Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 776 1 Object Drops 1 Object!

Chapter 776 One thing descends one thing!

In the private room, there was a moment of silence.

Rao, Lan Qingyan, Tong Xinyi and Xu Meiling had already seen many of Ye Yun's abilities.

But at this moment, he was still shocked by the scene in front of him, making his body tremble slightly.

They even had an illusion that what happened just now was all fake!

Because, it is too fast, too scary!

More than a dozen thunderbolts killed more than a dozen living people in the blink of an eye, but the other party didn't even have time to let out a scream.

This is really like a dream, it's hard to tell the truth from the fake!

However, the three girls quickly recovered and shook their heads.

Of course, they will not deceive themselves into thinking that this is fake.

They were only deeply impressed by Ye Yun's methods.

Fortunately, I am his friend and relative.

Otherwise, I really can't imagine the fate of being an enemy of him!
Tong Xinyi and Lan Qingyan looked deeply at Ye Yun.

Both of them couldn't help it, showing their deep admiration for him.

Xu Meiling, on the other hand, nodded in awe.

For the sisters of the Lan family to meet Ye Yun in this life is definitely the biggest turning point in their fate.

With him around, they can be invincible and resolve all crises.


The fact that the two sisters finally walked into Ye Yun's heart was indeed a touching story in the entertainment circles of China and even the world.

Seeing that everyone was full of wine and food, Yaya's stomach was already full, and she kept belching there.

Ye Yun held her up and said to Tong Xinyi:
"Let's go."

Tong Xinyi nodded and got up, Lan Qingyan and Xu Meiling also went out with them.

In the private room, only Su Jinxiang, who was like a dead pig, and Ma Jianlin's beautiful assistant remained.

At this time, the beautiful assistant had already slumped on the ground, and the ground under her thighs was wet, full of indecent smell.

"The devil! This man, he must be the incarnation of the devil!"

The beautiful assistant kept repeating this sentence like crazy.


When they came to the parking lot, Tong Xinyi carried Yaya into the back seat.

Xu Meiling prepared to get in the car with Lan Qingyan.

Lan Qingyan turned around suddenly, and stopped Ye Yun who was about to get in the car:

"Ye Yun, I have a few words to tell you."

Ye Yun nodded and followed her to the side:
"Go ahead."

Under the light, two blushes quickly appeared on Lan Qingyan's jade-white face.

Lifting her head, those big and narrow eyes are like green willows in the spring breeze, rippling with boundless waves of emotion.

"Ye Yun, I love you!"

Just as Ye Yun was about to speak, Lan Qingyan stood on tiptoe, and pressed her soft and fragrant hand on Ye Yun's mouth:

"Don't refuse, don't agree, listen to me, okay?"

Ye Yun's state of mind has long been quiet. Since she wanted to speak, Ye Yun would not rush to speak.

Seeing Ye Yun nodding, Lan Qingyan was full of tenderness, and just looked up at Ye Yun's plain eyes.

"I've known you for a whole year and a month. Let me tell you a little secret. From the first time I saw you, I've been counting the days of our acquaintance."

"Originally, I could keep these three words in my heart and tell you silently. But what happened tonight let me know that it is better to say some things earlier."

"I love you! I love you like my sister!"

She said, with a self-deprecating smile on her face:

"Maybe you will think it's crazy, two sisters, fell in love with a man at the same time! But, as a woman, it starts with a heartbeat, and loves to the end. Once the heart is moved, it's hard to turn back!"

"My sister and I, we have been dependent on each other since we were young, and we are inseparable from each other. At the same time, we fall in love with you. This is our destiny and our pride!"

"You don't need to make any promises because of us, and you don't need to bear any burden for it. This is our wishful thinking, and it won't bother you a little bit."

"I just feel that life is impermanent. If I say these three words earlier, I will feel at ease!"

"Ye Yun, I really love you!"

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head in embarrassment, bit her lip, turned around, and hurried away.

Watching her petite and charming figure gradually disappear into the night.

