Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 763 Legendary Warrior in Legends!

Chapter 763 Legendary Warrior in Legends!
On the stage.

Zhao Junze's opponent was a master of magic from Burma.

The first time Zhao Junze made a move, he used the Yunxiao Jue with all his strength.

"One stage of the Yunxiao Jue, travel nine days in the sky!"


As a master, he used this move, enough to shock ten miles away.

The vast air current, like the waves of the sea, rushed towards the opponent.

Sun Haokai couldn't help but shrink his pupils in the audience, and exclaimed:
"The power of a master! This is the power of a master!"

"With just a raise of your hand, you can draw the power of heaven and earth, it's really terrifying!"

Sun Haokai could not help but glance at Wen Taikang.

Wen Shenxian is already a congenital master, what kind of terrifying effect will his move have?

Just thinking about it, Sun Haokai felt his blood boil.

The airflow on the stage exploded.

Sun Haokai pierced through the barrier of the Burmese master of magic, and slapped him on the shoulder with his palm, knocking him to the ground.

This move immediately caused a sensation in the audience.

"This Chinese man is really powerful! Aktai is one of the top five magic masters in Burma, and it's too scary to be unable to block his blow!"

Everyone's exclamations came one after another, and Zhao Junze couldn't help holding his head up high, a burst of arrogance.

And Wen Taikang in the audience nodded repeatedly, as if he was very satisfied with his performance.


Two more master-level masters came to the stage to fight against Zhao Junze, but they were all defeated by his Yunxiao Jue.

Sun Haokai was already inexplicably excited at this time, and said to Wei Ruoyun:
"Ruoyun, you see, this is Zhao Junze's strength!"

"There is a saying in the Huaxia Martial Arts world that a master is like a dragon! Junze's ability is already called a real dragon in the world!"

Seeing that Wei Ruoyun only nodded without showing much surprise, Sun Haokai shook his head involuntarily.

It seems that Ruoyun still doesn't fully understand what martial arts is.

Wouldn't she still think that Jun Ze is not as powerful as that little boy?
Helpless, Sun Haokai can only hope that when Wen Taikang comes to power, he will completely change Wei Ruoyun's views.

At this moment on the stage, a tall white man with black hair all over his chest was standing in front of Zhao Junze.

This man's name is Ethan, and he looked at Zhao Junze very proudly and disdainfully:
"Huaxia people? I can blow you up with one punch!"

Zhao Junze has already won three games in a row, and his momentum is in full swing. Hearing this, he couldn't help but frown:
"Stop talking big! Let's see the truth with our fists!"

Without waiting for Ethan to answer, he rushed up like a dragon crossing a river with a murderous aura.

"One stage of the Yunxiao Jue, travel nine days in the sky!"

The powerful airflow hit Ethan's chest accurately.

However, Ethan was like a mountain, motionless!
"Huh? How is this possible?"

Zhao Junze couldn't help frowning, mobilizing all the true energy in his body.

"Second level of Yunxiao Jue, Changhong pierces the sun!"

"Three levels of Yunxiao Jue, wandering beyond the clouds!"


Ten strokes in a row, the skill of Yunxiao Jue has been raised to the peak.

However, it still couldn't hurt Ethan in the slightest.


Zhao Junze's pupils shrank involuntarily, and his heart was frantic.

"What kind of monster is this guy? Why can't I touch him!"

While he was in a panic, someone in the audience exclaimed:
"I remembered, this Ethan is a super master who exists in the werewolf legend!"

"In the werewolf group, he is listed as a silver wolf, a terrifying existence second only to the golden wolf!"

"It is said that the bodies of silver wolves are thousands of times stronger than the hardest alloy in the world! Not even a small nuclear bomb can explode their bodies!"

"Not to mention, they are born with infinite strength. They can easily lift a mountain of [-] meters, and tear apart a heavy tank with their bare hands, like tearing apart a piece of white paper!"

