Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 760 I want to make Yaya's chapter a reality!

Chapter 760 I want to make Yaya's words come true!


Ye Yun's words made the Manchester United players present, even the security guard Paul, show a bit of playfulness.

European Golden Globe winner Billy, that tall white man, stepped forward and said:
"Compared to what? Let me hear what you say!"

Ye Yun smiled faintly:
"Just bet on this game. If Dong Fang is allowed to play, he will score at least three more goals than your top scorer!"

Ye Yun's words were so calm, as if he was chatting casually with someone.

However, in the ears of Billy and the others, it was as shocking as thunder.

"What did you say?! Dong Fang scored at least three more goals than me? Are you crazy!"

"Oh God! He's crazy! Waldo is the top scorer in Europe, and he's the striker of our Manchester United team. Who can beat him?"

"Huaxia people have always been very happy, and their exaggeration is true! It's ridiculous to even say such things!"


The ruthless ridicule was as deafening as thunder.

Waldo spat with disdain, pulled Billy and said:

"Let's go, don't talk nonsense with these lunatics!"

Billy shook his head:

"No! I think he looks very serious, why don't we accept this bet!"

"After all, the Huaxia people came to their door and were humiliated. Wouldn't it be too inhumane if we didn't fulfill them?"

When Waldo heard this, he showed a playful smile:

"Okay then, let's fulfill them!"

Paul looked at Ye Yun and shook his head:
"Ignorant Chinese people, no wonder they will never become a football powerhouse!"

Seeing Billy, Waldo and the others with confident and mocking expressions, Su Qingli couldn't help becoming nervous, and said to Ye Yun:

"Handsome Ye, let's go."

"I believe in Dong Fang's level, but compared with Waldo and the others, he is still a notch behind."

"This gamble is completely meaningless!"

However, Ye Yun shook his head and said:

"No, very meaningful."

"Because, I want to make what Yaya said become reality."

Murong Yan leaned gently towards Ye Yun. This man always thinks about himself and his daughter.

He is really hard to extricate himself from love!
Seeing Ye Yun's insistence, Su Qingli could only shake her head and sigh.

Today, I am afraid that I will lose face in front of the whole British people!
On the contrary, Wei Ruoyun said supportively:

"I support Ye Yun to bet with them!"

Jiang Rongrong and Zhao Wanbai also followed suit:
"Handsome Ye is so handsome, he must have his reasons for what he said, and we support him!"

Billy sneered:

"Well, what's the bet?"

Ye Yun replied:

"It's very simple. If he does it, you will sing Huaxia's national anthem in front of all the cameras, and solemnly apologize for your arrogance and rudeness to Huaxia before!"

Waldo sneered and said:

"What happens if you lose?"

Wei Ruoyun stepped forward and said:

"If Ye Yun loses, we girls will all sing the British national anthem and acknowledge your criticism of Huaxia!"

Although she had great confidence in Ye Yun, just in case, she felt that if she lost, it would be better for a few girls to play.

After all, Ye Yun is a big man and cannot be humiliated like this.

Billy and the others all laughed when they heard the words:
"Okay, let's do it!"

"For this game, we will ask the coach to give Dong Fang some time, God bless you all! Hahaha!"

After the words fell, a group of people left with joking laughter.

Su Qingli sighed helplessly, at this point, she had no choice but to bite the bullet.


At this moment, a young Chinese man walked towards him.

He is Su Qingli's boyfriend, Dong Fang.

Everyone looked up, and it was Paul who called him out.

"Dong Fang!"

Su Qingli hurried forward to meet her.

However, the smile on Dong Fang's face disappeared in a flash, and he frowned while holding Su Qingli's hand:

"I heard that you made a bet with Billy and the others, and the bet is doomed!"

"It's impossible for me to score three more goals than Waldo!"

Su Qingli shook her head and said:

"Dong Fang, they have promised that they will give you some time to play, you have to perform well."

Dong Fang smiled bitterly and said:
"The coach said just now, give me 10 minutes of playing time, how could it be possible to score so many goals in such a short time?"

"Even if I play the whole game, I can't do it!"

"You have to know that our opponent this time is the famous Iron Barrel Magpies in the entire Premier League. It is simply impossible to score their goals!"

Su Qingli's eyes dimmed. How could she not have heard of the name of the Magpies?

That is the most difficult team in the Premier League, not to mention Dong Fang, even if Waldo can score them a goal in a game, it is considered amazing!


"10 minutes is enough for you to perform!"

Ye Yun stepped forward and glanced at Dong Fang indifferently.

As soon as Dong Fang's gaze touched Ye Yun, he felt a white light explode in his head.

An indescribable force, from top to bottom, irrigated his whole body.

Ling, his strength, mental strength, and concentration, in an instant, reached an unbelievable level.

"This...this is?"

Dong Fang was startled.

He could tell that his body had undergone earth-shaking changes!

Ye Yun didn't answer, but smiled lightly:


For some reason, Dong Fang couldn't resist Ye Yun's order, and immediately turned and left.

Su Qingli, Zhao Wanbai, and Jiang Rongrong all looked at Ye Yun in surprise.

Handsome Ye, did something to Dong Fang?
However, the two of them have only said a few words to each other up to now!

On the other hand, Murong Yan and Wei Ruoyun both showed meaningful smiles.

Murong Yan smiled and said:
"Okay, let's all go to the stage and wait for his performance!"

Su Qingli had no choice but to follow them into the stands with a sad and worried face.

The game, let's start!
Although the Manchester United team is a top European team, it is quite difficult to face the Magpies' strict defense.

Time, like running water, passes by.

The first half ended quickly.

The second half also started soon.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and the situation on the court was still very anxious.

The score is still 0 to 0!

Leading by Waldo, known as the strongest offensive trident in Europe, he was completely lost in this game and made no achievements.

When, with 10 minutes left, Dong Fang was put on the field.

At this time, the entire stadium was boiling.

"Oh my God! Dong Fang's ability is not up to the standard of playing. Has the coach of the Mann team gone crazy and let him play!"

"Damn it! Putting in a Dong Fang and removing a defensive player, this is obviously bad! The Manchester team will definitely lose today!"

"Huaxia players, get out of the court for labor and capital! If you lose this game, you will be the culprit!"


Countless Manchester United fans let out deafening roars.

They couldn't accept that at such an anxious stage in the game, the coach actually replaced a main defensive player with a Chinese trash player.

However, after kick-off, these roaring fans couldn't help being surprised.

I saw that after Dong Fang got the ball, he rushed to the Magpies' penalty area in the blink of an eye from the second half like a gust of wind.

"Oh my god! could he be so fast?!"

"God, no one in the Magpies can guard against Dong Fang! Are they all idiots?"

"My God, Dong Fang scored a goal!"

Before the first exclamation sound fell, the second exclamation sound surged.

Dong Fang blasted away the Magpies' goal with the first touch of the ball!
However, what shocked all the fans, as well as Billy and others, was that.

Afterwards, Dong Fang was out of control as if he was on the hook.

"Damn it! Dong Fang brought the ball to the Magpies' penalty area again, and shot... the ball went in! Scored twice!"

"God, Dong Fang is about to fly! He is simply possessed by a superman!"

"Oh God, he scored again! Third goal! A hat-trick so easy! It's against the Magpies!"

"Unbelievable! My God! Dong Fang scored again! There is no one in the Magpies who can stop him! The Manchester players are all spectators!"

"Dong Fang, invincible!"


(End of this chapter)

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