Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 722 Tian Cang Village!

Chapter 722 Tian Cang Village!
Luo Xuewei said in surprise:

"So fast!"

Ye Yun nodded slightly, hugged Yaya in his arms, waved his hand and said:
"Let's go."

The three of them immediately turned into a white light and disappeared into the air.


Southern Xinjiang, Tongtian Mountains.

Hundreds of mountains are rolling and rolling like waves on the sea, majestic and meandering.

The mountains are lush and lush, and the trees cover the sky, just like ancient relics.

The white clouds are misty and full of aura, which is better than a fairyland on earth.

Poetry Cloud:

There are fairy mountains in southern Xinjiang, which are unmatched in appearance.

It means that there are many fairy mountains in southern Xinjiang, but none of them can match the majestic mountains of the Tongtian Mountain Range.

However, in the very center of this mountain range is the headquarters of the Flower Poison Sect in Southern Xinjiang.

at this time.

The altar of the Flower Poison Sect, the secret room of the leader.

A majestic and handsome man, with traces of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and hatred in his eyes.

"Damn Ye Yun, you dare to hurt this seat's primordial spirit, this seat will definitely tear you to pieces!"

"As for the Murong family and the Luo family, they will definitely not stay behind!"

With his hands together, a bright green light shone from his whole body, and he quickly restored the soul.

Standing up, he put his hands behind his back, walked out of the secret room proudly, and stood alone on the high platform.

Underfoot, thousands of Huadu Sect members bowed their heads.

"Pass down the order, all the disciples of the Flower Poison Sect, gather at the main altar today."

"At dawn tomorrow, my Flower Poison Sect will march into the Middle Earth, and destroy the Murong family in Jincheng and the Luo family in Jiangcheng first!"



Southern Xinjiang, northwest, on Tiancang Mountain.

Ye Yun and Luo Xuewei brought Yaya to the middle of the mountain.

Looking up at the mountain, I saw a huge stockade came into view.

Ye Yun said lightly:
"Liu Zitao was taken into the village, let's go up."

Luo Xuewei nodded, and took Yaya over and hugged her in her arms.


As soon as Ye Yun and the others arrived a hundred meters in front of the gate of the village, there was an angry shout.

On the stockade, a man wearing a fur vest was holding a bow and arrow, looking at Ye Yun and the others warily.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The animal skin man asked loudly.

Ye Yun raised his eyes and said lightly:
"A boy was brought here by you, and I will take him back."

After hearing this, the animal skin man smiled disdainfully and said:

"Just because of you, you want to take him away?"

"If you don't want to die, get out of here within three voices!"

"Otherwise, don't blame my bow and arrow for being ruthless!"

Seeing Ye Yun's indifference, the animal skin man furiously said:

"Little boy, are you questioning me?"

He strung his bow, gritted his teeth and said:
"Three, two, one!"

"go to hell!"

Arrows are like shooting stars, flying fire and flowing light.

It's here in the blink of an eye!

Ye Yun frowned slightly, and waved out a blast of wind, blowing the flying arrow back.


Blood splashed.

The flying arrow hit the animal skin man between the eyebrows.


Seeing this, the men with animal skins on the side couldn't help being shocked.

"This kid is a master of martial arts, hurry up and activate the mountain protection formation!"

After the words fell, a golden light rose into the sky.

All around the village, within a radius of one mile, was shrouded in golden light.

At the same time, the air flow rolled in the air, and indescribable pressures attacked Ye Yun and Luo Xuewei Yaya with the momentum of tearing up the space.

"Little boy, you asked for this!"

"Dare to trespass into our Tiancang stronghold, you just wait to be torn to pieces by the Tiancang formation!"

On the stockade, those skin men all laughed triumphantly.

"Chicken tile dog."

Out of the air, a flat voice sounded.

Then, those skin men saw an unforgettable scene in this life.

I saw that with just a wave of Ye Yun's hand, the entire Tiancang formation was blown into powder.

Boom!With a sound, the bright golden light turned into golden light spots all over the sky when he raised his hand, which was incomparably magnificent.

"God! The Tiancang formation is our Tiancang village's thousand-year-old mountain protection formation. He actually... broke it with a flick of his hand?"

"Hurry up and tell the Great Elder that a powerful enemy is approaching, and ask him to come out and kill this son!"

A group of men in animal skins panicked and quickly sent someone to run back quickly.

The remaining group of people put up their bows and shot at Ye Yun.

Brush brush!
Arrows rained all over the sky.

Ye Yun waved his hand again, and shot back all the flying arrows.

At the same time, a strong wind soared into the sky, turned into a terrifying tornado, and hit the gate of the village.

In the blink of an eye, the huge gate of the village was torn apart, flying sand and rocks, and carrying the corpses of a group of animal skin men, dancing in the air, so cruel.

"Zhuzi, if you dare to destroy the gate of my village, you deserve death!"

In the air, an extremely thick voice sounded.

I saw an incomparably bright red light turning into a huge dragon soaring into the sky.

On the giant dragon stood an old man with a stooped figure and white beard and hair.

He was holding a cane with a dragon's head in his hand, and his cloudy old eyes were full of hatred.

"Why, kill the man in my Tiancang village? Destroy the gate of my village?"

Obviously, the person who reported the letter hadn't told the elder Ye Yun's intention of coming.

Ye Yun said lightly:
"There is a boy named Liu Zitao who was brought here by you, and I want to take him away."

"Who dares to stop, I will punish!"

Upon hearing this, the Great Elder couldn't help saying angrily:

"That child is the hope of our entire Tiancang Village, I will never allow you to take him away!"

"Unless you have the ability to surpass me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant dragon roared in the air.

In an instant, the entire Tiancang Mountain was shaken.

Countless boulders and ancient trees were blown into powder just under this sound.

Feeling this terrifying momentum, everyone in Tiancang Village couldn't help but exclaimed:
"As expected of the Great Elder, the aura is so amazing before you make a move!"

"With the Great Elder in charge, anyone who dares to invade will die without a place to die!"

Someone glared at Ye Yun and said:
"Little boy, the Great Elder got angry, Megatron Cangshan, it's too late for you to regret it now!"

"Quickly kneel down and die, I beg the Great Elder to leave your whole body!"

Ye Yun smiled slightly, noncommittal.

At this time, the Great Elder had already taken the lead.

"Shenlong descends!!"


A loud bang.

The great elder flew away from the dragon, raised the crutch in his hand high, and turned into a giant dragon with terrifying electric current rolling all over his body.

Seeing him flick his right hand, the electric dragon roared and aimed at Ye Yun and rushed down.

That aura, no less than ten thousand jun, is extremely astonishing.

Luo Xuewei only felt numbness on her forehead, she couldn't help but retreat a little bit, and hid behind Ye Yun with Yaya in her arms.

With her current cultivation level, she was scared away by this electric dragon.

It is conceivable that the great elder's divine dragon descending is terrifying!
"Boy, why don't you hide?"

Seeing that Ye Yun remained motionless, the Great Elder couldn't help but sneered.

Ye Yun shook his head lightly and smiled:
"When have you ever seen a lion avoid ants?"

After speaking, he snapped his fingers lightly.

With the first sound, the electric dragon exploded.

With the second sound, the giant dragon under the Great Elder's feet shattered.

With the third sound, a ball of golden light exploded from the Great Elder's chest.

He woo!He spit out a big mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground from mid-air.

Seeing this, everyone in Tiancang Village shrank their pupils and opened their mouths wide, inexplicably terrified.

Immediately, a burst of exclamation resounded throughout Tiancang Mountain.

"That's okay too?!"

(End of this chapter)

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