Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 797 You have become the first person in Jiangbei Province!

Chapter 797 You have become No.1 in Jiangbei Province!
A drop of potion!
Li Yongqiang's left leg, which has been dead for more than 20 years, has completely recovered!

Moreover, it is more powerful than when it is healthy!

This, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, everyone present would have thought they were speaking from heaven!
The earth, so far, the most advanced medical technology, biotechnology, can not do things.

Unexpectedly, it was completely solved by a drop of potion in Murong Yan's hand!


"This situation can definitely be called the 21st century... No, the greatest miracle in the entire history of mankind!"

"It's amazing! It's really amazing! Is this true? Why can't I believe it?"

"God! Is this magic? I still can't believe it. What I saw just now is real!"


Shock, full shock.

Ling, Zhao Jinwei, Liu Yunheng, and even big names in the business world like Wei Yunlong couldn't believe what they saw just now.

It wasn't that they were skeptical, but what happened to Li Yongqiang, which made people unbelievable for a while.

It's like, you always think that you are the only existence in this world.

But suddenly, one day, someone tells you that in the world you live in, there are countless parallel spaces.

In every space, there is a person exactly like you.

Even if he shows you all the evidence, do you dare to believe it?
dare not!

This kind of mood is the mentality of Wei Yunlong and everyone else.

Seeing everyone's dubious expressions, Li Yongqiang couldn't help but said anxiously:

"It's not magic! It's a real miracle!"

"My left leg is fine now, can't you all see it?"

Wei Yunlong stepped forward and said to Murong Yan:
"President Murong, this kind of thing is too unbelievable, please forgive us for not fully trusting you yet!"

"I think, if you want us to be completely convinced, you have to try a few times!"

Before Murong Yan could answer, Ye Yun smiled coldly beside him:
"I don't like it very much. You question my wife."

"However, since you have doubts, I will convince you once and for all!"

After finishing speaking, he opened his right hand, and four gusts of wind suddenly blew.

Chi Chi Chi!

After four beeps, four streaks of blood sprayed out.

Next, gurgling!
Four heads fell from the shoulders of Wei Yunlong, Zhao Jinwei, Liu Yunheng and Li Hongchun respectively.


Ye Yun's sudden attack caused all the people present to change their expressions.

"Ye Yun, you actually killed them!"

"Are you crazy!"

At this time, even Huo Zhenhao was so frightened that his eyes were tearing apart, and he roared in extreme horror.

Seeing the four headless corpses lying on the ground, he trembled with fright and swallowed violently.

As for the others, they were so frightened that their legs went limp, clattering!A large area collapsed to the ground.

"The devil! He actually killed Mr. Wei and the others, what the hell is he going to do?"

Everyone's eyes trembled, panicked.

Ye Yun ignored the shock at the scene, took the eternal life from Murong Yan, glanced at the crowd lightly, and said:

"Look well."

He sent out a burst of true energy, and put the heads of Wei Yunlong and the other four back in their original positions.

Then, a drop of eternal life was dripped on the scars on their necks.

A shocking scene appeared!
The wounds on Wei Yunlong and the others' necks quickly healed.

In just two or three seconds, the wound opened by Ye Yun completely disappeared.

At the same time, life appeared on the faces of the four of them at the same time.

"Live! Live again!"

"God, this is resurrection from the dead! The real resurrection from the dead!"

Huo Zhenhao was the first to kneel!
Then, more people clattered!He knelt down with a sound.

The head was chopped off, and after being connected with a drop of medicine, the dead can be brought back to life.

This is no longer a human method!

This is a miracle!

A true miracle!
Get this potion, the meaning of life will be completely subverted!
Ruo, Murong Yan is promoting this potion.

Then, not only China, but even the whole world will be completely subverted!
Thinking of this, even the wily and calculating Huo Zhenhao was so excited that he almost passed out.

As for the four of them, Wei Yunlong and Zhao Jinwei, the experience of returning from the dead made them both terrified and shocked.

At this time, the four of them had already knelt on the ground, trembling as they looked at the four pools of blood on the ground.

"We believe it! We believe it completely!"

"Mr. Ye, President Murong, this is a fairy medicine!"

Wei Yunlong's eyes were filled with infinitely fiery light.

"With this potion, the Murong family can become the overlord of the world!"

Wei Yunlong kowtowed to Ye Yun and Murong Yan in an extremely humble attitude:
"From now on, I, Wei Yunlong, will follow the lead of President Murong!"

"The president only needs to say one word, and I, Wei Yunlong, will be absolutely heartbroken and have no complaints!"

As soon as he said that, an astonishing shout erupted in the venue:

"I, Zhao Jinwei, voluntarily elected President Murong as the chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce! From now on, I will only obey President Murong's order!"

"I, Liu Yunheng, only recognize President Murong as the president! I am willing to devote all my assets to join President Murong's career!"

"I, Li Hongchun..."

Beginning with Wei Yunlong, everyone present was one by one, kneeling on the ground, scrambling to surrender to Murong Yan.

Huo Zhenhao saw that they were rushing to speak, so he couldn't help but said anxiously:

"Shut up, all of you! Let me speak first!"

"President Murong, from today onwards, Huo's consortium is at your disposal, as long as you agree with me to join, I will do whatever it takes for you!"

At Huo Zhenhao's age, wealth is important, but the temptation brought by life is even greater.

He had already made a plan in his heart, and devoted himself to serving Murong Yan and the Murong Group.

Maybe, if he behaved well, he could be rewarded by Murong Yan.

At that time, beg her to give me a drop of this magical potion, maybe I can live for many more years.

This, but no amount of money can buy it!

Murong Yan glanced at him with a smile, then looked at the crowd and said:
"Okay, from today onwards, the business community in Jiangbei Province will be a real whole!"

Ye Yun put his arms around her shoulders and said:

"Also, my wife will be the permanent president. From then on, the election system will be abolished forever!"

"No problem! To be led by President Murong is really a blessing for us!"

Huo Zhenhao, Wei Yunlong and the others nodded in agreement without even thinking about it.

Ye Yun went on to say:

"Next, depending on your respective performance, my wife may reward you with this potion."

"In addition, in order to maintain the stability of this world, the potion promoted by the Murong Group will be diluted hundreds of millions of times on the current basis, and it will not have such a strong effect."

"However, even if it can't revive the broken corpse like just now, its healing ability is definitely the top in the world!"

"Even in another 1000 years, there will be no more effective healing medicine than this on the earth!"

After Ye Yun finished speaking, he smiled at Murong Yan.

Murong Yan had a happy and sweet smile on her face, looking at him tenderly.

She understood that by doing this, Ye Yun was helping her manage the group of big bosses in the business circles of Jiangbei Province.

The so-called art of controlling people is nothing but a combination of grace and power.

The means Ye Yun showed were enough to convince these people.

Murong Yan would never doubt that these people would rebel in their hearts in the days to come.

This can be seen from their incomparably fiery and excited eyes.


After hearing Ye Yun's words, Huo Zhenhao and the others were all so excited that they almost cried.

The temptation to get the potion in Murong Yan's hand is too great!

"Okay, okay! From now on, we will fully cooperate with the president in all his work!"

"Please supervise the president, if we have any inadequacies in the future, please punish us!"

Everyone kowtowed to Ye Yun and Murong Yan again.

Ye Yun put his arms around Murong Yan and smiled slightly.

Wife, you have become No.1 in Jiangbei Province.

It won't take long, and I will take you to become the No.1 in all of China and the world.

I want my woman to be the most dazzling star on this planet!

(End of this chapter)

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