Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 811 Such a crazy move!

Chapter 811 Such a crazy move!

Tong Ruichang hurriedly stopped Ye Yun and said:

"Ye Yun, I think it's better to forget it! He is a Jiuxian from the realm of comprehension, you will suffer a disadvantage in comparison with him!"

Su Qinghua also agreed:

"Xiaoyun, your uncle is right, we don't need to compete with them. Auntie is very grateful for your support for Xinyi, but there is no need to do something that is destined to suffer!"

Now, seeing Ye Yun is getting more and more pleasing to her eyes, of course she is reluctant to see Ye Yun's failure.

Even the people sitting on the side persuaded one after another:

"Patriarch Tong and Madam are right. This little brother surnamed Xue is not a mortal. We are at a disadvantage compared to them. There is no need to fight for it!"

"Ye Yun, it's still too late for you to give up now. Tonight is the fiftieth birthday of Patriarch Tong and his wife. After all, they are here to celebrate their birthdays. If you don't compare, they won't do anything to you."

"Boss Qi's words are justified! Mr. Ye, don't compare, just give up!"


All the people who came to celebrate the birthdays of Tong Ruichang and Su Qinghua tonight were all famous figures in Zijiang City.

They naturally knew what a person who came out of the cultivation world, especially a monk with status like Xue Fengxin, meant to ordinary people.

Although, they have more or less heard of Ye Yun's methods from Tong Ruichang.

But in the eyes of everyone, Ye Yun and Xue Fengxin are still far behind!
Now, if a mortal martial artist wants to wrestle with the little Jiuxian from the cultivation world, it is simply hitting a stone with an egg, and there is no chance of winning!
Seeing that Tong Ruichang and the others looked worried, Tong Xinyi said quickly:
"Dad, Mom, I trust my cousin-in-law! His martial arts are very high, and no one can match him!"

Since the last time, after seeing Ye Yun's immovable expression, he used Lun Martian Thunder to blow up the number one master in Huaxia's master list into powder.

In Dong Xinyi's heart, she firmly believed in Ye Yun from now on!
Tong Ruichang shook his head and said with a smile:
"Silly girl, didn't you hear your cousin-in-law say that instead of talking about martial arts, it's just wine making?"

Murong said confidently:
"It's no problem than brewing wine! The wine brewed by brother-in-law is definitely the best in the world!"

Su Qinghua glanced at Ranran, then shook his head secretly.

This little girl worshiped her brother-in-law inside and out. Judging from the situation, her affection for Ye Yun could not be pulled back by eight horses.


Two sisters serve one husband together, this kind of thing is too absurd!
Fortunately, Ye Yun had no idea about Ranran!
Thinking of this, Su Qinghua couldn't help but glance at Tong Xinyi, and sighed again.

My own daughter also seems to admire Ye Yun very much.

This child Ye Yun is really a natural girl killer!

Murong Yan said to Tong Ruichang:

"Don't worry, Uncle, Ye Yun is so talented, no one is his match!"

Her proud and firm tone made Tong Ruichang irrefutable.

Tong Ruichang had no choice but to nod and sigh, thinking in his heart, if Ye Yun lost, he would put on an old face, begging Xue Renhao and the others not to embarrass Ye Yun!
Seeing Murong Yan being kind and even Tong Xinyi defending Ye Yun like this, Xue Fengxin couldn't help but feel annoyed, looked down at Ye Yun impatiently and said:

"Having said so much, do you compare?"

"If you don't want to compare, you can just say it directly, I don't have to worry about it with a mortal!"

Seeing that Ye Yun remained motionless, he couldn't help but secretly sneered.

This little boy, just now he was so hot that he wanted to pretend, but now that he is awake, he dare not compare him, right?
I hope you better compete with me so that I can humiliate you severely!

Unlike Xue Fengxin, Xue Renhao couldn't help frowning when he heard Ye Yun's name one after another.

This name seems to have been heard somewhere!
He couldn't think of it for a while, so he had no choice but to shut up.

Ye Yun raised his head and glanced at Xue Fengxin without interest, and said:

"Since I said that I will compete, I will not give up."

"Okay! I'm waiting for your words!"

Xue Fengxin patted the table happily and said:
"Then tell me, what's the comparison?"

Ye Yun smiled lightly and said:

"It's very simple, just use your bottle of wine as the basis, and whoever can improve its taste the best will win!"

