Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 778 You have shown some real skills!

Chapter 778 You have shown some real skills!

Ye Zhiqi nodded at the man and smiled:
"Manager Cui, why are you here?"

The man who came was Cui Wenjun, the chief construction director of the Qianyang branch and the project manager of the Jiangbei Third Construction Group.

Cui Wenjun took off his hat, frowned slightly and said:
"I'm here because I want to tell you something."

"This matter is not big, but it is not small. In short, it is a bit tricky."

Ye Zhiqi hurriedly asked:
"What's the matter?"

Cui Wenjun said:

"It's strange to say that the land you bought can't be piling down at all."

"As you know, piling is the most basic and important part of building a house. If the piles are well laid, the house will last for a long time. If the piles are not well laid, there will be great safety hazards."

After a pause, he glanced behind him and said:
"As for the land you bought, there is no way to pierce it at all. I have made the workers toss for a long time, but I still got nothing."

"Up to now, the workers are not willing to do it anymore, saying that if this problem cannot be solved today, they will simply stop working!"

Ye Zhiqi shook her head and said:

"We can't stop working! I have already agreed with the headquarters for all the time. Once the work is stopped, the loss will be immeasurable!"

She glanced at Ye Yun, hugged Yaya in her arms, and said:
"Let's go and see!"

"Okay, I'll take you there!"

Cui Wenjun hurriedly led the way, and soon brought the three of them to the construction site.

I saw a pile driver standing in the middle of the construction site.

The strange thing is that the pile driver can't drill a hole into the ground even when it is running at full power.

A few workers on the side stomped their feet anxiously, but it was still to no avail.

"This...what's the matter?"

It was the first time for Ye Zhiqi to frown when she saw such a weird thing.

Cui Wenjun shook his head and said:

"I do not know either!"

"We have changed three places, but we still can't move at all. We must know that this is an advanced pile driver imported from Germany, and it is impossible for this kind of problem to occur!"

With a helpless expression on her face, Ye Zhiqi said to Ye Yun:
"Ye Yun, do you know what's going on?"

Having known Ye Yun for a long time, she is used to asking Ye Yun whenever she encounters difficult questions.

This is the trust and admiration for him, and also the infinite dependence on him in her heart.

Ye Yun nodded and said:

Before he could speak, Cui Wenjun hurriedly asked:

"Then tell me, what is the problem?"

Ye Yun glanced at him lightly, and said:
"There is a problem with Feng Shui here."


As soon as he finished speaking, Cui Wenjun, who was originally curious about knowledge, raised his voice more than ten times.

"My friend, we are discussing about architecture. It is too outrageous for you to talk about Feng Shui!"

Cui Junwen said with a look of contempt on his face.

This person looks greasy and has the temperament of a rich kid.

Unexpectedly, it was so out of tune!
What feng shui is talking to me, do you really think we are all idiots?
His gaze swept across the faces of Ye Yun and Ye Zhiqi, and he couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

This kid must be Mr. Ye's suitor. If you want to pretend to be aggressive in front of beautiful women, you have shown some real skills!

Seeing Cui Wenjun shaking his head and sighing, Ye Zhiqi hurriedly said:
"Manager Cui, Ye Yun said it's a matter of feng shui, so it must be true!"

With a speechless expression on his face, Cui Wenjun sneered and said:

"Mr. Ye, you are so naive, why do you even believe such words!"

"I have already reported this matter to Mr. Wang of our group, I think we should wait for him to come and talk about it!"

Just as Ye Zhiqi was about to reveal Ye Yun's identity to him and prove that she was not joking, she heard a voice behind her:
"Boss Ye, look up to me for a long time!"

I saw a man in a suit with a fat head and big ears walking over with two men.

One of them was an old man in his fifties, with golden eyes, gray hair, and a silver-white suit, with a scholarly air.

Behind the old man was a young man who looked more like his student or assistant.

Ye Zhiqi recognized this person, he was Wang Zeqian, the boss of Jiangbei Province Sanjian.

At the beginning, Ye Zhiqi met Wang Zeqian during the public bidding.

Seeing that she was young and beautiful, Wang Zeqian expressed his admiration for her both inside and out, and promised to make Ye Zhiqi's bar into a high-quality project.

Ye Zhiqi knew that it was because of her that Wang Zeqian, the boss of the group, came here in person today.

However, Wang Zeqian did not do anything excessive to Ye Zhiqi.

Ye Zhiqi didn't feel bad for him either, so she nodded and said with a smile:

"Hello, Mr. Wang!"

Wang Zeqian led the people forward, his gaze passed over Ye Yun's face lightly, and then said:

"I heard about your problem here, so I specially invited Professor Su to come over to solve your problems."

Ye Zhiqi glanced at the old man and asked:

"Can he solve the problem?"

Compared with Professor Su, she believed in Ye Yun more, so there was some doubt in her tone.

When Professor Su heard this, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

It seems to be saying that Ye Zhiqi has eyes but does not know Mount Tai.

However, Wang Zegan nodded quickly and said:
"Of course!"

"Professor Su's resume, if you tell it, you will be shocked!"

"He is the chief academician of our Huaxia Academy of Geography. He has been a professor at the School of Geology of Zhonghai University for many years, and he has trained no less than a hundred doctoral students in geology. He can be called the No. 1 of our Huaxia Geology!"

"In addition, he is also a geographical engineer with international qualifications, an expert in architectural design, and personally participated in the renovation project of the Sydney Opera House in Australia in 2000, which is widely respected by the industry at home and abroad!"

When Cui Wenjun heard this, he couldn't help showing a look of awe:
"It's so powerful!"

Wang Zeqian nodded and said with a smile:
"Of course! I will not only do it myself for Mr. Ye, but also find the most powerful person to help her solve it!"

Professor Su's real name is Su Yunqi. Seeing Wang Zeqian tell all his resume, he showed a proud expression. He glanced at the pile driver on the construction site and said:

"The pile driver cannot drive piles. This is a common problem in our geology."

"After I study it carefully, I can solve it."

Wang Zeqian and Cui Junwen nodded at the same time and said:

"That's good, that's good!"

Wang Zeqian gave Ye Zhiqi a look:
"Mr. Ye, let's take Professor Su to have a look!"

Cui Junwen quickly took a helmet and handed it to Su Yunqi respectfully.

Just as Ye Zhiqi was about to reject their offer, she heard Yaya say:

"Papa, I think what this grandpa said is very interesting, let's go and see it too!"

Ye Yun nodded:
"it is good!"

Seeing that Ye Yun didn't say anything, Ye Zhiqi had no choice but to follow them into the construction site.

(End of this chapter)

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