Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 795 Super Tempting!

Chapter 795 Super Tempting!

under the lights.

Murong Yan's whole body shone with an incomparably dazzling light, causing everyone in the audience to be in a trance for a moment, as if they were facing a real fairy.

Just listen, she whispered:

"Hi everyone, I'm Murong Yan from Jincheng Murong Group."

"The first thing I want to say about this campaign is that I am very grateful to my husband and daughter, especially my husband for his support and encouragement. , in front of all the business colleagues present here!"

There was sparse applause from the audience.

Murong Yan and Ye Yun's couple are deeply in love, which is certainly touching.

But she said that Ye Yun gave her the belief that she must win, which no one in the room dared to agree with.

Especially when Wei Yunlong and Huo Zhenhao said that, it gave people a feeling of ignorance!
Therefore, the response was not enthusiastic, and it can even be said that it was very cool!
Murong Yan looked normal and said:

"It is the nature of a businessman to seek profit. Therefore, my goal is, once the election is successful, I will lead all my colleagues to achieve the maximum profit during my term of office!"

"According to my understanding, the top ten industries in Jiangbei Province are finance, real estate, computer Internet, and electronics manufacturing."

"My plan is to integrate these resources and build our entire Jiangbei Province into a large-scale comprehensive industrial park integrating finance, manufacturing and trade. We will use our advantages at hand to learn from each other's strengths and make up for our weaknesses. , Increase our output value to 1 trillion US dollars."

"Based on this output value, the average annual profit of everyone here will at least triple!"

Murong Yan's words finally caused a lot of restlessness among the people present.

The output value of 5 trillion US dollars in 1 years!
On average, the annual output value is comparable to half of the total output value of countries such as South Korea.

Such a terrifying value can definitely make the annual profits of those present at least triple!
"Not bad!"

"Since President Murong can provide this data, it means that she has done detailed market research and is trustworthy!"

In the crowd, someone couldn't help admiring.

However, some people immediately objected:

"Triple the profit every year, which sounds okay, but if President Murong can do this, wouldn't it be better for Mr. Wei and Mr. Huo to come forward?"

In the eyes of businessmen, there is no highest profit, only higher.

This sentence immediately drew everyone's attention back to Wei Yunlong and Huo Zhenhao.

Huo Zhenhao glanced at Wei Yunlong and said:
"President Wei, President Murong has already set out the conditions, and it's your turn now."

Wei Yunlong got up and said:

"Since Huo Lao asked me to go first, then I will be disrespectful!"

Full of confidence, he glanced at the audience boldly, stepped onto the stage, and nodded to Murong Yan.

Murong Yan smiled and stepped aside.

Wei Yunlong walked to the center of the stage, glanced disdainfully at the audience and said:

"President Murong's offer is very good, and I believe that she must be able to do it! It's just a pity..."

"The profit she can create for everyone is too little!!"

He raised a finger and said:
"I, Wei Yunlong, have served two consecutive terms as the president of the Jiangbei General Chamber of Commerce. I believe everyone knows what I have achieved before!"

"Today, I hereby solemnly promise everyone that if I continue to be elected this term, I will lead you to obtain at least five times the profit!"

As soon as he said a word, the audience exploded.

Five times the profit!
This is still a conservative estimate, twice as much as Murong Yan's!
This is simply a feat that everyone here can't even imagine!
At this moment, even Zhao Jinwei and others, who are the third king of the business world in Jiangbei Province, couldn't help but get excited.

Zhao Jinwei got up and said:

"Mr. Wei, I want to ask, what is your confidence to lead us to such a huge profit?"

Liu Yunheng followed up and said:

"That's right, Mr. Wei, it's unbelievable to increase your profit five times a year. What's your secret? Just tell me!"

Everyone also looked expectantly, looking straight at Wei Yunlong, wanting to see how confident he was in saying that.

However, Wei Yunlong smiled confidently.

After snapping his fingers, his secretary played a contract on the big screen in the middle of the stage through his mobile phone.

When, after seeing the contents of the contract clearly, Zhao Jinwei and the others suddenly changed their expressions.

" actually signed an agreement with Saudi Arabia to import oil!"

"God! 2 million tons of crude oil is imported every year, which accounts for almost one-third of the entire Chinese market!"

"If so much crude oil is sold at China's price, my dear, it will cost at least 4000 billion U.S. dollars a year, and 5 trillion U.S. dollars in sales in five years!"


Someone who is proficient in oil prices immediately estimated the terrifying sales that Wei Yunlong's contract could bring.

Wei Yunlong laughed and said:
"5 trillion US dollars in 2 years, this is still a conservative estimate. According to the current use of cars in China, you have underestimated by at least [-]%!"

"In order to facilitate doing business with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I have become an import and export company. If everyone here elects me as the chairman, then you can all become shareholders of my new company."

"I can promise that the income you get will definitely be multiplied by more than five times!"

Wei Yunlong's words caused blazing flames to burst out from the eyes of most of the people present.

Such a huge profit is definitely an extremely attractive cake, which makes these business leaders smell a strong smell of copper!

Super temptation!

So, these people simply forgot about Murong Yan.

Seeing the gradually restless people in the audience, Wei Yunlong's face was full of color, and he cupped his hands at Huo Zhenhao and said:

"Huo Lao, I have already made this move, the next step is up to you!"

Huo Zhenhao got up and sighed softly:
"Sure enough, it's terrifying for young people!"

"I did all my calculations, but I never thought that you could sign such a huge oil agreement with Saudi Arabia."

Wei Yunlong laughed loudly, ignored Murong Yan who was standing behind him, and said:
"According to Mr. Huo, are you admitting defeat?"

"If that's the case, then I'll do my part and be the President for another five years!"

Huo Zhenhao raised his hand and said with a smile:
"Wait, wait!"

After finishing speaking, he walked onto the stage with his hands behind his back, looked at the crowd with a smile and said:
"The conditions offered by Mr. Wei are indeed attractive, but the results are too slow, I think it is still a little bit meaningless!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw two men who looked like secretaries, each carrying a thick stack of documents, walking onto the stage.

Huo Zhenhao said loudly:

"Anyone who supports Huo being elected as the new president can sign a letter of intent for cooperation with me."

"Once your name is signed, in the next five years, you will get at least 3 million US dollars in benefits every year!"

"In order to express Huo's sincerity, I will pay them a year's benefit tomorrow in advance to all the signatories!"


As soon as Huo Zhenhao said the words, there was a burst of exclamation in the arena.

At least 3 million US dollars per year!
Pay a year's worth of benefits tomorrow!

This temptation is unmatched!

With Huo Zhenhao's move, Wei Yunlong and Murong Yan were thrown away without a trace!
(End of this chapter)

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