Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 826 I love my wife too much!

Chapter 826 I love my wife too much!
Qi Yaozu reminded:

"Da Neng, since this Zhu Zi dared to come here, it means that he has eliminated the two great immortals, and his strength should not be underestimated!"

Originally, Ye Yun killed Zhao Taiyuan and Ge Danwei in a row, but he didn't take it too seriously.

However, Tianbao and Dihu never returned, which surprised Qi Yaozu a little.

Therefore, he kindly reminded.

Vulcan heard the words, but smiled even more disdainfully:

"That day the leopard and ground tiger were just mounts for me and Thor. Killing them won't explain anything!"

Thor shook his head slightly and said:

"Vulcan, this statement is wrong."

"Although Tianbao and Dihu are nothing in my eyes, it is not easy for others to deal with them."

"Even if they are both in the realm of comprehension, if a master at the peak of innate talent goes against them one-on-one, each of them can only be [-]% sure. If they are placed in the human world, then the opponent's chances of winning will be even lower."

He glanced at Ye Yun and said:
"This kid can't deal with Tianbao and Dihu. There must be someone behind him!"

Vulcan thought for a while, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Ye Yun with a threatening look:

"Boy, call out the backers behind you together."

"Today, I will kill you and others together!"

Hearing this, Ye Yun couldn't help laughing dumbly.

Murong Yan pulled him nervously, and said:
"Ye Yun, one of them is called Thor and the other is called Vulcan. They should be real gods, right?"

In Murong Yan's understanding, there have been legends of various gods in China since ancient times.

Among them, the names of Thunder God, Vulcan God and Water God are simply thunderous to her.

such as.

Lei Shen, commonly known as Lei Gong, is the god in charge of thunder.

And Zhurong, the god of fire, and Gonggong, the god of water, did not give way too much.

Murong Yan never expected that the Qi family alone would gather two legendary gods.

This made her nervous all of a sudden.

Even Murong Ranran and Tong Xinyi beside her were worried after hearing the names of Vulcan and Thor.

Seeing their tense looks, Vulcan and Thor couldn't help but raise their chins, their expressions even more arrogant and disdainful.

But Qi Yaozu, Qi Yucan and others had a sneer on their faces.

Are you afraid now?

These two great powers, whose strength crowns the galaxy, are the real gods!
Ye Yun, if you dare to bring a few girls to the door to pretend to be aggressive, there will be no return this time!

Ye Yun saw all the expressions of worry or disdain in the crowd, shook his head lightly and said with a smile:

"Honey, that's why I brought you here today. I want to spread the knowledge about the cultivation world with you first."

He pulled Murong Yan into the hall as if no one else was there, asked her to sit on a chair, then stared at her and said:

"For more than a year, you have followed me and met several people from the cultivation world. I also took you to the cultivation world."

"Now, I want to tell you that the so-called cultivation world is a world above the human world on the earth. They exist in the void above our heads, and mortals cannot peep into their existence."

"In that world, there are also mountains and waters, but it is full of rich aura everywhere. Flying insects and beasts are all full of spirituality. Some people there have cultivated from the human world to the innate realm and smashed the void to enter, and some are In ancient times, the original residents lived there."

"These people are somewhat capable. They like to face mortals with a superior attitude. They often call themselves immortals and gods. In fact, in the end, they are just that. They also have joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys, and they will die. "

As Ye Yun said, his eyes lightly swept across the faces of Vulcan and Thor, and said:

"For example, they are not the gods in our Chinese legends, but super human beings with a little cultivation."

Ye Yun's words made the whole audience fall silent for a while.

For Murong Yan, it was the first time for her to hear Ye Yun describe the world of comprehension in such detail.

With a flexible mind, she immediately wanted to understand the key point:

"That is to say, the cultivation world and the human world are actually two worlds, right?"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:
"Well, that's it."

Murong Yan suddenly said:

"Based on that, then the mirage we sometimes see may be the scene of the cultivation world!"

Ye Yun nodded again:

"You're right again."

Murong Yan smiled sweetly:
"You are really a good teacher, you let me thoroughly understand the world of comprehension right away."

After hearing this, Ye Yun laughed and said:
"That still requires you to be smart. People who can listen to me, Ye Yun, can't do it unless they are talented and intelligent!"

The husband and wife sang together, and inadvertently, another big mouthful of dog food was spilled out.

Ran Ran looked at all this enviously, thinking that he had never been to the world of comprehension until now.

It turned out that my sister and brother-in-law had already been there to play!


With a cold snort, Qi Yaozu frowned and glanced at Ye Yun, saying:
"Ye Yun, in front of Da Neng, you are too presumptuous!"

"Don't think that you can criticize and disdain the cultivation world and all the great powers here just because you have some achievements!"

"You husband and wife want to show off your affection, and you will go to hell in the future. There is plenty of time!"

After hearing this, Ye Yun frowned, and a cold murderous aura suddenly burst out:


Everyone was caught off guard, but Qi Yaozu was blasted into a cloud of blood mist by his eyes.


Qi Yucan, Tong Yunhai and the others were all so frightened that their eyes were tearing apart, and after taking a breath of air-conditioning, they backed away again and again.

" killed my father?!"

Qi Yucan said in surprise and anger.

He couldn't believe that Ye Yun was so cruel, he was the first to attack his father.

This is in front of the two powerful gods of fire and thunder!
Ye Yun glanced at him coldly and said:
"Anyone who dares to say that my wife is half bad, I will kill him immediately!"

Qi Yucan frowned.

Because of his father, when he scolded Ye Yun just now, he brought his wife in and was the first to be killed.

What the heck, he loves his wife too much!
Others just casually brought a sentence ah!

Tong Yunhai and the others secretly sneered.

This fellow Ye Yun dared to kill the Patriarch of the Qi family in front of the two powerful people. This enmity must be repaid with blood!


An incomparably terrifying murderous aura poured down like the Yellow River nine times above.

The pressure made everyone flustered for a moment, feeling like all the blood vessels in their bodies were about to burst.

Vulcan got up and said angrily:

"Zhuzi! The Patriarch of the Qi family gave me and Lei Shen a treasure. He is our friend. If you dare to kill him like this, you deserve death!"

A stream of fire exploded from his chest, spiraling upwards around his body, turning into a majestic fire dragon.

Ye Yun gave him a look of disdain:
"Want to start?"

Vulcan's beard and hair all stood up and said:

"I'm going to kill you with my own hands! Do you think I'm joking with you?"

Ye Yun smiled playfully and said:

"I promised one person to give him a chance to kill you."

"Now, since we have met, let him come forward and make a break with you."

After speaking, he motioned Murong Yan to continue sitting, then sat down next to her, and hugged Yaya from Ranran's arms.

Then, he waved his right hand.

A white light flashed.

A handsome man in white clothes with long hair appeared in front of everyone.

When, after seeing the man's face clearly, Vulcan and Thor couldn't help but shrink their pupils:
"Zhuo Yu!"

(End of this chapter)

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