Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 824 If you don't leave within 3 breaths, you will leave your life here!

Chapter 824 If you don't leave within three breaths, you will leave your life here!
After Ye Yun's words fell, Murong Yan and Murong Ranran, Tong Xinyi, who were about to enter the door, all stopped.

Turning around, I saw two white lights falling.

Two young men were scanning the crowd arrogantly.

It is Tianbao and Dihu!
Tianbao's eyes fell on Ye Yun, and after a light glance, he looked away and said loudly:

"Who is Ye Yun, get out!"

His roar turned into a circular air wave and spread out from the courtyard.

Visible to the naked eye, crackling on the ground!Countless cracks appeared on the ground, and the marble floor tiles couldn't bear the roar at all.

Torn apart!

The scene was horrific.

When the air wave approached everyone, Ye Yun turned the air wave into nothing with a wave of his hand.


Tianbao and Dihu immediately locked their eyes on Ye Yun.

Tianbao smiled playfully and said:
"Look at this, he is that Ye Yun!"

The ground tiger sneered and said:
"I didn't expect that he was still a little boy, but he was quite good at pretending. I saw his aura restrained just now, and thought he was just an ordinary person!"

He pointed to Ye Yun, and said with disdain:

"Boy, do you dare to fight against the Qi family?"

"Do you know that the Qi family is now under the protection of our master, let alone you, Ye Yun, even the entire Chinese martial arts world is not enough for our master to blow it out!"

Ye Yun smiled coldly and said:

"So, you were sent by the Qi family to deal with me?"

Tianbao snorted arrogantly and said:

"You are still a sensible person!"

Murong Yan stepped forward and said:
"Since you are running errands, you are not worthy of my husband's hand."

"Besides, this is the Tong family. I hope you leave now. My husband will seek justice from the Qi family afterward!"

Ran nodded and said:
"Sister is right! You Qi family, aren't you capable of kidnapping my aunt and uncle? Then let the person in charge come out!"

"My brother-in-law, I will definitely teach you how to behave today!"

Hearing this, Tong Xinyi nodded firmly at the side.

In the eyes of the three girls, there was boundless trust in Ye Yun.

With such gazes, Tianbao and Dihu were taken aback for a moment.

After a long time, Tianbao came back to his senses, glanced at Ye Yun contemptuously, and said:
"You guys have so much confidence in him?"

The ground tiger secretly shook his head and said:

"What a fearless ignorant!"

Ye Yun frowned and glanced at the two of them, saying:

"My wife has already told you to go back."

"Give you three breaths of time to leave, or you will stay here with your life."

Saying so, he hugged Yaya and led Murong Yan and the others into the door.

Seeing Ye Yun's contemptuous appearance, Tianbao and Dihu couldn't help being furious.

Tianbao said ferociously:
"This little bastard, how dare you despise us so much!"

He spread out his right hand and turned into a huge steel claw. Countless streams of spiritual power overflowed from his claw, with a very domineering aura.

"One breath!"

Ye Yun's voice came out faintly.

Tianbao frowned and roared angrily:
"Zhuzi! Even if you are a golden core, I can tear you to pieces!"

"You dare to humiliate us like this, you will definitely regret it!"

His voice turned into a swift shadow, and he had already killed Ye Yun.

"Two breaths!"

When Ye Yun's voice came out again, Tianbao was no more than half a meter away from him.

"Zhuzi, save the third breath to hell to count!"

"Broken Empty Claw!"

The huge steel claws tore through the void behind Ye Yun, approaching the back of his head extremely quickly.

At this moment, Murong Yan and the others all felt a chill.

Tianbao's shattered empty claws are as piercing as the winter wind.

"Ye Yun, brother-in-law, be careful!"

Before Ye Yun turned around, Murong Yanran and the others couldn't help feeling nervous.

"Three breaths!"

Just as the words fell, Tianbao, who was still murderous just now, suddenly exploded into a ball of black light, and was sucked into the space behind him like a swirling current in a river.

In the blink of an eye, there is no trace!


In the yard, the ground tiger who witnessed this scene was so frightened that his eyes were tearing apart.

He could never have imagined that in the prehistoric era, the super giant Tianbao, who was as famous as himself, was killed in this way!
"How could this be?"

The ground tiger's eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

"Didn't it mean that he is at best a congenital expert? How could he kill Tianbao in such a way without turning his head?"

The ground tiger felt chills all over his body, and instantly felt like retreating.

As a prehistoric behemoth, after being subdued by Thunder God, he cultivated a shocking cultivation.

To be precise, he has cultivated to the innate realm of the human world with the body of a giant beast, and he can be said to be completely invincible under the Golden Core!

Even in the face of a golden core power, he is not powerless to fight back.

He never imagined that Tianbao, who had the same strength as himself, would be killed so easily by a human being.

There is absolutely no power to fight back!
"Damn it! Only the master can deal with this kid!"

The ground tiger was sweating coldly on his forehead, he turned around hastily, and was about to disappear into a white light.

Just at this moment, a faint voice sounded:

"I said, if you don't leave within three breaths, you will leave your life here."

The ground tiger only felt that the space around him was completely sealed, and the extremely hard barrier made him unable to move at all.

"Ah! Please don't kill me!"

"I'm leaving now, please hold your hand high and spare my life!"

The ground tiger's body was trembling, and cold sweat soaked his whole body instantly like rain.

He could only beg, beg hard!

"Sorry, it's too late for you to beg for mercy."

Ye Yun's faint voice, like a death sentence, caused the ground tiger to fall into the ice cave in an instant.

"Ah~ don't..."

With a scream, he, like Tianbao, turned into a ball of black light and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Ye Yun had arrived at the room of Tong Ruichang and his wife with Murong Yan and the others.

Although their bodies were not injured in any way, the husband and wife still looked a little terrified. They didn't completely calm down until they saw Ye Yun and the others enter the door.

"Little aunt, little uncle, Dad, are you all right?"

Murong Yan and Ranran Tong Xinyi hurried forward to look them over carefully.

"We're fine! Seeing that you're all fine!"

Su Qinghua and Tong Ruichang quickly shook their heads and laughed.

Yaya jumped to the ground, took the hands of the two and said:

"Grandpa, Grandma, it's great that you're all right!"

"I'm still worried, you guys will cry!"

Su Qinghua hugged the little girl with a smile, kissed her and said:

"Baby, you don't cry anymore, how can we cry?"

"Besides, with your father here, no one wants to hurt us!"

Yaya nodded and smiled:

"That's right! My most annoying papa in the universe will never let you get hurt!"

Seeing the little girl's proud and proud expression, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads and laughing.

Ye Yun then glanced at Murong Yan and said:
"Honey, then you all stay here. I'm going to make a deal with the Qi family about today's matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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