Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 769 This move is unmatched by anyone in the world!

Chapter 769 This move is unmatched by anyone in the world!

"Mr. Ye, you are so awesome!"

"With your hand, no one in the world can match it!"

Liu Xiufan's complexion changed, and he said with a strong sense of admiration.

Gao Yongqiang nodded and said to Liu Xiufan:

"Xiufan, I told you earlier, there is no end to the performance."

"Although you are recognized as the No. 1 martial artist in China, you are still insignificant compared to Mr. Ye."

"In the future, you should learn more from Mr. Ye!"

Liu Xiufan nodded repeatedly:
"The teacher is right!"

"Mr. Ye, I formally apologize to you for my previous rudeness!"

After finishing speaking, he took half a step back and bowed respectfully to Ye Yun three times.

Ye Yun didn't bother to argue with such a small character, he waved his hand and said:
"never mind."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye!"

Liu Xiufan smiled openly, stepped forward and said:

"Mr. Ye, with your looks and acting skills, as well as your invincible temperament, once you make your debut, you will definitely become the focus of attention of the whole of China."

"I would like to invite you, as a partner, to join my performing arts company and work with me to create an Oscar-winning drama in China, is that okay?"

Without waiting for Ye Yun to answer, he took out a business card, handed it over respectfully and said:

"Mr. Ye, my company is the largest performing arts company in China, and has already awarded ten film and television gold award winners."

"As long as you are willing to join, I promise to use all the resources to support you alone, and promise to make you a first-line star within three months!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the three women behind him showed envious expressions.

"This is a great opportunity to reach the sky in one step! This handsome guy, you are going to send it!"

"I'm so envious! In three months, I can become a first-line star in China. I don't know how many people in the film and television industry can't even dream of such a good thing!"

"Handsome guy, hurry up and promise our boss!"

Even Wang Yifu showed a look of envy.

Although he is a first-line director in China, he is just a drop in the bucket compared to Liu Xiufan's Xiufan Performing Arts Company.

As the largest performing arts company in China, if Xiufan Company fully supports a person, it will take less than three months to make him popular throughout China.

Such an opportunity is beyond envy.

After all, in the mortal world, fame and fortune are the most attractive.

Ye Yun, you can't be tempted, right?
But Gao Yongqiang said with a smile:

"Xiufan, don't even think about this!"

"To tell you the truth, when I was in Sioux City, I invited Mr. Ye to join hands with me to develop together in the film and television industry, but he resolutely refused!"

"He doesn't even look up to me, let alone you, a junior."

When Gao Yongqiang said this, Liu Xiufan, Wang Yifu and others all showed extremely surprised expressions.

"What?! He even rejected you?!"

"God, this is too incredible! It turns out that Emperor Gao has invited Mr. Ye a long time ago!"

Xu Meiling smiled and said:
"What Mr. Gao said is true."

"Mr. Ye doesn't pursue fame and fortune. He only acts for fun. I think you should stop thinking about it."

Lan Qingyan hugged Yaya, stepped forward and said:

"Okay, let's start filming quickly."

"Today, Ye Yun and Yaya will have more roles in the scene, we will cooperate with them well."

Liu Xiufan sighed helplessly, had no choice but to put away his business card and said:
"Okay! I will do my best to cooperate with Mr. Ye and his daughter!"

Gao Yongqiang waved his hand to Ye Yun:

"Mr. Ye, I still have something to do, so don't bother me."

Ye Yun nodded slightly:


After Gao Yongqiang left, Wang Yifu officially started the machine.

The first scene is Ye Yun, Yaya, and Lan Qingyan.

Because the heroine played by Lan Qingyan is a saint of a martial arts sect, she needs to show off her skills of flying into the sky and escaping from the earth.

She was hung up by Wang Yifu with a wire.

Ye Yun naturally doesn't need any props, he can stand in the air with a sword.

Yaya stood on the ground and looked up at the two of them. The little girl asked worriedly:
"Papa, are you going to hit Aunt Qingyan later?"

The little girl felt that her papa was so greasy, if she hit hard and hurt Aunt Qingyan, it would be bad!

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled:

"No, this is just a simple fight. Your Auntie Qingyan and I are not enemies in the play."

Only then did Yaya nod her head in reassurance:
"Oh, it turned out to be Jiang Zi."

"let's start!"

Following Wang Yifu's order, Lan Qingyan was immediately hoisted into the air.

She was wearing a long red dress, like a ball of coquettish flames in the air.

The petite and plump figure, the charming face exudes a soul-stirring beauty.

Liu Xiufan couldn't help swallowing, and looked at Ye Yun enviously:
"To get Lan Qingyan's favor, Mr. Ye's life is too good!"

After working with Lan Qingyan for several months, he also vaguely heard that Lan Qingyan is deeply in love with a man.

After debuting for more than a year, she has never had any scandals with anyone because of this man.

In today's world, there are too few beautiful and infatuated women like her!

Ye Yun's peach blossom luck made Liu Xiufan envious.

At this moment, even Tong Xinyi was moved by Lan Qingyan's beauty:

"Qingyan is so beautiful! There are many beauties in this world, but those who are as charming as her are really rare!"

While everyone was watching, Lan Qingyan swooped down from above and drew out her long sword at Ye Yun.

At this time, Yaya yelled according to the lines in the play:
"Sister Saint, Brother Daxia, please stop fighting!"

Heroic brother, of course, is Ye Yun.

As soon as he lifted the sword, he flew towards the saint sister played by Lan Qingyan.

When the distance between the two was less than one meter, there was a sudden snap!With a sound, the wire behind Lan Qingyan broke.


Seeing this, the people below could not help but tremble in their hearts.

No one expected that such an accident would happen.

Because Lan Qingyan fell extremely fast, in the blink of an eye, the distance between her and Ye Yun was less than ten centimeters.

Ye Yun quickly withdrew his sword, reached out with his left hand, and grabbed Lan Qingyan's wrist.

After Lan Qingyan was startled, she twisted her body and rolled into Ye Yun's arms.


Her body is petite and light, with a surprisingly soft elasticity.

Feeling the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms, Ye Yun quickly raised his left hand, trying to move her away.

Lan Qingyan, however, had warm water in her eyes, tightly grasped his arm, and looked at him bewilderedly:
"Ye Yun, this is the first time for me to lean in your arms."

Her voice was very small, as thin as a mosquito moaning.

When he finished speaking, his face was already full of peach blossoms.

The trace of obsession and nostalgia in his eyes has never been so clear.

Ye Yun glanced at her indifferently, took her hand away, let out a burst of Qi, and fell to the ground in an instant.

Yaya quickly ran forward and asked:
"Aunt Qingyan, are you alright?"

Lan Qingyan shook her head and said:
"I am fine."

Yaya looked at the broken rope behind her with lingering fear:
"Fortunately my papa is here, why not the consequences would be disastrous!"

Wang Yifu stepped forward and said with a depressed face:

"It's really strange, a good Wia, why did it break?"

A crew member next to him was about to step forward to tell Wang Yifu the reason when he heard a childish voice:

"I know!"

I saw that Yaya raised her little hand, looking anxious to speak.

Wang Yifu asked amusedly:
"Little princess, do you know why the rope broke?"

Yaya nodded seriously:
"Of course I know!"

"Okay, then tell me, why did the rope break?"

"Because... my daddy is the number one baby in the universe, and the rope didn't dare to hang Aunt Qingyan and fight with my daddy, so it broke!"

"You mean...the rope was broken by your daddy?"


"Hahaha, you little ghost, you are right!"

Yaya's whimsy made all the people laugh out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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