Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 821 The threat of death!

Chapter 821 The threat of death!
Zhao Taiyuan and Ge Danwei both trembled and took half a step back.

"Nine Deaths Killing Soul Formation, is it really broken?"

"How could it be so simple? How could it be so simple? Impossible!"

The two were stunned for a while.

This formation is known as Nine Deaths and Soul Slaying.

Once someone breaks in, even if his cat has nine lives, he will die, and even his soul will disappear in smoke!

Zhao Taiyuan remembered that it was recorded in ancient books that there was a battle between gods and demons in ancient times.

The first time the Yellow Emperor and the big devil Chi You met, they were almost killed by this formation.

At that time, Chi You used demonic blood to drive the Nine Deaths Slaughtering Soul Formation, besieging tens of thousands of divine soldiers.

Although the Yellow Emperor led the divine soldiers to resist, he still could not escape the fate of being slaughtered.

A total of [-] divine soldiers and hundreds of divine weapons were reduced to ashes in this formation!
Just thinking about the scene of tens of thousands of people wailing and their souls being scattered makes one's scalp tingle!
If it wasn't for the end, the Yellow Emperor deduced 81 times of Xiao Zhou Tian's technique, found out the flaws in the Nine Deaths Slaughtering Soul Formation, and successfully escaped from it.

I am afraid that the entire history of China will be rewritten from this!
Now, the Nine Deaths Slaughtering Soul Formation in front of the two of them was not personally blessed by Chi You at that time.

But its power should not be underestimated!

There are rumors that this formation was created by an ancient magic general, and it was left in this forest to ambush divine soldiers.

Later, because the magic weapon did not appear, the demon general also left this formation here. Time flies, and nearly ten thousand years have passed in a blink of an eye, standing here without falling down.

Neither of them expected that facing such a terrifying formation, Ye Yun would break it with a wave of his hand.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it even if they were killed!
"Ye Yun, did you eavesdrop on our conversation and know the flaws in this formation?"

After thinking about it, Zhao Taiyuan felt that only this statement was the most convincing.

Although, he concluded that Ye Yun's realm was lower than his.

But the ruler is short and the inch is long. Maybe Ye Yun is proficient in some kind of eavesdropping technique, and he has already heard the flaws of the Nine Deaths Killing Soul Formation.

Ge Danwei nodded again and again:
"I also think that he must have eavesdropped on our conversation in order to break this formation so easily."

"Hmph! I didn't expect a mere Huaxia Grandmaster to have such abilities. It makes me look up a little bit!"

Facing the questioning and disdain of the two, Ye Yun only smiled coldly:
"Summer insects are indescribable."

"After I rescue the hostages, I will deal with you."

The words fall.

call out!One sound.

He has flown into the forest.

at this time.

In the very center of the forest, where the trees and flowers are the most dense, Tong Ruichang and Su Qinghua were tied back to back.

"Ruichang, you just said that they arrested us to deal with Ye Yun?"

From the words of Zhao Taiyuan and Ge Danwei, Tong Ruichang has concluded that they came to kidnap him under the order of the head of the Qi family.

However, their ultimate goal is Ye Yun!

Tong Ruichang nodded and said:

"That's right! I guess, it must be that Ye Yun killed Qi Zhenan and Yokota Makoto last year, and Qi Yaozu knew about it."

"He did this because he wanted to use us to threaten Ye Yun."

After hearing this, Su Qinghua couldn't help saying anxiously:

"That's a big deal!"

"I heard from them just now that we are now trapped in a terrifying formation. Once Ye Yun comes here, he will definitely die!"

As she said, tears welled up in the corner of her eyes:
"I once promised Fanghua that Yanyan and Ranran would have a happy life."

"Now that Ye Yun has just returned, it has only been more than a year. If he is killed, what will Yanyan and Yaya do?"

"So what about me, explain to Fanghua under the Nine Springs?"

After hearing this, Tong Ruichang let out a long sigh and said:
"Tsinghua, you have tried your best, don't blame yourself so much!"

"I just saw that this place is deserted, maybe Ye Yun can't find it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a white light falling down.

Ye Yun had appeared in front of the two of them, and said lightly:

"Little aunt, little uncle, are you all right?"

Tong Ruichang and Su Qinghua couldn't help being surprised:
"Ye Yun, they let you in?"

Before Ye Yun could answer, Tong Ruichang said quickly:

"Hurry up and get out!"

"This formation is just waiting for you to throw yourself into the trap, you must not stay here!"

Seeing the anxious looks of the two, Ye Yun shook his head and smiled:
"Don't worry, I have already broken this formation, they can't hurt me."

After all, with a wave of his hand, he untied all the ropes of the two of them.

Tong Ruichang stood up, looked around, and murmured:
"It looks like it's really gone."

"Well, let's go out."

Ye Yun nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he led the two of them outside the forest.

Seeing Ye Yun come out with two people swaggeringly, Zhao Taiyuan and Ge Danwei couldn't help frowning.

"Ye Yun, if you want to take someone away under our noses, don't you take us too seriously?"

