Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 719 Why Don't You Believe It?

Chapter 719 Why Don't You Believe It?

"Ha ha!"

Ye Yun answered with a sneer.

Hou Shun and the others all shook their heads, and the contempt in their eyes deepened.

Hou Shun sneered and said:
"Ye Yun, before we entered the Central Plains, we specifically inquired about the masters in Jiangbei Province. In the latest top ten master rankings, your name, Ye Yun, is not there."

"Besides, just now we arrested a Luo family's disciple and found out that you are only the Grandmaster of Transformation Realm."

"A mere guru is capable of leveling my Huadu sect's helm?"

Xiao Feichen agreed:

"The great protector is right! Miao Jiufeng is also a master of transformation, and he has a body protector with hundreds of poisons. With your ability, you can't kill him at all."

"Not to mention, wipe out the entire Flower Poison Sect branch!"

"So, the only explanation is that you lied!"

Ba Hongxi shook his head and said in disdain:

"Ye Yun, if you want to put gold on your face, that's not what you did."

"Tell me, how much do you really know about the demise of the Flower Poison Sect?"

"Tell it all, I can consider letting you go later."

Lin Zhan and Wu Qi nodded in agreement.

They don't pay attention to a little grandmaster.

I'm too lazy to do it.

Ye Yun smiled speechlessly, admitting it himself, but these five people didn't believe it.

Luo Xuewei even showed a funny look, Ye Yun's true strength, the lowly disciples of the Luo family really don't know.

As for the ranking list of the top ten masters in Jiangbei Province, it is even more of a list of fame and fortune, and most of the people on it have nothing but false names.

Hou Shun and the others have lived in southern Xinjiang for a long time, and they are very unfamiliar with the Central Plains. It is understandable that they don't know Ye Yun's strength.

However, Ye Yun admitted it all, and they still didn't believe it, which made them overconfident and seemed stupid instead.

Seeing Luo Xuewei smiling, Hou Shun narrowed his eyes and frowned slightly:

"why are you laughing?"

Luo Xuewei replied indifferently:
"I laugh at you for not being able to see Mount Tai."


Xiao Feichen snorted coldly, and said a little angrily:
"Luo Xuewei, are you implying that we are not even as good as a Transformation Realm Grandmaster?"

"For a guy like Ye Yun, you dare to call him Taishan. You are obviously a lustful person, and you want to exalt him on purpose!"

The five of them have learned that Luo Xuewei and Ye Yun have a very close relationship.

There were even vague rumors that Luo Xuewei was Ye Yun's woman.

Therefore, Xiao Feichen was preconceived, and believed that Luo Xuewei raised him so much because he admired Ye Yun.

Luo Xuewei raised her chin slightly and said proudly:
"Xia Chong can't talk to Bing. My skills are all taught by Ye Yun. I call him Taishan, which is all modest!"

"Stupid woman!"

Hearing Luo Xuewei's words, Hou Shun and the other five shook their heads.

Hou Shun then said coldly:

"Luo Xuewei, Ye Yun is temporarily out of our sight."

"It's you, who founded the Luo family not long after the Huadu Sect's branch was destroyed. You must have a lot to do with this matter."

"I'll give you a chance to tell who did it, otherwise, I'll let you die, and you can never fly with Ye Yun again!"

Reminiscent of the relationship between Luo Xuewei and Zhong Hai's Yin family, it's not that Hou Shun and the others have never assumed that this matter was secretly done by the Yin family.

But, no matter how suspicious you are, Luo Xuewei still needs to speak out.

Luo Xuewei's cheeks blushed when he said that, and she and Ye Yun hadn't even had any intimate contact until now.

However, in the eyes of these people, they have already reached the point where they live and fly together.

This is really, self-knowledge.

Putting away her thoughts, she said seriously:

"The demise of the Flower Poison Sect has indeed a lot to do with me. You can also understand that it was me who did it!"

She didn't want to show off, it's just that she wanted to bear anything that was unfavorable to Ye Yun.

She didn't think about whether she could bear it.

She only told herself that Ye Yun's matter was her own matter.

What's more, the reason why Ye Yun took action against Hua Poison Sect was indeed because of her.

"Sure enough!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Hou Shun and the others all looked cold.

"I just said, how could Ye Yun have the ability to do these things, it turned out that it was you, Luo Xuewei, who relied on the help of the Yin family to deal with our Flower Poison Sect!"

"Since that's the case, let's take you first!"

Zhonghai Yin's family is the best in China.

