Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 806 Three slaps, send you to hell!

Chapter 806 Three slaps, send you to hell!
A burst of purple-gold true energy exploded, like magma rushing out of the ground, heading straight to the sky.

Look around.

The purple-golden light connects the sky and the earth, like a beam of light, piercing the ground.

Thousands of miles high in the sky, thick clouds are raging.

Unexpectedly, in this purple-gold light and strong air waves, it was blown away with a bang, revealing a clear blue sky.

Everyone raised their heads and saw the stars in the universe after penetrating the faint Nine Heavens for a long time!

"It's terrifying! The anger of the Jindan power is enough to shatter a star!"

"Ye Yun, if the ancestor of the Zhao family destroys the earth in a fit of anger, you will be the biggest sinner in human history!"

Under the boundless coercion of the ancestors of the Zhao family, Ma Jingtian, who was a congenital master, had long knelt on his knees, trembling unceasingly.

As for the Sucheng Wumeng gang behind him, they were lying on the ground, with big beads of sweat rolling down their foreheads, and their mouths were dry for a while.

The group of men who came to Zhao's house at the same time as Ye Yun gave Ye Yun an annoyed look.

This guy, does he know how terrifying a golden core power is?
Is it really worth it to offend the ancestors of the Zhao family so much?
At this moment, everyone was too lazy to guess what state Ye Yun was.

Because, that is completely unimportant!

It is impossible for him to surpass the ancestor of the Zhao family!

Even if he kills Zhao Feng, Zhao Shenghui and Zhao Xuyu in succession, people cannot believe that he will be the opponent of Zhao Family Patriarch!
If it is said that the innate realm is as difficult as the road to Shu, it is difficult to ascend to the sky!

Then, the Jindan Avenue is the sky above the Shu Road.

The Shu road is difficult to climb, let alone the majestic and magnificent sky above it!

Ye Yun!

Last year was a recognized martial arts master.

In the battle of the Shui family, he barely resisted Shui Jianyu's attack by relying on the body protection of the artifact.

Later, because Shui Jianyu was backlashed by Kowloon, he was able to turn defeat into victory and enjoy the victory.

In less than a year, even if he is extremely talented, it is absolutely impossible for him to have the capital to stand up to the ancestors of the Zhao family!
To put it bluntly, everyone present is a martial artist.

But no one believed that Ye Yun could soar from the master of transformation to Jindan or above in such a short period of time.

As for the fact that he was able to kill the three children of the Zhao family in a row, it was nothing more than taking advantage of the negligence of the other party!

However, amidst the panic and disbelief among the crowd, Ye Yun smiled disdainfully at the ancestor of the Zhao family who was as powerful as an ancient dragon:
"Then you try your best, let me have a good look."

Ye Yun's calm and dismissive demeanor surprised everyone present.

Up to now, he is still crazy, really crazy!
But Yaya nodded in agreement:

"Papa is right! You bad grandpa, my papa is not afraid of your eggs!"

When the ancestor of the Zhao family heard the words, his face instantly turned purple.

This little girl actually said that her golden elixir is an egg.


"Ye Yun, your family is absolutely damned!"

"That's all I've said, why should I talk to you any more!"

The purple-gold beam of light exploded instantly, shaking the whole world.

"Ziyao Divine Fist!"

call! !

In an instant, the world changed.

The space was extremely squeezed by the purple-golden light, like hundreds of boats competing to flow, turning into purple-golden ripples, piercing straight to Ye Yun's heart.

Ma Jingtian and the others felt that this punch was like a galloping beast, and they were so frightened that they immediately pressed against the ground:

"If Ye Yun doesn't dodge this punch, it will definitely be crushed!"

Suddenly there was a crisp sound, which startled everyone's eyelids.

When everyone came back to their senses, they saw the ancestor of the Zhao family flying out with a flick of his body.

"Ah You……"

The patriarch of the Zhao family quickly stabilized his figure, covered his left face, and stared at Ye Yun in disbelief.

He was actually slapped by Ye Yun!

Moreover, he didn't notice it in advance!
"I must have been careless!"

The ancestor of the Zhao family was furious:

"Ye Yun, you little bastard, how dare you insult me ​​with these crooked methods!"

"I want you, so die!"

The sound fell, and the world trembled again.

The infuriating energy, which was as vast as a galaxy, fell from nine days away, frantically rushing towards his body.

"I'm going to seal up all the space around you, and see how you can play tricks!"

He didn't believe that Ye Yun had the strength to crush him.

The only possibility is that this little boy has learned some heretical skills.

Just like just now, his punch, which seemed light and fluffy to hide from everyone, killed Zhao Shenghui and Zhao Xuyu in a row at the end.

This time, he will not give Ye Yun any chance to cheat!

"God · Tianji Sealing Technique!"

As soon as he moved his hands, within one meter around Ye Yun, an extremely intense purple light immediately appeared.

This purple light is as thick as honey, visible to the naked eye, and there are countless shining small spots of light in it.

When Ma Jingtian and the others stared at these small spots of light, their pupils shrank involuntarily:
"God! This is... this is space!"

"This... hundreds of millions of spaces have been compressed!"