Ye Yun's words fell, and everyone in the audience was shocked.

No one thought that he would dare to compete with Xue Fengxin's wine.

This clearly shows that he doesn't take Xue Fengxin seriously at all!
You should know that the taste of wine is not only determined by the raw materials from which it is brewed.

It depends more on the techniques and skills of the brewer.

Even if the same raw material is brewed by different people, the taste will be good or bad.

But Ye Yun actually compared Xue Fengxin's wine.

This shows that he doesn't care what techniques and techniques Xue Fengxin used, and he has absolute confidence that he can brew better than Xue Fengxin!


"Ye, are you too crazy?!"

Xue Fengxin laughed back in anger, he held up the wine in his hand, and said:
"Not to mention this bottle of wine, it is the top quality wine that I carefully brewed. Generally, only the heads of a few big families in the cultivation world are eligible to enjoy it!"

"Just say that you don't know anything about my wine, and dare to compare it with me. Are you too arrogant? Or are you acting so insanely knowing that you can't compare with me?"

Tong Ruichang shook his head secretly when he heard the words, Ye Yun just glanced at Xue Fengxin's wine bottle, how could it be better than others?
Xue Fengxin put the wine bottle on the table, looked around and said:
"This bottle of wine has been brewed to the extreme by me!"

"I can guarantee that no one can brew better than me!"

After speaking, he flicked his finger and opened the bottle cap:

"If you don't believe me, try to smell it!"

A faint smell of alcohol floated out from the bottle.

In the blink of an eye, the huge living room was filled with an indescribable aroma of wine.

This taste.

Alcoholic and fragrant, the aroma of the wine is novel.

The cotton silk is like a trickle, slowly and endlessly.

It is as strong as the surging river water, endlessly.


This wine should only exist in the sky, it is rare to smell it in the world!

"Sweet! It's really delicious!!"

"I have tasted many fine wines in the world, but I can guarantee the taste of this one with my life, it will never be found in the world!"

"Immortal wine! This is definitely immortal wine! If you let me taste it, I will have no regrets in this life!"


As the aroma of wine filled the air, all the people present, whether they knew wine or not, gave out heart-piercing admiration.

In fact, this taste is too charming.

Everyone can feel their heart trembling, and every cell in the body is trembling.

It seems that the whole person has been occupied by this smell, and there is an uncontrollable excitement.

What's worse, everyone felt a power boiling in their bodies at the same time.

This made them startled.

It is indeed a fairy wine!
Just the smell of alcohol can cause qualitative changes in people's bodies!
If you take a sip, the effect is unimaginable!

Tong Ruichang and Su Qinghua looked at Ye Yun even more nervously at this moment and said:
"Ye Yun, Xiao Yun, his wine is so fragrant, our minds are filled with this aroma, and we can't get it out. You can't beat him at all!"

Ye Yun smiled slightly, and casually took Xue Fengxin's bottle of wine in his hand, closed the lid, and sent out a stream of innate spiritual energy to wrap around the bottle.

Seeing this, Xue Fengxin could not help but sneer and said:

"I thought you could have some special moves, but I didn't expect you to use this old trick!"

"To tell you the truth, I also used this method when brewing this bottle of wine. Where do you have the confidence to do it better than me?"

Ye Yun didn't answer, but with a flick of his right hand, he threw the wine bottle in front of Xue Fengxin, and said flatly:

"Good or bad, you open it and try."

"Hmph! You're really confident!"

Xue Fengxin smiled disdainfully, pointed at the bottle cap with his fingertips and picked it up, and the bottle cap popped!With a bang, he jumped onto the table.

Then, the white smell of wine in the bottle slowly floated out.

Pfft! !

A loud bang.

It was actually Xue Fengxin, Xue Haoren, and dozens of people present, their legs gave way, and they fell to the ground at the same time.

"God, it smells so good!"

I don't know who made such a heart-piercing exclamation.

"This... what is this smell? How can it be so fragrant!"

Xue Fengxin let out a loud roar with his eyes tearing open, and looked at the wine bottle on the table in disbelief.

Ye Yun glanced at him contemptuously, and said with a playful smile:

"If your wine is immortal wine, then I have transformed it into divine wine."

"The smell of divine wine, have you smelled it?"

Xue Fengxin opened his mouth wide: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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