Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 835 China's No. 1 Kitchen God!

Chapter 835 China's Number One God of Cooking!

Ye Yun turned around and glanced at Murong Yan, then asked with a smile:

"Wife, do you want to go and see?"

Murong Yan nodded.

Murong Ranran straightened her head:
"Going! Going!"

Yaya took Elizabeth's hand and said:

"Grandma Queen, take us to have a look!"

Elizabeth pampered her little head, nodded and said:
"Okay, then we'll go now."

Afterwards, the guards cleared the way, and Ye Yun, Murong Yan and her followed the queen and walked straight to the Victoria Hotel.

When, after a group of people left the port, the crowd instantly became a sensation.

"Oh my god, the queen is actually holding the hand of a little girl! Whose little baby has such unnatural luck!"

"The twin sisters beside the queen are so beautiful! They look like beauties walking out of comics. Who are they?"

"God, that handsome guy is even more handsome than Tom Cruise! How can he be so perfect? ​​My heart is going to be melted by him!"


Because of the queen's appearance, the eyes of nearly ten thousand people in the port were all focused on Ye Yun and the others.

However, because of Ye Yun's super handsome appearance and the beautiful pair of sisters Murong Yan and Ran Ran, they quickly became the focus of attention.

Makes men envious and women jealous.

All of a sudden, there was an endless stream of exclamations and praises throughout the port, continuous and melodious.

But at this time, Ning Jiaxin, who was standing in the distance like being abandoned by the whole world, looked at Ye Yun and the others with envy and hatred.

Her beautiful eyes were shrouded in deep disappointment and helplessness.

"If, at the beginning, I had treated them better, then I can definitely be like them now, by the Queen's side, and enjoy the envy of the entire Hong Kong Island people, right?"

"What a pity! How did I offend them?"

"Who would have thought that these mainlanders would have such a big background!"

Shaking her head again and again, Ning Jiaxin, who knew that her dream of a wealthy family was broken, squatted in the corner alone, and couldn't help crying.

"Your Majesty, welcome!"

When Ye Yun and the others arrived at the Victoria Hotel, there were already high-level executives from Hong Kong Island waiting there.

In addition to the governor, Zhou Huiyu, the highest secretary on Hong Kong Island, Zhao Wenyang, the chief of the police department, and others all appeared on the stage.

At the same time, beside the group of high-level executives, there was a handsome young man in a black suit with an extraordinary appearance.

"Mr. Ye!"

After greeting Elizabeth, Zhou Huiyu and Zhao Wenyang immediately noticed Ye Yun beside her.

In the eyes of several people, there was a strong look of fear immediately, and they hurried forward to say hello.

Ye Yun nodded slightly towards them, that aura was the best in the audience.

The handsome young man glanced at Ye Yun, then glanced at the two girls, Murong Yan and Ran Ran, who were beside him, turned around and asked:

"This Mr. Ye doesn't seem to be from Hong Kong Island?"

Zhao Wenyang nodded and said:

"Yes, he is a wealthy son from mainland China."

Afterwards, Zhao Wenyang whispered in the ear of the handsome young man, and told all about Ye Yun's actions on Hong Kong Island last time.


As soon as he finished speaking, the handsome young man couldn't help but gasped, and hurried forward and said:
"Mr. Ye, I am Li Zihan from the Li family in Hong Kong Island, I have admired you for a long time!"

Zhao Wenyang stepped forward and added:

"Zi Han is the eldest son of the Li family, and the new generation successor that the head of the Li family has the most high hopes for."

Ye Yun nodded slightly:


Li Zihan took the initiative to extend his hand, but Ye Yun ignored him, he was not annoyed, he withdrew his hand and nodded with a smile:

"Hello! Please take care of me in the future!"

After greeting Ye Yun, Li Zihan and Murong Yanran were polite again, and then returned to Elizabeth with Zhao Wenyang and others.

A group of people then entered the hotel at the same time, and saw two men walking in front of them.

The current one is an old man in his 60s and [-]s. He is wearing a black Tang suit, his hair is combed shiny, and he looks like a master.

Although the young man who followed him had a very haughty gaze, compared with him, he still lacked a lot in temperament.

