Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 782 No. 1 in the Celestial Master Ranking!

Chapter 782: No. [-] in the Celestial Master List!

"Stop me all!"

Just when Cui Junwen was scared to death, a deep voice shook in the air and suddenly sounded.

Everyone stopped immediately, all looked horrified and followed the sound.

I saw a middle-aged man in a white robe standing with his hands behind his back, his eyes sternly scanning the crowd.

The old man immediately trembled and exclaimed:
"You are Feng... Tianshi Feng!"

Following his shout, all the people brought by the old man showed expressions of incomparable awe.

"It's really Feng Tianshi!"

"God, Feng Tianshi is here, maybe today's incident, there is still room for redemption!"

Everyone shouted in one go, with shock and surprise in their tone.

However, a few people who didn't know the identity of the man quickly asked in a low voice:
"Who is Feng Tianshi that makes everyone so awed?"

Someone immediately replied:

"Feng Tianshi, that is a man as big as the sky!"

"His real name is Feng Yunyi, and his hometown is our Baitou Village. Now, he has become the number one extraordinary figure on our Huaxia Master List!"

"It is said that he possesses profound arts and has reached the realm of a saint. He can use the most mysterious power in the world at every turn. He can kill people thousands of miles away without a trace. With a single gesture, he can slaughter millions of people!"

"It is said that last year on the coast of the east coast, he used a blast of water vapor to kill more than a dozen Burmese masters of magic from hundreds of sea miles away, which shocked the entire Burmese country. He was also called Huaxia by the Burmese martial arts circle. number one master of profound strength!"

"His strength is absolutely unfathomable!"

When this person told all kinds of rumors about Feng Yunyi, the man who asked the question just now was already trembling with fright.

"My God, it turns out that there are such terrifying characters in our Baitou Village!"

"Hua Xia is number one on the list of masters, this is so strong!"

Feng Yunyi was as motionless as a mountain, looked at the old man proudly, nodded and said:
"it's me!"

The old man's face was full of excitement, and he stepped forward and said:
"Feng Tianshi, you came just in time! Today our Baitou Village has undergone major changes, and only you can save us from the fire!"

Feng Yunyi nodded and said:

"When I came back today, I wanted to take a look at my grandfather's grave. I heard that something big happened in the village, so I followed him to have a look."

He looked around Sifang Mountain and said:

"Nine suns and nine transformations were not destroyed by these workers."

The old man couldn't help being surprised when he heard this:
"It wasn't them, could it be that someone else did it?"

Feng Yunyi nodded and said:

"This array can gather the power of the sun, and it cannot be destroyed by ordinary manpower."

"These people are nothing more than ordinary people, relying only on a few machines, they can't move this formation at all."

The old man was relieved and said:
"That's how it is! I just said that this formation has been here since the time of our ancestors. For hundreds of years, no one has moved it at all."

Feng Yunyi said again:
"But having said that, although they didn't destroy the formation, it has something to do with them."

He glanced at Cui Junwen indifferently, Cui Junwen's body tightened suddenly, and he felt a terrifying force to lift himself up.

When he came to his senses, he had already flew more than two meters into the air, and landed embarrassingly in front of Feng Yunyi.

"Tell me, who moved the hand?"

Feng Yunyi looked down at Cui Junwen with a calm expression.

Being stared at by Feng Yunyi's eyes, Cui Junwen only felt like a thorn on his back, the pores all over his body were dilated, and his heart trembled wildly.

He didn't dare to hide it, so he could only say:

"The person who did it was a friend of the owner of this bar, Ye Yun from Jincheng's Murong family!"

"You... you mean Patriarch Murong's husband, Ye Yun?!"

As soon as Cui Junwen finished speaking, the old man had a frightened expression on his face.

Cui Junwen nodded and said:

"That's right, it's him!"

The old man waited for a group of villagers to look at each other.

"Ye Yun, that's our Jiangbei Province, the most popular martial arts master last year. According to legend, he is quite capable. No wonder he can destroy the Nine Yang Nine Transformation Formation!"

"If Ye Yun takes action, then this matter will be a bit difficult! The Murong family is not only one of the four major families in our Jiangbei province, but also has an inseparable relationship with the Luo family in Jiangcheng. If we pursue him..."

A group of villagers, although they can't get in touch with people at Ye Yun's level.

However, last year, Ye Yun was so popular that there were endless rumors about him.

Everyone was worried that Ye Yun could not be held accountable for the destruction of the Jiuyangjiu formation.


"A mere martial arts master, to you, is a dragon in the world!"

"But, in my eyes, after all, it is an existence that is not popular!"

Only Feng Yunyi smiled proudly with an extremely disdainful expression.

"What are you afraid of him doing?!"

The old man and the others quickly nodded and said:
"Feng Tianshi is right! Even though Ye Yun is a master of martial arts, compared with Tianshi, he is still much worse!"

"Nine suns and nine formations are related to the long-term livelihood of our entire Baitou village, but Ye Yun destroyed this formation without asking, which is tantamount to stabbing our Baitou village!"

"This statement is justified! Besides, Baitou Village is also Feng Tianshi's hometown, Ye Yun definitely owes us an explanation!"


With Feng Yunyi in charge, everyone's fear of Ye Yun was swept away, and they all accused Ye Yun of his fault.

Judging by the posture, if Ye Yun is not arrested and questioned by Xingshi, this matter will not be easily let go.

Feng Yunyi looked at Cui Junwen and said:

"Where is Ye Yun now?"

Cui Junwen replied:
"He and Mr. Ye took the children to play in the mountains to the east."


Feng Yunyi couldn't help but snorted coldly:
"After making such a big mistake, you still have the mood to play. This Ye Yun is too much!"

"You call now and tell them to come here immediately!"

"Otherwise, I don't mind. I'll turn the area of ​​Sifang Mountain upside down and drag him out!"

As soon as he said that, Cui Junwen couldn't help but change his expression greatly.

After all, he is the number one master in Huaxia's master list. This opening will scare people half to death!
He nodded quickly and said:

"Okay, I'll call them right away!"

Since he didn't know Ye Yun's number, he dialed Ye Zhiqi's number and told her what happened here.

After finishing the call, he said:
"Mr. Ye said that they will be back in a while."

Feng Yunyi sneered after hearing this:
"Count him to be acquainted!"

The old man and the others revealed expressions of awe and admiration.

"As expected of our number one celestial master in China, what you say has weight, and what you say is worth it!"

Cui Junwen tentatively asked the old man:
"Big brother, there is one thing that I want to ask. Why is the Nine Suns and Nine Transformations so important to you?"

"Could it be that in this Sifang Mountain Range, are there any unknown secrets?"

At this point, even a fool can see that there are inexplicable things in the Sifang Mountains.

Cui Junwen felt that it would be better to ask clearly.

The old man glanced at him, sighed and said:

"The matter has come to this, I might as well tell you that the Sifang Mountain Range is indeed not as simple as it seems on the surface!"

(End of this chapter)

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