Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 703 For Yaya's World View, Take Action!

Chapter 703 For Yaya's World View, Take Action!
"Dad, you... you are in my mother's room with her!"

"You still want to be shameless?!"

Song Shuqin burst into tears with anger.

"It's fine for you to beat my mother, but you still bring this little vixen, you are too much!"

Her father's name is Song Jingguo, and he said with a disdainful smile:

"What is your mother's room? The whole house is mine. I can go wherever I want. Can you control me?"

"Besides, I'll take Lina to see your mother, and let Lina teach her some skills about being a wife by the way, so that she won't live half her life without knowing how to be a wife and be as annoying as a yellow-faced woman all day long!"

Song Shuqin saw that he was so shameless that he said this in public, couldn't help shaking with anger, gritted his teeth and said:

"Dad, wake up! You are fascinated by this little vixen, do you know how shameless your words are?"

"Besides, when you married my mother, why didn't you think she didn't understand anything?"

Song Jingguo was left speechless by her question, angrily snorted and said:

"It's not your turn to teach me how I do things!"

"It's you, I let you marry into the Qin family, what do you think?"

"I tell you, my patience is limited, don't force me to get angry!"

Song Shuqin said firmly:
"I will never marry the Qin family, I will be with Zhang Zhe, kill us if you have the ability!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Song Jingguo jumped into a rage and said:
"Little bastard, I see that your skin is itchy again, and you don't even listen to what I say!"

He pulled out the belt from his waist, held it in his hand with a fierce face and said:
"Since you intend to seek death, I will beat you until you agree!"

The people playing mahjong all stopped and looked at Song Shuqin playfully.

"Shuqin, your father is also doing it for your own good. The Qin family is a big family in our Jincheng. It is your blessing that you can be favored by the son of the Qin family. You must know how to cherish it!"

"That's right, if others want to climb up to the Qin family, they still have no way to go. Now that Sunshine Avenue is in front of you, don't be stupid!"

The man with a big mole on his face got up and said:

"Shuqin, your father is relying on his own relationship to send you to the Qin family. Don't waste his efforts!"

Seeing the playfulness, ridicule and indifference in their eyes, Song Shuqin gritted his teeth and said:

"I don't want you to care!"

"You people keep saying that it is for the good of our family, but before my father became the chief executive of the district, who of you cared about our family?"

"Now, if you have nothing to do, you come to my house to play mahjong, making my house a mess, and encouraging my dad to do so many stupid things. If I were you, I would be ashamed to speak!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the man with a big mole on his face slammed the mahjong on the table and said:
"Look at Jingguo, this little girl is really lawless!"

"What she meant was that we were all a bunch of mobs who harmed your family."

"You have to give me justice!"

Song Jingguo's eyes were about to burst and he said:

"Little bastard, if you dare to speak to a group of elders like this, I will beat you to death today!"

The leather belt twitched in the air, making a chilling sound.

Song Jingguo raised his belt and was about to smack Song Shuqin's face.

However, a strange force bounced the belt back and slammed it heavily on his own face.

"Ouch! Hiss!"

A blood mark was drawn on Song Jingguo's face, and he grinned in pain.

When Ye Yun moved the flower with his fingers, he shot out a one-meter-long air thread, and then held the air thread in his hand, and drew it on Song Jingguo's knee.

Snapped! !

This sound is very loud.

Song Jingguo immediately screamed and knelt on the ground as soon as his knees gave way.

He raised his head, looked at Ye Yun ferociously and said:
"Little bastard, do you dare to hit me?"

Ye Yun didn't answer, but took another twitch.

This whip directly swollen Song Jingguo's left cheek and knocked out several teeth.

"Hiss! You..."

Rao is Song Jingguo who has a hot temper.

Ye Yun's two whips still whipped him so hard that he didn't dare to scold him anymore.

Ye Yun frowned and said coldly:

"As a father, it's really embarrassing to reach your level."

"If you dare to be arrogant again, I don't mind abolishing you."

He also didn't expect that Song Jinghui would openly do such an obscene thing.

This made him a little worried, whether it would leave a bad influence on Yaya's little heart.

After all, the word father was originally great and noble to Yaya.

Unexpectedly, Song Jingguo's actions directly overturned everyone's three views.

If Ye Yun doesn't act anymore and let him do whatever he wants, I'm afraid that the little girl's world view will be adversely affected.


Being stared at by Ye Yun's eyes, it feels like being locked by a beast, how uncomfortable?

Song Jingguo was so frightened that the muscles on his face trembled, he didn't even dare to breathe.

On the contrary, Bao Lina, his third child, said with a bitter face:

"Song Shuqin, you are so capable, you actually invited a martial arts master to beat up your own father."

"Little boy, I advise you to be more careful. You are a person with children. Helping an unmarried woman like this will easily make people suspect that there is an inexplicable relationship between you..."

Before she finished speaking, Ye Yun pulled out with a whip.

Bao Lina was sent flying more than two meters away and fell heavily to the ground.

When he raised his head, the original look of sternness had long since disappeared, and it became almost like a pig's head.

Ye Yun frowned and said:
"Don't think that just because you are shameless, everyone else is just like you."

"I rarely shoot women, unless it's a shameless person like you!"

Where had Paulina seen such a battle?
After being looked at by Ye Yun, he felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, trembling with fright.

Not daring to say a word, he quickly huddled in the corner and looked down at the ground.

Everyone present did not expect Song Shuqin to bring such an evil spirit home.

At this moment, one counted as the other, and they all stood there in a daze, not daring to breathe loudly.

Several people wanted to sneak away, but after being scanned by Ye Yun's eyes, all of them were so frightened that their legs went limp, and they collapsed on the ground unable to move.

Ye Yun then glanced at Song Shuqin indifferently:
"Go and save your mother."

Song Shuqin nodded and led him and Yaya into the room.

At this time, there were only sporadic sounds in the living room.

Someone asked Song Jingguo in a low voice:

"This man looks very simple, do you know who he is?"

They guessed that since he was Song Shuqin's friend, Song Jingguo might know where this little boy came from.

Song Jingguo shook his head and said:

"How would I know? If I had known that he was so cruel, I wouldn't have beaten that dead girl!"

When everyone present heard this, they couldn't help being stunned.

Even Song Jingguo didn't know his origin, so who the hell is this little boy?

Suddenly, a person with a bright mind suddenly thought of a terrifying name, and couldn't help but exclaimed:
"He looks so handsome, and his shots are so ruthless, he can't be from our Jincheng Murong family... Ye Yun?"


The name is not spoken.

As soon as he said it, the audience erupted in exclamation.

At this time, everyone has a common voice.

This man must not be Ye Yun!


What makes them desperate is.

Song Shuqin led her mother Zhou Jiamei out, looked at Song Jingguo and the crowd with a sneer and said:
"You guessed it right, he is Ye Yun, the husband of Patriarch Murong."

"Because I am the teacher of the little princess Yunya, Mr. Ye agreed to come to my house to save my mother."

As soon as she finished speaking, Song Jingguo and the others looked ashamed.

Song Shuqin turned out to be Ye Yun's daughter's teacher.

Well, how did my group treat Song Shuqin just now, wouldn't it be...

Thinking that Ye Yun wanted to help Song Shuqin uphold justice, Song Jingguo and the others could no longer control the fear in their hearts.

They all exclaimed, and a large group of people fell to the ground.

However, Bao Lina in the corner, trembling her legs, spewed out a foul-smelling liquid.

(End of this chapter)

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