"No wonder, he can forcibly challenge this Chinese martial artist with ten heavy attacks, without making a single mess!"

However, following this person's shout, the entire venue was instantly shaken.

Silver wolf!

That is a fighter in the body refining world!

The body and strength they possess are enough to make even gods envy!
The appearance of such a terrifying existence caused more than half of the people present to retreat.

Just when everyone was flustered, Ethan sent Zhao Junze flying with a simple slap.

Seeing this, Sun Haokai couldn't help but exclaimed.

Even Wei Ruoyun trembled, turned to look at Ye Yun and said:
"This silver wolf seems to be much stronger than the copper wolf you defeated!"

"Ye Yun, can you deal with him?"

Ye Yun smiled lightly and said:

"In my eyes, he is as vulnerable as a copper wolf."

When Wei Ruoyun heard this, he showed a trace of peace of mind.

After all, if Ye Yun couldn't even deal with Silver Wolf, how could he face the even more terrifying King of Fighters?
However, Wen Taikang couldn't help but looked at Ye Yun suspiciously:
"This kid, can he defeat the Copper Wolf?"

As a congenital peak expert, he would never put down his figure and take the initiative to ask Ye Yun.

Ah Hai stepped forward, and said to Wen Taikang:
"Master, let me meet Silver Wolf!"

Wen Taikang shook his head and said:

"Silver Wolf Ethan, you and other masters are definitely not something you can deal with!"

"Looking around, only when I play can he be cured!"

"Go and help Jun Ze over here, and Silver Wolf will be handed over to me!"

After all, he turned into a white light, which disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After a breath, he was already standing in front of Ethan.

Sun Haokai quickly glanced at Wei Ruoyun, and said:
"Ruoyun, take a good look, Wen Shenxian is such a peerless master, it's rare to see him make a move in a hundred years!"

Wei Ruoyun nodded with a serious look on his face.

To be called a fairy is not a mortal, so you really have to take a good look at it!

I saw that Wen Taikang looked at Ethan proudly with his hands behind his back and said:
"The one you defeated just now was my disciple."

"We Chinese people pay attention to reciprocity, so I will let you do ten tricks first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of exclamation in the arena.

It's too crazy to let the silver wolf do ten tricks!

Ethan couldn't help being furious when he heard the words:
"You are courting death!"

He roared, and instantly became a wolf, turning into a giant wolf four or five meters high, and went straight to Wen Taikang.


The first punch landed on Wen Taikang's chest, the terrifying strength of the fist could not hurt Wen Taikang even a single bit.


Ethan couldn't help being furious, and swung his claws like iron hooks, aiming at Wen Taikang and grabbing him.

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!

Nine silver lights flashed, and the air around Wen Taikang was about to be torn apart.

However, he was still unharmed!
"Ten moves have passed, you bow your head!"

Wen Taikang raised his right hand and patted lightly.

Rumble boom! ! !

An indescribably terrifying palm wind, like a mountain of [-] meters falling from the sky, sent the silver wolf flying a full dozen meters before crashing to the ground.

"Hiss! The silver wolf was sent flying with one slap, that's too awesome!"

"This is the god of China! Once he makes a move, no one in the whole of England can match him!"

Even the silver wolf was slapped into the air, which is enough to show how terrifying Wen Taikang's strength is.

At this time, everyone present showed sincere awe.

However, just before the exclamation of the crowd fell, an extremely thick and very sharp voice sounded:

"With me here, any Chinese people don't want to run wild on the land of the British Empire!"

A golden-red light broke through the roof of the martial arts center, fell from the sky, and landed in front of Wen Taikang.

After seeing this person's appearance clearly, all the disciples of the Hedao Society couldn't help but hiss and cheer:

"Patriarch, you are finally here!"

Come on, it is the patriarch of the Hedao Society, the legendary warrior in British legend...

King of Fighters! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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