Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 710 I am willing to make a new attempt! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 710 I am willing to make a new attempt! 【Subscribe】

But how could Ye Yun make him faint?
When I waved my hand, I heard bang bang!With two beeps, Han Feng's kneecaps were completely shattered.

pat!one sound.

He knelt heavily.

His eyes were tearing apart, his heart was trembling, and he was filled with regret.

Moreover, he looked at Ye Yun in horror.

If, in this world, there is regret medicine that can be taken, he is willing to take [-] pills!
It's just because, the man in front of him who is so handsome that even a man's heart is slightly moved, he is too cruel!

With a wave of your hand, you can kill people with broken guns!

This is no longer a mortal's method!

Think of him, Han Feng, who has been rooted in Shanghai for more than ten years. After founding the Golden Angel Club, he has dealt with all kinds of religions and nine streams all year round.

He has seen all kinds of strange people and strange things, countless.

But, there is no one who can compare with this one!

While pampering his daughter, he was like a raging beast, wantonly killing people.

Such a state of mind is definitely not pretending!
Based on Han Feng's guess, people like this have killed eight hundred if not one thousand people.

The so-called human life, in his eyes, is nothing more than mediocrity!
Han Feng was panting heavily, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and his back was instantly soaked.

"Master! I know I was wrong!"

"I am willing to delete all her fruit photos right now, I just hope you can spare my life!"

As he spoke, he quickly took out his phone and deleted all Wen Pingting's photos in the album.

An Mengfan asked:

"Have you ever taken pictures of other girls?"


In front of Ye Yun, Han Feng didn't dare to hide anything, so he could only nod honestly.

An Mengfan frowned and said:

"Then you delete all the photos!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Han Feng immediately followed suit, and after deleting the photo, he smiled flatteringly at Ye Yun and said:
"Look, master, I have deleted all the photos, can you let me go?"

"Master, I, Han Feng, swear here that as long as you let me go, I will be your dog from now on. No matter what you want to do, I will be the first to rush forward!"

Seeing his appearance, An Mengfan and Wen Pingting couldn't help showing contempt.

A minute ago, he thought that Lao Tzu was number one in the world, and he wished he could trample everyone under his feet.

A minute later, he was begging for Ye Yun like a dog.

This kind of person is double-faced and savage, he is really a super big scum!
Ye Yun peeled a whole orange for Yaya, took a paper towel and wiped his hands clean.

He raised his head slightly, his eyes full of aftertaste:

"So far, I have told 30 people that I want to kill them. As a result, none of them survived."

"Now, I'm going to give you the same words."


After he finished speaking, Han Feng took a long breath of cold air.

He could tell that Ye Yun wasn't lying!
The look in his eyes showed that he really killed so many people!

He is not a murderer!

It's a super killer!
in those days.

Bai Qi killed 40 Zhao soldiers in the Battle of Changping.

Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, killed 20 Qin soldiers in Xin'an pit.

The number of people they slaughtered is between that of the brother in front of them.

However, they all rely on the army to do this.

However, the extremely handsome man in front of him implied that he had killed more than 30 people by himself.


"too frightening!"

"Where the hell did this come from!"

Han Feng only felt a roar in his head, and he was so frightened that he almost lost consciousness.

As for An Mengfan and Wen Pingting, they both opened their beautiful eyes and looked at Ye Yun in horror.

But on second thought, they became suspicious.

How could such a handsome and gentle person kill so many people?
Perhaps, it's all because those people deserve to die!
Just like Han Feng in front of him, if Ye Yun didn't kill him, why would that day be?
Thinking of this, the two women felt that they were not afraid of Ye Yun anymore.


There was a soft sound.

A white light exploded in Han Feng's mind, and then he fell to the ground, completely losing his vitality.

Wen Pingting got up quickly, bowed to Ye Yun and said:

"Ye Yun, no matter what, you are my benefactor. I will never thank you for your great kindness. I will have no regrets if you want me to be an ox or a horse in the future!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a disdainful voice outside the door:

"This little boy really knows how to buy people's hearts. Killing a few garbage can make you fall in love with him. This method is really clever!"

"It makes me a little envious!"

Following the sound of speaking, Ma Yingjie saw Ma Yingjie walking in with a group of men in military vests.

clear and distinct.

Each of them is fully armed.


An Mengfan and Wen Pingting were taken aback.

Ma Yingjie directly brought an armed formation over, this is too crazy!
Even though they had seen Ye Yun's invisible methods of killing people, An Mengfan and the others were still terrified.

Both women looked at Ye Yun nervously, worried that he would not be able to deal with Ma Yingjie's people.

After all, in their impression, no matter how strong human beings are, they are not opponents of hot weapons.

Don't you see, how many martial arts masters have been shot through.

