Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 809 Visitors from the Realm of Cultivation!

Chapter 809 Visitors from the Realm of Cultivation!
"A special guest?"

Tong Ruichang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He hurriedly greeted Ye Yun and the others to enter the door, then turned to the butler and said:

"Go, take me to see!"

Tong Ruichang followed the butler to the gate, and saw two people standing in front of him.

The current one is an old man in his 50s, wearing a white Taoist uniform, he looks quite immortal.

As for the young man behind him, he looked about 20 years old, but he was very handsome.

He was wearing a blue Taoist uniform, and there was a hint of arrogance between his brows.

When his eyes met Tong Ruichang's, he calmed down, showing a little more respect.

Tong Ruichang looked at the two old men carefully, felt that they were somewhat familiar, and quickly cupped his hands and said:
"I don't know where the two distinguished guests are from?"

The old man stroked his beard and smiled when he heard the words, and said playfully:
"Brother Tong, I never thought you wouldn't know me after I haven't seen you for more than thirty years!"

Seeing Tong Ruichang's puzzled expression, he waved his hand generously and said:

"I'm Xue Haoren!"

After this sentence fell, Tong Ruichang couldn't help trembling in shock.

"What? Are you Brother Hao?"

"No wonder, no wonder, when I first saw you, I felt a little familiar! It turns out that you are an old friend!"

He then changed the conversation:
"It's just, Brother Hao, you weren't like this before, why have you changed so much now?"

Xue Haoren is five years older than him, and is 55 years old this year.

He still remembers.

About 35 years ago, due to the business relationship between Tong's family and Xue Haoren's Xue family, he and Xue Haoren also became friends for several years.

Because Xue Haoren is kind and caring for him, he called Xue Haoren his elder brother.

Later, without knowing why, Xue Haoren left Zijiang, and has never been heard from since.

I didn't expect to see you again at this time, 35 years later.

But the memory of yesterday became extremely clear at this moment.

However, the Xue Haoren in front of him has a completely different temperament from back then.

Even his appearance is a bit more handsome than when he was young.

Xue Haoren laughed when he heard the words, showing a hint of arrogance and said:

"That's because I've stepped into the Supreme Dao, and I'm no longer a mortal!"


Tong Ruichang was surprised again when he heard the words:
"You are not a mortal anymore?"

Xue Haoren nodded:

"It's a long story. In a word, I am now a monk."

Spreading his palms, two clusters of golden light appeared in his palms:
"This elixir is named Guiyuan. It can not only strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality, but also prevent all diseases from invading. It can also prolong life. Once you take it, you can live for ten or eight years without any problem!"

"Now, I will give these two pills to you and your siblings as a birthday gift for you!"

Tong Ruichang hastily declined and said:

"Brother Hao, it would be better if you came! These two pills are so precious, I absolutely cannot accept them!"

Xue Haoren shook his head and said:

"No problem! In our cultivation world, it's not difficult to make such a pill, just accept it!"

Tong Ruichang had no choice but to accept it with a nod:
"Thank you so much then!"

He set his eyes on the man behind Xue Haoren:

"Who is this?"

Xue Haoren said with a smile:
"This is my son, named Xue Fengxin, who is now living with me in the cultivation world."

Only then did Xue Fengxin step forward, bowed slightly to Tong Ruichang and said:
"Hi uncle!"


Tong Ruichang's eyes were filled with admiration.

With his status, he naturally knows what the cultivation world means.

That is an existence high above and above the world of mortals.

Everyone who comes out of the realm of comprehension can be called a god in the world.

In front of Xue Fengxin's appearance is majestic and majestic, people can't help but take a high look.

Tong Ruichang then took Xue Haoren's hand and said:

"Brother Hao, please come in quickly!"

Xue Haoren nodded, followed him and walked inside, saying at the same time:
"We came here today to discuss something with you."

Tong Ruichang asked:
"what's up?"

Xue Haoren said with a smile:
"It's a long story. We'll drink and talk later."

Tong Ruichang nodded again and again. Xue Haoren was already a monk in the realm of comprehension. He took the initiative to come to the door and punched him sincerely. There was no need for him to chase after others and ask questions.

Afterwards, Tong Ruichang brought Xue Haoren and his son to the living room.

At this time, there were already seven or eight tables of people sitting in the living room, Tong Ruichang directly brought them to the main table, and sat with Ye Yun and the others.

Tong Ruichang introduced Su Qinghua and Ye Yun to Xue Haoren in turn.

Xue Haoren nodded to Su Qinghua, then took a rough look at Ye Yun and the others, and then set his eyes on Tong Xinyi. After careful scrutiny, he couldn't help stroking his beard and smiling:

"Ruichang, you gave birth to a good daughter!"

Xue Fengxin's eyes flicked across the faces of Murong Yan and Murong Ranran, showing a hint of surprise.

However, when he saw Ye Yun sitting between the two of them, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

Unexpectedly, for a mortal boy with a handsome face, there are such a pair of sisters who are as beautiful as angels serving by his side, so beautiful and blessed, he is not afraid of ruining his life!
He revealed a trace of disdain unobtrusively, and finally looked at Tong Xinyi, and after a few careful glances, he showed a hint of satisfaction.

Tong Xinyi looked at them in surprise, and said:

"Dad, who are they?"

Tong Ruichang smiled and said:
"Uncle Xue was originally a member of the Xue family in our city. He went to the cultivation world more than 30 years ago."

"Now, your Uncle Xue brought his son here to celebrate your mother's and me's birthday. Xinyi, please say hello to Uncle!"

Seeing Xue Haoren's kind eyes, Tong Xinyi got up and said:
"Hello, Uncle Xue!"

"Okay, okay, this kid is so cute!"

Xue Renhao nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, hearing that Xue Renhao and his son came from the realm of comprehension, everyone present all looked in awe.

"Hey, I didn't expect the Patriarch of the Tong family to know someone from the cultivation world. Just look at this, the status of the father and son in the cultivation world is not low!"

"It's no wonder the Tong family has developed so rapidly in the past year. It turns out they have such a big backer!"


The people present were all prominent figures in the upper echelons of Zijiang City, and they had also met many romantic figures in the martial arts world.

However, it was the first time to witness someone from the cultivation world.

This made them feel envious of Tong Ruichang.

Xue Fengxin saw everyone's expressions in his eyes, raised his chin slightly, and looked a little arrogant.

Seeing that all the guests had arrived, Tong Ruichang ordered the butler to serve the dishes.

Wait, after drinking for three rounds.

he asked:
"By the way, brother Hao, just now you said that you have something to discuss, what exactly is it?"

Xue Haoren put down his wine glass, glanced at Tong Xinyi again, and then asked:

"Ruichang, do you still remember that we had a marriage contract more than 30 years ago?"

Tong Ruichang thought about it carefully, nodded and said:
"I remember!"

(End of this chapter)

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