Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 725 Completely Invincible!

Chapter 725 Completely Invincible!


"God! This is a real god!"

"Great Elder, you have offended a great god who can't be offended! What a wrong step, wrong step, our Tiancang Village is going to be ruined!"

With the destruction of Tiancang, all the people in Tiancang Village felt as if their hearts had fallen into an infinite ice cellar.

For a moment all thoughts were lost.

Ye Yun is really terrifying!

As soon as he made a move, he wiped out the patron saint of Tiancang Mountain.

This makes everyone shrouded in deep pessimism.

They know that the world is not benevolent, and they treat everything as a straw dog.

In the eyes of the giant gods, the common people in the world are nothing but ants.

Now, Ye Yun came to Tiancang Mountain in person for a child, if he got angry, let alone the thousands of people in Tiancang Village.

Even Tiancang Mountain will cease to exist.

This, how can people not be surprised?Not afraid?
But at this moment, in Luo Xuewei's eyes as bright as the moon, apart from deep admiration, there was also a trace of shock.

Since getting in touch with Ye Yun, she has repeatedly speculated about Ye Yun's real strength.

From a martial arts master, to a congenital master, and then to a golden core power.

But every time, she found that she had guessed wrong!
She couldn't guess at all what state Ye Yun was in and where his limit was.

Because, every time Ye Yun makes a move, she can refresh her three views.

Seeing Ye Yun kill Tian Cang in such an instant, and even subvert the earth spirit clan.

Luo Xuewei suddenly had a feeling that this man's realm was infinitely high, and he was infinitely powerful.

In other words, he is completely invincible!

"Completely invincible!"

Luo Xuewei was taken aback by her own thoughts.

I just felt my little heart beating and my whole body trembling slightly.

"If he is invincible, then it can explain why his state of mind is so strong."

Thinking of this, Luo Xuewei couldn't help but bit her lip, shook her head and smiled.

If he is really such a powerful person, will I still have a chance to open his heart in my life?
Is there still a little possibility to walk into his heart?

I'm afraid, hope will be very slim!

Luo Xuewei couldn't help clenching her hands tightly, her beautiful long nails digging deeply into the flesh.

But, so what!

I love you, already in love to crazy!

I can't get your heart, but I can touch you, smell your breath, feel you by my side.

I can't do anything to get rid of you!

Ye Yun!

"I'll send him back first, and then go to Zhu Ling."

Ye Yun's words interrupted Luo Xuewei's thoughts.

Luo Xuewei came back to her senses, her eyes were full of moist luster, she nodded slightly.

Ye Yun then waved his hand and sent Zhu Zitao back to Jiangcheng.

All the people in Tiancang Village quickly gathered together, bent down and kowtowed to the ground:
"Great God, please spare us!"

"We are willing to pay any price to make up for our previous mistakes!"

Ye Yun had already promised Yaya and Luo Xuewei to release Tian Cangzhai, and said lightly:

"You can't give birth to boys for a long time, because Tian Cang absorbed too much Yang Qi for cultivation, which caused your village to have yin and yang decline, and there are few males."

"Now the sky is gone, you can slowly recover your vitality."

When everyone in Tiancang Village heard this, they couldn't help being surprised.

"So it's all Tiancang's fault, he really deserves to die!"

"Thanks to the help of the Great God, the gangster Tiancang was able to be wiped out. The Great God is the benefactor of our entire village!"

Ye Yun glanced at them lightly and said:

"Your Great Elder deserves to die, and his death is a warning to you."

"If you wait to do this kind of thing again in the future, I will definitely destroy your entire clan!"

As soon as his words fell, everyone in Tiancang Village trembled, and quickly replied:

"Thank God!"

When she raised her head, she saw that the man had already left, and Ye Yun and Luo Xuewei, with Yaya, were already walking down the mountain.

Halfway, Luo Xuewei received a call from Han Jinlong, and she hurriedly said to Ye Yun:
"Han Jinlong called and said that Wang Xiaole was rescued from the traffickers by Haiya's security department, and has now been sent back to Jiangcheng."

Ye Yun nodded:

"That's great. Next, as long as you find Zhu Ling, you can go to the Flower Poison Sect."

Luo Xuewei said with some concern:

"Are you really planning to attack the Flower Poison Sect?"

Ye Yun nodded slightly:

"Since Emperor Miao has said that he wants to destroy the Murong family, he must die!"

"But I'm worried..."

Luo Xuewei frowned and said:

"You will suffer."

Ye Yun gave her a funny look:
"There is no one who can make me suffer."

Luo Xuewei nodded and said:

"I know, I just... I can't help but worry when I encounter something related to you."

At the end, her face was flushed like fire, and her voice was like a mosquito, inaudible.

Ye Yun glanced at her indifferently, then continued to search for Zhu Ling's location.


Southern Xinjiang, Ke family.

This is a courtyard located in the central area of ​​Southern Xinjiang.

Covering an area of ​​more than [-] mu, the building is majestic and majestic, towering and rich, showing luxury and dignity.

At this time, in the backyard, in a room.

"This little girl looks really juicy. Otherwise, how good is the water and soil in Middle Earth? The children there are really cute!"

"Who says no? Even an orphan looks so good, I really envy those who grew up in Middle-earth!"

"It's just a pity that such a good little girl will be tied to the young master's boat for the rest of her life!"

"What are you talking about? Being able to marry the young master is a blessing she has cultivated in eight lifetimes! Our young master, is that ordinary people can compare with?"

Several middle-aged women gathered together, looked at a shivering little girl in front of them, and talked about it in one go.

One of them, the oldest and the fiercest, said:

"Although, our young master is a bit different from ordinary people. However, our Ke family is one of the top five big families in southern Xinjiang."

"In southern Xinjiang, I don't know how many women want to come to our Ke's house. At such a young age, this little girl can go to the house to enjoy the blessings. She is lucky!"

The other women nodded and said:

"Sister Hong is right, this girl is the one who wooed our young master and our Ke family!"

Sister Hong nodded in satisfaction, waved her hand and said:
"Everyone, be quick, the master is hosting a banquet outside today, so I have to dress this little girl up beautifully!"

As he spoke, he picked up a bright red dress from the bed and walked towards the little girl.

"I don't want to be here! I want to go back to Jiangcheng!"

"Auntie, I beg you, let me go back to Jiangcheng! I don't want to stay here!"


The little girl huddled in the corner, wailing and crying.

Seeing this, Miss Hong couldn't help saying angrily:

"Why are you crying! Cry again, be careful I will tear your mouth apart!"

"Little girl, it's your blessing to be liked by our Ke family. Don't be ignorant!"

When the little girl was scolded by her, she cried even more fiercely:

"Auntie, please, please, let me go!"

"I want to go back to Jiangcheng! I don't want to stay here!"

"I'm so scared!"

Sister Hong sneered, picked up a soaked cane from the side, and said with a sneer:
"When you arrive at our Ke's house, do you still want to leave?"

"Is it true that we are a hotel here, come and leave whenever you want?"

As soon as the words fell, the cane hit the little girl's waist heavily, the pain made the little girl almost faint.

"Take her clothes off and put on a new dress!"

(End of this chapter)

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