Ye Yun couldn't help shaking his head slightly, his eyes still as calm as ever, and returned to the car.

Tong Xinyi took a deep look at him from the rearview mirror and smiled.


After Ye Yun and Yaya returned to Murong Villa, the house was brightly lit.

Murong Yan was alone, wearing slim pajamas, sitting cross-legged on the sofa watching TV.

The silk pajamas perfectly outlined the youthful beauty, and also had a hint of the mature beauty of a woman.

The pink color complemented her extremely fair skin, like peach blossoms in March under the sun, extraordinarily enchanting.

Seeing the father and daughter entering the door, the look on her face instantly increased:

"Ye Yun, baby, you are back!"


Ye Yun nodded with a smile, put away Yaya's shoes, and carried the little girl to the sofa.

Seeing that Murong Yan rarely watched TV in her pajamas, she smiled and said:
"Wife, where is the interest tonight, dressed so homely?"

As a strong female president of Bingshan, seeing her in her pajamas in the living room is harder than winning the first prize in the lottery.

"Waiting to see the tidbits between you and Yaya!"

Murong Yan smiled and stretched out her hand, ready to take the apples that Ye Yun had cut from the table.

"I'll feed you!"

Ye Yun quickly took a piece, and handed it to Murong Yan's mouth tenderly.

"Papa, I want it too!"

The little girl lay on Ye Yun's back, looking like she was fighting for favor.

"it is good!"

Ye Yun took another piece and stuffed it into the little girl's mouth, which made her watch TV contentedly.

Ye Yun then turned on the phone and clicked on the video channel:
"Wife, see how we behave?"

As soon as Murong Yan saw it for the first time, she gasped!A laugh came out:
"You...are actually dancing horseback riding in Hanfu?"

"If Uncle Bird sees it, I'm sure you'll be pissed off!"

Yaya stretched out her head and said:

"Mama, I asked you to dance, so just tell me if it looks good or not?"

Murong Yan suppressed a smile and nodded:
"It looks good, it looks good no matter how you dance!"

Ye Yun scratched her little nose affectionately and said:
"I really have no principles. As soon as Yaya asks you, she immediately changes her words!"

"I'm happy, can you handle it?"

Murong Yan raised her mouth arrogantly.

Ye Yun chuckled, what else can he say about this little girl?

Whatever she says is what she says!

The two continued to watch the video.

Seeing Ye Yun and Yaya's wonderful performance, Murong Yan sincerely praised:

"Your performances are getting better and better, Ye Yun, you are so handsome!"

Ye Yun said with a smile:

"Is that ya ya beautiful?"

Murong Yan nodded without thinking:

"Of course it's beautiful!"

Ye Yun immediately asked:

"Then do you think I'm talented?"


Murong Yan still nodded without thinking.

"Then the reward you promised me last time, does it still count?"

Ye Yun showed a wicked smile.

"Of course it counts!"

Murong Yan nodded for a second.

After two or three seconds, she came back to her senses, looked at Ye Yun with a blushing face and said:
"Bad guy, are trying to trick me!"

She naturally remembered what she promised Ye Yun that night.

But, that kind of reward, I am ashamed to death!

Ye Yun could not help but smile triumphantly:
"President Murong, you can't stand without trust. As the CEO of a listed company, you must count on what you say!"

Murong Yan waved her small fist in embarrassment and annoyance, and it rained down on Ye Yun:

"Bad guy, I'll get rid of you first, and then I'll keep my word!"

Ye Yun knew that the little girl had agreed, so he pretended to be begging to tease her:
"It hurts, it hurts, don't hit it, the martial arts of the female hero Murong is world-class, and she will kill her if she strikes, it's too much!"

Yaya watched from the side and shook her head.

In front of outsiders, Papa is the number one monster in the universe!

But, in front of Ma Ma, he became the second most powerful person in the universe!

It is said on TV that one thing falls one thing, and it is true!
(End of this chapter)

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