang bang!
Before the three of them had time to react, they were hit by three strong winds, and they flew away without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Yaya pulled Ye Yun to Song Shuqin's side.

The little girl squatted down and pushed Song Shuqin's face with her hands:
"Teacher Song, wake up!"

Song Shuqin looked at Yaya ignorantly, but she didn't recognize Yaya because she was drunk.

Ye Yun frowned slightly, took out a hangover pill from the infinite space, and flicked it into Song Shuqin's mouth.

After a while, Song Shuqin woke up.

Seeing Ye Yun and Yaya looking at him, Song Shuqin was startled.

Just when he was about to speak, he looked down and saw his disheveled clothes, he couldn't help but exclaimed, and turned around quickly.

Ye Yun frowned and said:
"You are a teacher, how can you behave like this?"

Song Shuqin's body trembled when he heard this, he quickly straightened his clothes, stood up and bowed to Ye Yun:

"I'm sorry Mr. Ye! I was wrong! I shouldn't let Yaya see me like this!"

Yaya patted Song Shuqin's hand and said seriously:

"Mr. Song, forget it, don't blame yourself too much."

"Mainly you are a girl, it's dangerous to get drunk!"

Song Shuqin nodded repeatedly and said:

"Yes, Yun Ya, you are right. The teacher knows that he is wrong, and he will never drink again!"

As she spoke, tears flowed down her cheeks.

Yaya asked in surprise:
"Ms. Song, what's the matter with you? Did you encounter any unhappy things?"

Song Shuqin quickly shook his head and said:

"No! Yun Ya, the teacher is fine, the teacher is fine now, thank you, the teacher is going home first!"

After speaking, he bowed to Ye Yun and left the alley in a hurry.

Yaya saw that Song Shuqin raised his hand as he walked, as if wiping tears.

She frowned and said:

"Teacher Song seems to be really busy!"

Ye Yun hugged her and said:
"Since she doesn't say anything, it means that she has her own difficulties, and we don't have to force others to make things difficult."

Yaya hugged Ye Yun's neck and nodded:

"That's right, I'll see if the teacher is in a good mood when I go to school tomorrow."

"You are such a kind-hearted little angel!"

Ye Yun kissed the little girl lovingly.

"Papa, if you want to kiss, kiss more!"

Ye Yun didn't expect that the little girl would act coquettishly.

"Okay, papa, give me a few more kisses!"

"Oh, Papa, your beard is piercing!"



The next day when school was over, Ye Yun drove to the gate of Meidun International Kindergarten.

I saw that Yaya came out with her mouth pouted and frowning.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

Ye Yun hurriedly asked with concern.

Yaya said:

"Papa, Teacher Song didn't come to class today. Another teacher said that she was hospitalized and asked for leave today."

"I'm worried that something must have happened to Mr. Song."

Ye Yun knew what the little girl was thinking, so he said:
"Then I'll call and ask which hospital she is in. Let's go and see her, okay?"

Yaya's little head clicked like a chicken pecking at rice:
"Okay! Then papa, hit me!"

Ye Yun then called Song Shuqin, at first Song Shuqin didn't want to tell Ye Yun which hospital he was in.

Helpless, Ye Yun said that Yaya must see her, so he had no choice but to tell her the address.

Ye Yun then took Yaya and went directly to the hospital.

After arriving at Song Shuqin's ward, he saw a young man sitting next to Song Shuqin, peeling flat fruits for her.

This man was about the same age as Song Shuqin, he seemed to be her boyfriend, and his eyes were full of doting on her.

However, at this moment, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, as if he had been severely beaten.

"Teacher Song! Papa and I came to see you!"

Yaya hurriedly ran to the hospital bed, but saw several bruises on Song Shuqin's face and several scars on his arms.

"Mr. Song, have you been beaten?"

Yaya looked terrified, the scars on Song Shuqin's face and body were shocking.

Song Shuqin touched the little girl's head, smiled at Ye Yun and said:

"Mr. Ye, trouble you."

Ye Yun nodded slightly.

The young man Zhang Zhe asked:

"Shuqin, who is this gentleman?"

Song Shuqin replied:
"He is Ye Yun, the husband of Patriarch Murong, Mr. Ye."

Zhang Zhe got up quickly, bowed respectfully to Ye Yun and said:

"Mr. Ye, thank you for coming to visit Shuqin! I am his boyfriend Zhang Zhe, thank you and the little princess!"

Ye Yun nodded lightly, took out two healing pills from the infinite space, and handed them to Zhang Zhe, saying:
"These two medicines are designed to treat bruises, please take them."

Zhang Zhe thanked him, quickly ate one for Song Shuqin, and took another for himself.

In a few seconds, all the scars on the two of them disappeared.

"Mr. Ye, you are really a god!"

Zhang Zhe bowed to Ye Yun again with admiration.

Song Shuqin also got up from the bed and bowed to Ye Yun to thank him.

Yaya then asked with concern:

"Teacher Song, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing Yaya's sincere and caring eyes that day, Song Shuqin could only sigh softly and said:
"The teacher has indeed encountered trouble recently."

With a sad face, she pulled Yaya to sit down by the bed, and said:

"The teacher's father has been promoted to a high-ranking official this year, and his temper has become very violent, and he always dislikes the teacher's mother, saying that she is a yellow-faced woman, and it would be embarrassing to take her out!"

"One night, he was drunk and beat the teacher's mother. As a result, the teacher's mother was bedridden and unable to get up."

When Yaya heard this, she suddenly showed horror:

"Then your injury was also caused by him?"

Song Shuqin nodded with tears in his eyes and said:

"Yes, he wants to force me to marry a rich man. He said that as long as I agree, then I can fly on a branch and become a phoenix, and enjoy the glory and wealth for a lifetime."

"But I didn't agree, so he hit me and wanted to keep hitting me until I agreed."

After Yaya heard this, her eyes turned red:
"How can there be such a cruel papa in the world?"

Song Shuqin took out a tissue, wiped away Yaya's tears and said:

"Because of this incident, my boyfriend Azhe was also implicated. When that rich man heard that he was my boyfriend, he was beaten up and forced to break up with me."

"Fortunately, Ah Zhe was not coerced, and chose to stay with me."

Saying that, Song Shuqin looked at Zhang Zhe tenderly.

But Zhang Zhe said firmly:

"Even if I die, I won't break up with you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the ward was kicked open heavily.

A man with a parted hair in the middle came in aggressively with five big guys, stared at Zhang Zhe viciously and said:
"Little bastard, you're shameless, right?"

"Brother Xuan has already warned you, what the hell are you doing? This is a toast and you don't eat or drink fine wine. You're going to kill yourself!"

"Since you don't open your eyes, I will let you know how powerful Brother Xuan is today!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and said:
"Drag this kid out for me, have his hands and feet amputated, his household registration be sealed, and send him to the north!"

(End of this chapter)

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