"Master Hong!"

When Li Zihan saw the old man, he stopped and shouted respectfully.

Master Hong followed the sound and saw the queen standing beside Li Zihan, he stepped forward and bowed slightly:
"Your Majesty, hello!"

Elizabeth looked him up and down, and asked Li Zihan:
"This is the number one God of Cooking in China you mentioned?"

Li Zihan nodded and said:

"Exactly! Master Hong is rumored to be our first generation God of Cooking in China, Yi Yin's direct disciple. It is rumored that he met Yi Yin in a dream 30 years ago, and his cooking skills skyrocketed overnight, making him invincible all over China." hand!"

"Now, he is the vice president of the World Gastronomy Association. He is proficient in all major cuisines in China, and has great insights into the cuisines of more than 30 countries in the world, including France, Italy, and Japan."

"Master Hong is most famous for the 'Chinese and Western New Manchu Banquet', which claims to be invincible all over the world, and it is the supreme food on this planet!"

Elizabeth showed a hint of surprise and said:

"It's so powerful! Then the title of God of Cooking seems to be in his pocket!"

The man whose real name is Hong Dasheng smiled proudly when he heard the words, shook his head and said:
"Your Majesty, there is a saying in China that says how to kill a chicken with a butcher's knife."

"I am here this time, not to participate in the competition in person, but to let my apprentices go up and show their hands."

"With his ability, winning the title of God of Cooking is just as easy as pie!"

Elizabeth looked at the young man behind him and asked:

"Is he also very good?"

Li Zihan nodded and said:

"That's right! This brother Xu Junhang is the only disciple under Master Hong's seat. He has already won five gold medals in the World Food Competition. He is the guest chef of the royal families of Spain and Scotland, and is very popular with the royal families of these two countries!"

When Elizabeth heard this, she showed a hint of approval:
"Sure enough, a famous teacher produces a talented student. If you have the opportunity in the future, you can come to the UK. Our British royal family also needs talents like you."

Hong Dasheng nodded and said with a smile:
"Okay, if you have a chance, you must go!"

Xu Junhang showed a hint of joy. The status of the British royal family in the world is completely higher than that of Spain and Scotland.

If you can get the favor of the British royal family, then the days to come will be so beautiful that you can't even imagine it!

He quickly bowed and said:

"Thank you Your Majesty the Queen!"

Elizabeth nodded and smiled, then glanced at Ye Yun and said:

"I didn't expect that Huaxia not only has a vast territory and rich resources, but also has such a hidden dragon and crouching tiger in terms of food."

"Mr. Ye next to me is also a gourmet genius. The foie gras he made is the most delicious food I have ever eaten in my life!"

Yaya nodded proudly and said:
"My dad not only cooks delicious foie gras, but all the food he cooks are the most delicious in the world!"

Hong Dasheng and Xu Junhang, seeing the Queen and Yaya admired Ye Yun so much, couldn't help frowning slightly, and glanced at the extremely handsome man.

Hong Dasheng secretly showed displeasure.

This little boy was the first to reach the queen.

I didn't expect that after thousands of rushes, this kid would take the lead. Seeing him bewitching the queen like this, I think it took a lot of effort!
After thinking about it, Hong Dasheng couldn't help showing a hint of contempt.

I know all the wizards in the Chinese food industry, but I have never seen this person.

Come to think of it, this little boy should be an unknown person who wants to take advantage of the Queen's visit to Hong Kong Island to climb the dragon and the phoenix.

It's hard for such a scheming villain to be elegant!
Don't say I make a move, even if Junhang shows his hands casually, he can be thrown far away.

Why should I care about him!

Thinking of this, Hong Dasheng directly ignored Ye Yun, smiled at Elizabeth and said:

"Your Majesty, if you have a passion for Chinese food, I can make an exception today and cook for you myself."

"However, before that, let's witness the moment when my apprentice won the glory of the God of Cooking!"

Elizabeth nodded politely and said:
"it is good."

Li Zihan then glanced at the crowd and said:
"The God of Cooking competition is about to start, let's all go in!"

Ye Yun and Murong Yan nodded, and the group entered the arena together.

(End of this chapter)

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