Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 741 The strongest opponent!

Chapter 741 The strongest opponent!
Wei Ruoyun then brought Ye Yun's family of three to a government office building in the center of Manchester.

After Wei Ruoyun showed his work ID, he led the three of them to the top floor.

"Yanyan, my father is in the front room, you go by yourself."

Wei Ruoyun pointed to the front, then took out the admission badge that Wei Zhicheng gave her, and handed it to Murong Yan.

Murong Yan took the admission pass, nodded, glanced at Ye Yun and Yaya and said:
"Then I'm in!"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

"Wife, come on!"

Yaya clenched her small fist:
"Come on Ma Ma!"

"When you win, I'll ask Papa to treat you to dinner!"

Ye Yun fondled the little girl's head:

"Baby, you really know how to borrow flowers to offer Buddha!"

Yaya asked curiously:
"Papa, does borrowing flowers to present Buddha mean something magical?"

Ye Yun said with a smile:

"It is to use other people's things as gifts to give to another person."

Yaya said with a smile:

"I understand, I will borrow Papa's flowers and present them to Ma Ma!"

Murong Yan looked at their father and daughter laughing tenderly, feeling full of fighting spirit, raised her chin slightly, and walked confidently into the auction room.

Seeing Murong Yan, Wei Zhicheng immediately greeted him:
"President Murong, you're here!"

Murong Yan shook her head and smiled:
"Uncle, you should call me by my name, we are all a family, so don't be so rude."

Wei Zhicheng shook his head and said:

"That can't be done. What you represent now is our Huaxia Murong Group."

"In public, you can't be so casual."

Seeing that he insisted, Murong Yan didn't say any more, and followed him to sit in the designated position.

Wei Zhicheng then looked around and said:

"After four rounds of bidding, I have roughly learned about all the competitors. Among them, there are two companies that deserve our attention the most."

"The first one is the British Sunshine Real Estate Development Group. Their comprehensive strength should be on par with your Murong Group."

"The second is Manchester's local ICM Real Estate Group. This is a century-old real estate company with considerable strength."

"Their leader, Albert, is a very tough businessman. He is very decisive and fierce. Once he finds a business opportunity, he will always try his best to seize the opportunity as soon as possible!"

He glanced at a white man diagonally opposite, and continued:
"This person is Albert. I think that if we want to win the S005 plot, we must overcome his obstacle!"

In Wei Zhicheng's words, he obviously regarded Albert as his biggest opponent.

Murong Yan smiled confidently and said:
"Uncle, don't worry, we will definitely win the target land."

Wei Zhicheng said with some worry:
"President Murong, it's better to be careful."

"The ICM Group has been rooted in Manchester for a hundred years, and Albert has taken the lead in all aspects of this city."

"Also, I heard that he has a close relationship with the largest family in this city, the Bolton family. It can be said that they are very powerful, so we have to be careful!"

Murong Yan nodded slightly.

She is never afraid of any challenges and opponents.

Just because, there is the man I love the most and the daughter I love the most waiting outside the door.

"The next auction is the S005 plot located in the western suburbs of this city."

"The starting price is 3 million pounds!"

At this time, the government staff listed the S005 plot for sale.

"6 billion!"

Albert took the lead and quoted a price first.

After his words fell, the audience erupted in exclamation.

"God, Albert's move was too cruel! He doubled the price as soon as he opened his mouth. This is the rhythm of the S005 plot!"

"As expected of the largest real estate developer in this city, it is amazing enough to make a move! Amazing!"

Amid the exclamation of everyone, Sunshine Group also gave a new quotation:
"7 billion!"

Although, Sunshine Group is also a well-known real estate developer in the UK.

However, they only add 1 million at a time. Compared with ICM, the momentum is much worse.

Wei Zhicheng frowned slightly and asked:

"President Murong, how much should we pay?"

He had previously asked a professional accounting company to calculate the reasonable price of the S005 plot, which ranged from 9 million to 13 billion pounds.

Unexpectedly, this was the first round of quotations, and the two companies raised the price to 7 million.

This, for myself and Murong Yan, has added a lot of pressure virtually.

To his surprise, Murong Yan raised her jade-like index finger without even thinking about it:

"We pay 10 billion!"

"10...10 billion!"

Wei Zhicheng was taken aback.

This girl is too fierce!
Since this auction was dominated by Murong Yan, he had no choice but to hold up the sign:

"10 billion!"

The audience exclaimed again.

"Zhicheng Company is just a small real estate company, yet they bid 10 billion yuan. Where did they get so much money?"

"I heard that their company seems to have united with a local Chinese company to participate in the auction here. It seems that the Chinese girl next to him is the person in charge of that company!"

"A combination of two companies? According to this, their strength must be very average. They want to compete with Sunshine and ICM Group in our UK, and they think so beautifully!"

When they heard that Murong Yan and Wei Zhicheng were two companies cooperating in the auction, some people present showed expressions of contempt.

Especially Sunshine Group and ICM Group, the heads of the two companies all had disdainful smiles on their faces.

In their view, only weak people would think of using cooperative methods to bid for land.

The Sunshine Group, as well as the ICM Group, simply disdain to be with anyone!
"Huaxia Company? Haha, nothing to worry about!"

"It's a dream for two Chinese companies to compete with us for the S005 plot!"

A group of proud white people looked away after showing contemptuous smiles at Murong Yan and Wei Zhicheng.

Because of Murong Yan's 10 billion bid, there are only three companies left competing for the S005 land.

"This time, our ICM will pay 15 billion!"

Albert, shocked the audience again.

15 billion!
It has exceeded the reasonable price by as much as 2 million!
This, what a big handwriting!
Even the person in charge of the Sunshine Group did not expect Albert to bid so hard.

This made them give up their plan to continue competing in an instant.

Because plot S005 is located in the western suburbs of Manchester, its potential is limited.

After exceeding 13 billion, no matter who develops it, the profit will be very small.

It is even possible to lose money!

Wei Zhicheng clapped his hands in frustration. This time, his and Murong Yan's goal was the S005 plot.

Both of them believed that this land was the most suitable for development, and it was the most ideal target in this auction.

However, he did not expect that Albert went crazy and offered a high price of 15 billion pounds.

This is simply crazy to the extreme!
"Hey! I met my opponent!"

"President Murong, let's settle for the next best thing and choose another target!"

Wei Zhicheng didn't want Murong Yan to take any risks, so he could only persuade him like this.

At this time, Albert and other ICM leaders turned their heads and smiled at Murong Yan and Wei Zhicheng.

When, after seeing the annoyed look on Wei Zhicheng's face, the smiles of Albert and the others instantly deepened a lot.

The sarcasm in his eyes was ready to come out.

seems to say:

"Huaxia people, if you want to compete with us, go ahead and dream!"

"15 million once!"

At this moment, the staff in charge of the auction had already begun to make the final confirmation on the price of 15 billion.

"15 million times!"

Wei Zhicheng lowered his head in shame, he didn't expect that the first time he cooperated with Murong Group, he would be snatched away by others.

This made his old face flush slightly, and his eyes were full of apology.

"30 billion!"

Suddenly, a clear and sweet voice rang in his ears.

Wei Zhicheng looked up and was stunned.

He saw that it was Murong Yan who raised the bidding card confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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