Right now, Ma Yingjie is leading no less than 30 people, all of them have guns, how terrifying is the fighting power of this team!
If they shot at the same time, how could Ye Yun resist?
Ma Yingjie took a panoramic view of the fear of the two women, raised his head and said triumphantly:
"If you want to repent now, there is still time!"

"To tell you the truth, I not only brought these people behind me, but also deployed snipers outside. Their sniper rifles can shoot through a wall 2 kilometers away, blasting a hole the size of a fist into a human body."

"If you want to live, An Mengfan and Wen Pingting, you guys know what to do tonight!"

He glanced at Ye Yun and said:

"As for this little boy, he killed my most capable subordinate, he deserves death, and he can't keep it!"

"Sorry, hahaha!"

He laughed wildly.

It seemed that Ye Yun's life was under his control.

After hearing this, An Mengfan's pretty face turned pale, and he took out a small dagger from his sleeve by magic, pressed it against his throat and said:
"Ma Yingjie, I want you to let their father and daughter go!"

"Don't you want me? Then do as I ask!"

"Otherwise, I will kill myself, so that you will always remember how I died in front of you!"

This dagger was hidden in her sleeve when she was in the restaurant.

At that time, she had already made up her mind that if she was captured, she would use this dagger to die with Ma Yingjie.

Right now, in order to keep Ye Yun, she can only take it out.

Ma Yingjie was startled by her, and exclaimed:
"An Mengfan, you, you, you... crazy!"

An Mengfan was small and exquisite, as beautiful as a beautiful girl walking out of a cartoon.

Her weak and immature appearance made it unbelievable that she would do such an astonishing move.

"What the hell, why does this little boy make these girls go crazy for him and die for him!"

"I don't accept it! I don't accept it!"

Ma Yingjie asked himself that he was also a handsome guy, and he had dated eight hundred girls if not a thousand.

However, no girl has ever been able to do such a thing for him.

So he was jealous, crazily jealous of Ye Yun!

A girl like An Mengfan is a canary that no man can resist.

However, she was so desperate for a married woman.

It makes people crazy with envy!

"An Mengfan, don't be so stupid! Let me tell you, I will kill him no matter what today!"

"Why does he ask you to defend him like this?"

"You must be confused by his appearance to do such a stupid thing!"

"I'll kill him today and make you fully awake!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his right hand and roared angrily:
"Hand me up with the gun!"

Brush brush!
More than 30 people raised their pistols at the same time, how fierce the momentum was.

An Mengfan and Wen Pingting were so frightened that their eyes burst into tears.

An Mengfan quickly pushed the dagger vigorously, and a red mark even appeared on that tender skin like protein:
"Ma Yingjie, if you dare to shoot, I will die!"

"Although I am not qualified to pursue him, I can choose to die for him!"

She felt that she was doomed today, so she simply said what she kept in her heart.

Wen Pingting's eyes turned red when she heard this, she never thought that An Mengfan's small body would burst out with such great strength.

This is the power of love!

People can't help but be moved by it!
Ma Yingjie was already shaking with anger. He didn't really love An Mengfan.

But at this moment, his jealous fire made him hate Ye Yun crazily.

"You die as long as you die! Anyway, I must kill him!"

He hated to the extreme, and only had killing intent in his heart.

Ma Yingjie almost lost his mind.

However, the gang of killers behind him also showed killing intent, staring at him linglingly.

"A knife is for killing people, not for killing yourself."

A broad and warm hand snatched the dagger from An Mengfan.

Ye Yun played with the dagger and said:
"I don't like killing with a knife because it's too slow."

"But now, I'm willing to try something new."

He glanced at An Mengfan lightly:
"You go to accompany Yaya."

Somehow, An Mengfan showed no resistance to his order, nodded and returned to the sofa, holding Yaya in his arms.

"Little boy, what are you pretending to be!"

"I'm going to turn you into a hornet's nest right now, make you crazy, make you pretend! Fuck you!"

With a growl, he immediately gave the order to fire.

Just then, a white light flashed.

The dagger in Ye Yun's hand spun rapidly in the air with a cold edge.


Chi Chi Chi!
Only, the blood splattered like flying flowers and fallen leaves, so sad and beautiful.

In just two or three seconds, the throats of the more than 30 people behind Ma Yingjie were all cut and they died instantly.

At the same time, the wall behind him was blasted away.

Two bullets were crazily aimed at the back of Ye Yun's head.

However, the strange thing is that they returned the same way in an instant, and shot towards the roofs of the two buildings in the distance at an even more terrifying speed.

clear and distinct.

Two clouds of blood mist burst out at the same time from the top of the two buildings thousands of meters away, soaring into the sky.

Ye Yun then retracted the spinning dagger, looked at Ma Yingjie playfully and said:

"Show your hole cards."

(End of this chapter)

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