Ye Yun smiled coldly:
"How can a dying person enter my eyes?"

Tong Ruichang quickly pulled Ye Yun:
"Ye Yun, are you going to fight two against one?"

Ye Yun nodded.

Tong Ruichang hissed!Taking a deep breath, he said:
"The two of them are the most powerful priests of the Qi family, and one is the innate peak master of our Huaxia. It is said that under the golden core, they are already invincible!"

"The other person is the sage of magic in Myanmar. He can communicate with the world endlessly at any time, and his power is extremely powerful! If you are alone, you will easily suffer a disadvantage if you have to deal with them at the same time!"

Su Qinghua nodded and said:

"Your little uncle is right. As the saying goes, a good man is defeated by four punches, and you are bringing the two of us with you. You can't let go."

"Xiaoyun, your own life is the most important thing, don't drag yourself down because of us!"

Seeing the worried expressions of the husband and wife, Ye Yun shook his head and said with a smile:

"You worry too much. To me, the two of them are just two ants."

"I'm going to kill them, but it's easy."


After Zhao Taiyuan heard this, the anger in his eyes erupted like a volcano.

"Zhuzi! You really think that you can be so arrogant after breaking the Nine Deaths Slaughtering Soul Formation!"

"I, Zhao Taiyuan..."

Ye Yun frowned and glanced at him, only to say two cold words:

Bang! ! !
With just one glance, Zhao Taiyuan, who was about to muster his breath to kill Ye Yun with one blow, was blasted into a cloud of blood mist.


This sudden change made Tong Ruichang, Su Qinghua, Ge Danwei and the three of them all take a deep breath of cold air.

With just one look, it would be so cruel to kill a peak innate master!

None of the three could have imagined that Ye Yun would be so ruthless against Zhao Taiyuan!

Tong Ruichang and Su Qinghua couldn't help looking at Ye Yun with a trace of awe.

Tong Ruichang, in particular, exclaimed in his heart.

Xiaoyun, a kid, breaks through my imagination every time he makes a move.

Where is his limit?


In the shock of Tong Ruichang and his wife, Ge Danwei was the first to come to his senses, and when his legs softened, he knelt down heavily.

Although he is from Burma, he is currently ranked third as a magician saint.

However, compared with Zhao Taiyuan, he is still a realm weaker.

He didn't expect that the terrifying Zhao Taiyuan was completely wiped out by Ye Yun's eyes.

Then I am pure cannon fodder in front of others!

He wanted to escape...but he didn't dare!

Because, Ye Yun only needs to look at him to kill him.

Such a speed, even if he tried his best, he couldn't surpass it!
Therefore, the only way is to beg for mercy!
"Senior, everything I did was forced by Qi Yaozu, and I didn't really want to attack your relatives!"

"Senior, please forgive me and spare my life. In the future, I will be an ox and a horse for senior, and I will die!"

Ge Danwei kowtowed desperately, with tears and snot in his nose, how can he still have the momentum of a saint of magic?

Ye Yun smiled coldly, stepped forward a few steps, and walked in front of Ge Danwei.

Those shiny leather shoes were facing Ge Danwei's head.

Seeing Ge Danwei trembling with fright, Ye Yun sneered and said:

"Use your phone to call Qi Yaozu."

Ge Danwei raised his head in bewilderment, this evil god didn't kill him, but let him make a phone call, what exactly is he trying to do?
Not daring to ask more questions, he quickly responded and dialed Qi Yaozu's phone number.

On the other end of the phone, Qi Yaozu's arrogant voice immediately came:

"Master Song, you took the initiative to call, have you already killed that bastard Ye Yun?"

They had agreed a long time ago that they would report the matter to Qi Yaozu immediately after the matter was finished.

Ge Danwei quickly shook his head and said:

"No! We can't kill him!"

"This call was made by him!"

On the other end of the phone, Qi Yaozu frowned and said in surprise:
"What the hell is this bastard trying to do?"

With a wave of his hand, Ye Yun sent Tong Ruichang and his wife away, then stepped on Ge Danwei's head, and said with a sneer:
"Don't you like to threaten people? Now, I will let you feel the threat of death."

After all, he began to use his right foot hard.

"Ah! Ah! Don't! My head, my head is going to explode!"

The sound of skull breaking and Ge Danwei's screams rushed into the phone at the same time.

Ling, Qi Yaozu on the other end of the phone couldn't help but feel chills all over his body.

"'t go too far!"

Even Qi Yaozu couldn't help trembling when he heard these voices.

It's not hard to imagine how cruelly tortured by Ye Yun was being endured by Ge Danwei on the other end of the phone.

Bang! ! !
But, just after he finished speaking, there was a loud noise that almost shattered his eardrums.

Just listening to this voice, Qi Yaozu could imagine the terrifying scene of blood splashing everywhere.


He trembled and dropped the phone to the ground.

But I heard Ye Yun's extremely cold voice coming from inside:

"It's just an appetizer."

"Next, wait and die!"

(End of this chapter)

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