As for the relationship between Luo Xuewei and Yin Tianyou, everyone in China knew about it.

What Luo Xuewei said just now, in the ears of Hou Shun and the others, made them immediately strengthen their judgment.

Lin Zhan stepped forward boldly, glared at Luo Xuewei and said:

"If you dare to deal with our Flower Poison Sect, we will first destroy your Luo family today, and then trouble the Yin family!"

"You Luo family and Yin family, do you really think that our Flower Poison Sect is a soft persimmon, you can squeeze it if you want?"

When the words fell, he stomped his feet suddenly.

Then, he punched Luo Xuewei.

"Celestial silkworm poison mine!"

Boom! ! !

A golden light flashed, and a thunderbolt sounded in the sky.

A huge golden silkworm opened its mouth wide and rushed towards Luo Xuewei at high speed.

Seeing this, Xiao Feichen and the other three King Kong couldn't help secretly praising:

"As expected, he is the most vicious of our Four King Kongs. The poisonous thunder of this punch, even the innate masters must be afraid of three points!"

"Confinement Ice Dance Star!"

However, just when smiles appeared on the faces of the three of them, Luo Xuewei's soft shout surprised them.

"Luo Xuewei actually knows supernatural powers?"

"No wonder, she dared to admit that she did it!"

By this moment, Hou Shun and the others had fully determined that Luo Xuewei was the number one black hand behind the destruction of the Jiangcheng Flower Poison Sect.

As for Ye Yun, they have already been completely thrown aside.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Zhan's whole body was frozen, and he fell to the ground like an ice sculpture.

"Hiss! It's so powerful!"

"Let's go together three times, and we must take this girl down!"

Xiao Feichen and the others exclaimed incessantly.

As soon as Luo Xuewei made a move, Lin Zhan completely lost his fighting power.

Such ability, even saying that it was taught by Ye Yun, do you really think everyone else is a fool?
"None of you are her opponents, step back!"

Just when the three of them were about to make a move, Hou Shun raised his hand and ordered.

Then he stepped forward and squinted at Luo Xuewei:
"Little girl, your attack just now convinced me that you are the one who attacked our Huadu Sect."

"Now, I'm going to take your head back to pay a job. Don't blame me for being so ruthless!"

The words fall.

He flipped with his right hand.

Rumble boom! ! !

Several thunderbolts exploded on the flat ground.

I saw that there was a group of purple-gold lightning in his hand.

In the light of thunder and lightning, a thick green smoke shot up into the sky, instantly covering the entire Luo family courtyard.

"Supernatural Ability Mieling Poison Thunder Technique!"

He did his part and used his magical skills.

The huge poisonous mine, like a tiger pouncing on its food, bombarded Luo Xuewei at an unimaginable speed.

When Xiao Feichen and the others saw this, their eyes were tearing apart, and they exclaimed again and again.

"Worthy of being a great protector, with the supernatural power of poison mine, it's no problem to kill a congenital in seconds!"

A thunderbolt can instantly kill an innate, what kind of concept is that?

The three King Kongs all felt that Luo Xuewei must die!

"Confinement Ice Dance Star!"

Luo Xuewei immediately used her magical powers to fight back.

But this time, as soon as the ice layer came into contact with the poisonous mines, it was blasted into powder.

The terrifying thunder and lightning broke through the ice layer like a bamboo, and directly pierced her heart.

"It's a pity that a young girl who was just in her prime lost her life in the hands of the Great Guardian."

Xiao Feichen saw that the thunder and lightning were only a short distance away from Luo Xuewei, so he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"In this world, few people have the ability to withstand the poisonous mines of the Great Guardian."

"Whoever let her offend our Flower Poison Sect will deserve death!"

Ba Hongxi said without mercy.

However, Hou Shun said with a smug smile:

"Little girl, I'm sorry, your life belongs to me!"


The pure green lightning roared in the sky, and it had already touched the soft down on Luo Xuewei's skin.

But ho!loudly.

At this moment, the entire thunder and lightning was blown away by a strange wind.

With just a wave of his hand, Ye Yun wiped out the terrifying thunder ball.

However, following the direction of his shot, Hou Shun and others focused their gaze on his face.

They couldn't help shrinking their pupils, and exclaimed:
"This kid can break the poison mine!"

"how can that be?!"

Seeing their bewildered expressions, Ye Yun couldn't help but shook his head and smiled:
"I said earlier that the Flower Poison Sect was destroyed by me."

"You guys, why don't you believe it?"

(End of this chapter)

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