Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 790 Who the hell is sacred!

Chapter 790 Who the hell is sacred!
As the number one master in the Huaxia master list, he can enjoy the worship of all Chinese commoners.

Feng Yunyi, this person who was supposed to be out of this world, was quite immortal.

However, at this moment, like a citizen, he uttered such foul language.


The reason was that he was so shocked, he couldn't believe the scene in front of him!

Ye Yun, a martial arts master who had been abandoned by the martial arts community in Jiangbei Province.

He actually moved his finger, and he wiped out the cat demon that came from the prehistoric world and crushed the generals from all directions.

This is a Hollywood blockbuster, no one dares to act like this!
However, Feng Yunyi knew that the judgments about Ye Yun's strength were all wrong!
He is a truly extraordinary existence!
He has the strength to surpass this planet!
He, is he not a master at all!
think of.

Before, relying on his status as the number one celestial master list, he swaggered in front of Ye Yun and ordered Feng Yunyi to feel ashamed and hot all over his face.

Behind, even a trace of sweat could not help oozing out.

As for the Sifang generals, they were even more shocked by Ye Yun's actions and were speechless.

They came from the distant starry sky, and the ancient powers they have seen are countless.

They never thought that there would be such a terrifying person on this remote planet!

He is as quiet as the vast universe.

He moves like a berserk starburst.

This kind of temperament has never been seen by Sifang God General.

They bet that this man is definitely not an ordinary god.

He is likely to come from the most powerful Promise God Realm in the universe, and he is a peerless genius of a certain super god family.

But, how could such an existence condescend on the earth, hugging a mortal child, and being with a mortal woman?
Rao, the Sifang God General has lived for hundreds of thousands of years and has seen a lot, but at this moment he still feels a little confused.

The only thing left for Ye Yun is infinite awe and admiration.

"This is the real power!"

Qinglong's mouth was bloody, but he couldn't stop praising Ye Yun.

The old man and a group of villagers were already frightened to the point of tearing their hearts apart.

A group of people hurried forward, knelt down to Ye Yun and said:
"Ye... Immortal! We are all a bunch of people with eyes but no eyes. Please don't blame us for all the offenses before!"

"Please gods forgive us! We will definitely build a golden body for the gods in the village, and offer incense to the gods from generation to generation!"

Ye Yun glanced at them lightly and said:

"In this world, there are countless people who want to build a golden body for me. However, there are very few who are qualified to do so."

"You guys are far from qualified."

Back then, in order to win him over, the patriarchs of the main god realm of the Central Galaxy proposed, for the first time ever, to build a golden body for him and enjoy the admiration of hundreds of millions of gods in the master god realm.

Such astonishing moves were all rejected by him.

Not to mention, these ordinary people who can't be compared with the main gods at all.

The old man quickly bowed his head and said:

"Yes! We got it!"

Sifang God General Qinglong and others listened to Ye Yun's words.

The four looked at each other and started talking in low voices.

Azure Dragon God General said:
"According to what this mighty man means, even the gods in the Central Galaxy God Realm may not be qualified to get close to him."

"If you say that, isn't he, in the main god realm, one of the best existences?"

General Suzaku thought for a while, nodded and said:
"I think it is very likely to be so!"

The white tiger general shook his head and said:

"But, those who can rank high in the main god realm are nothing more than the Bai family in the southern god realm, the Yun family in the northern god realm, and the Nangong family in the central god realm."

"We almost all know the members of the three main god families. There is no such a number one person!"

Xuanwu God General frowned and said:
"Could it be that during the period of our dormant time, some other peerless evildoers have appeared in the Central Galaxy Lord God Realm?"

The four of them thought about it, but couldn't see through Ye Yun's identity.

Ye Yun gave the four of them a funny look:
"You all come here!"

The Sifang God General couldn't help trembling when he heard the words, and quickly got up and ran towards Ye Yun.

"Da Neng, what are your orders?"

The Azure Dragon God General bowed down and asked.

Ye Yun didn't answer, but with a wave of his hand, a faint golden light flew out.

When this golden light covered the Azure Dragon God General and the others, the eyes of all four trembled, and they couldn't help but exclaimed:
"This... this is impossible!"

They felt that the divine power in their bodies was gushing out like an open fountain.

The vast sea-like power convinced them that they had improved by at least one realm compared to before!

"God! How is this possible?"

"Da Neng, are invincible!"

The Quartet God Generals are genuine gods.

However, at this moment, they still couldn't help screaming like a mortal.

Really, the man in front of them is too strong!

Compared with him, their so-called Quartet God Generals are just like ordinary people!

"Almighty, please accept our worship!"

"If there is any order from Da Neng in the future, the four of us will go through fire and water, and we will not hesitate!"

The Sifang God General knelt down and gave Ye Yun three solid kowtows.

Ye Yun smiled lightly and said:

"The four of you have been dormant for so many years. To deal with the prehistoric cat demon and protect this planet, you can count as some credit."

"If I help you climb another level, it can be regarded as a reward for you."

"After all, this planet is my hometown."

The Sifang God General was shocked again when he heard the words.

Lying down!

The earth turned out to be the home of this Almighty!

Do you want to be like this!
The four of them had already made up their minds, and they would go to the main god realm to inquire about the news later, to see who the mighty man in front of him was.

He has such supernatural power, he must have gone to the Central Galaxy God Realm, someone must know his details!


"Papa, since they are so annoying, why don't you let them stay and protect Aunt Zhiqi's bar?"

Yaya thought, just building a house this time, she encountered such a big trouble.

Here in Qianyang, those who need to be tired, help Aunt Zhiqi!

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

"it is good!"

The Sifang God General couldn't help being dumbfounded when he heard the words.

What the hell, there is no way to go to the main god realm!

However, with Ye Yun in front, they didn't dare to resist at all, and quickly said:
"Almighty, we are willing to stay here to help this mortal woman... No! Your divine couple guards this bar!"

The divine couple, that is, the couple of gods and immortals.

When Ye Zhiqi heard them say that she was Ye Yun's divine partner, her cheeks turned red.

She had already guessed that Ye Yun was not a mortal.

The words of the Sifang God General also let her know clearly that Ye Yun may be stronger and more prestigious than she imagined!

But what?

She never took a fancy to Ye Yun's identity and status.

What she likes is just him and his tenderness.

She told herself that even if he was a cloud in the sky, he couldn't be caught or kept.

She is also willing to think about him, miss him, and love him for the rest of her life!
Ye Yun was too lazy to explain to Sifang God that Ye Zhiqi was not his divine partner, so he nodded slightly and said:

Then, he looked at Yaya with a doting face:

"Honey, everything is settled, let's go home."

"Today, your mother is going to be interviewed by the TV station in the group, shall we go and cheer her on?"

Yaya nodded and smiled:

"Okay! But before that, I'm going to Qingyang, bring two cups of chocolate milk tea!"

Ye Zhiqi smiled sweetly and said:
"No problem, we're leaving now, and Auntie will do it for you when I get back!"

Afterwards, under the watchful eyes of everyone and the gods, Ye Yun took Yaya, got into Ye Zhiqi's car, and headed for Qingyang City.

After the milk tea was ready, the father and daughter bid farewell to Ye Zhiqi and returned to Jincheng.

The two then went directly to the Murong Group. Counting the time, Murong Yan should also start.

(End of this chapter)

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