Being able to compress such a huge amount of space, this level of power made Ma Jingtian, who is an innate master, feel that he is really too small!
In the purple light, Ye Yun didn't move at all, it seemed that he was completely sealed.

Murong Yan couldn't help being surprised:
"Ye Yun, are you okay?"

Ye Yun smiled without looking back:
"Don't worry my wife, nothing happened."

The ancestor of the Zhao family laughed wildly when he heard the words:
"Little bastard, at this point, are you still pretending?"

"If you could move, why would you wait here and let me kill you!"

His right hand turned into a ray of purple-golden flame, and said ferociously:

"I want to cut you into [-] million pieces to avenge my Zhao family!"

"go to hell!"

"God Broken Empty Palm!"

He pushed out his right hand horizontally, and that purple-golden flame turned into billions of sharp rays of light, like a rain of swords, and shot at Ye Yun with lightning speed.

Seeing that Ye Yun was still motionless, Ma Jingtian and others all wailed:
"Such supernatural powers are unavoidable, Ye Yun is definitely dead this time!"

Murong Yan followed Ye Yun for so long, and it was the first time she saw such a powerful move.

Although, she firmly believed that Ye Yun could save the day and crack this trick.

However, seeing the dense purple-gold sword rain covering Ye Yun with a sweeping force, she was still so frightened that her palms sweated.

However, she will not scream, let alone make a cry of worry.

Ye Yun is not afraid, and neither is she!
She wants to follow her husband to face mountains of swords and seas of fire, and after the storm is over, she will smile at the rainbow in the sky!
"Hahaha, you simply don't have the ability to dodge!"

"Ye Yun, your time of death has come! Goodbye!"

The patriarch of the Zhao family couldn't stop laughing wildly, his gaze fell on Murong Yan's face all of a sudden:
"When you die, I will send your beautiful wife and daughter to meet you on Huangquan Road!"

"is it?"

Seeing how proud the ancestor of the Zhao family was, Ye Yun couldn't help grinning:
"Your self-confidence is ridiculous to me!"

When the words fell, he stretched out his white right hand.

Chi Chi Chi!
His slender and beautiful fingers directly penetrated the hundreds of millions of spatial blockages of the ancestors of the Zhao family.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the ancestor of the Zhao family.

Snapped! !

Without waiting for the ancestor of the Zhao family to react, another slap was slapped out.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream, and the ancestor of the Zhao family couldn't control his body at all, and he slammed into the wall ten meters away.


His body fell to the ground after exploding a ball of white light.

At this time, looking at him again, he was already devastated, and his whole body was covered in blood stains as if he had been bombarded by a missile.


"With one slap, the ancestor of the Zhao family will be destroyed!"

"How is this possible? How is it possible?"

Ma Jingtian and the others were all shocked from ear to ear, their faces were pale and their mouths were parched in an instant.

With a faint coldness and a smile, Ye Yun strolled to the ancestor of the Zhao family under the broken purple-gold light all over the sky.

Looking down at him, he said:

"What I hate the most in my life is that someone has any evil thoughts about my wife and daughter."

"I decided to send you to hell with three slaps."

He slowly raised his white right hand and said with a sneer:
"I have slapped you twice just now, and with this last slap, I will crush your body, golden core and soul."

"You wait and see."

When Ye Yun threw out the last sentence, not only Ma Jingtian and the others, but even the half-dead ancestor of the Zhao family were so frightened that their eyes burst into tears and their heart stopped suddenly.

At this moment, they will no longer know Ye Yun's strength.

It's just that one slap shatters the body, golden core and soul of a powerful golden core, this...

What a terrifying force it takes!
The hearts of the ancestors of the Zhao family and Ma Jingtian were trembling.

"Ye Yun, what kind of monster is that?!"

"Why, he is so strong!"

No one dares to ask!

At this time, Ye Yun was a more terrifying existence than Jindan Almighty.

They are afraid that whoever speaks will die!
Therefore, I can only swallow this huge doubt!
However, Ma Jingtian and the others can avoid death, but the ancestors of the Zhao family can't!

"Ye Yun, I beg you not to kill me! I am willing to be your slave and handmaid, please spare me!"

"I am the only golden core power on this planet. I have cultivated to this point with great difficulty. I don't want to die!"

The ancestor of the Zhao family burst into tears, lying on the ground begging Ye Yun for mercy.

But at this moment, Ye Yun had already raised his right hand and waved it down.

This slap seemed very light, like a loving mother gently slapping a naughty child.


Boom! ! !

A shock.

Visible to the naked eye.

When the palm wind fell, the body of the ancestor of the Zhao family directly shattered into purple gas.

In the purple gas, a small ball of golden light the size of an egg fell apart in an instant.

Along with it, a green light that looks exactly like the ancestor of the Zhao family.

All turned into fine powder and dissipated with the wind.

Ma Jingtian and the others had already dragged their jaws to the ground.

With a total of three slaps, Ye Yun wiped out a golden core power!
And this third slap was especially powerful.

One palm falls.

The flesh is broken.

Jindan exploded.

Soul scattered.

So scary! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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