Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 837 The World's No. 1 God of Cooking is still alive!

Chapter 837 The World's Number One God of Cooking is still alive!

What the white man said caused the audience to explode.

He even said that Xu Junhang's eight-treasure pufferfish is rubbish!

"Who is this person, who dares to say such arrogant and unruly words?"

"Xu Junhang's eight-treasure puffer fish is already extremely delicious. How can he make a more delicious hot fish?"

The white man's words were so earth-shattering that the people present expressed deep doubts about it.

And Hong Dasheng was so angry that the muscles on his face trembled, he angrily said:
"He Fang kid, how dare you talk nonsense here!"

"How can you, a barbarian in Italy, know the true meaning of our Chinese cuisine?"

Facing the doubts or accusations of the crowd, the white man not only did not panic at all, but instead glanced at the audience with contempt, and proudly said:

"Of course I have the right to comment on your food!"

"Because, my name is Francesca Adam!"

Adam's words caused quite a commotion in the audience again.

"God, it turns out that he is Adam who was known as the world's number one chef 15 years ago!"

Someone immediately asked:

"The world's number one God of Cooking? Is this a title recognized by the international food industry?"

The person who spoke just now nodded and said:

"Of course!"

"Adam is the only gourmet in the world who has won such an honor in modern times!"

"His achievements in the world of gastronomy are unprecedented and unprecedented. He is known as the myth of Italian cuisine. His signature dish is a fried steak, which is known as the soul of the Mediterranean. It has also been praised by countless people as a gift from God. the taste of!"

"This shows how terrifying his strength is!"

What this person said caused a third wave of commotion in the arena.

"It turns out that he is the one, the only God of Cooking in the world so far. No wonder he has the confidence to belittle the Babao puffer fish. He is indeed qualified to make such an evaluation!"

"After more than ten years of dormancy, he came back out of the rivers and lakes. It seems that the title of God of Cooking tonight will fall into the hands of Adam."

After a few words of admiration, everyone immediately made such a judgment.

Adam won the title of the world's number one chef chef 15 years ago.

Although in the later days, it gradually disappeared from the world stage.

However, people are not in the arena, but there are legends about him in the arena.

Now, after he revealed his identity, no one dared to doubt that he was not Xu Junhang's opponent.

At this time, even Xu Junhang showed a slightly apprehensive expression, looking at Adam solemnly.

Elizabeth looked at Adam and said:

"In this competition, anyone who is capable can participate. Since Adam refuses to accept it, he can issue a challenge."

Several referees on the side nodded after hearing the words.

What Elizabeth said was not false at all, according to the rules of this contest, it was true.

Adam smiled proudly, walked to a table without saying much, and took a few puffer fish and some ingredients from the side.

"There is a saying in your Huaxia, which is called the Great Way to Jane."

"If you want to make the most delicious soup, you don't need to be so fancy, as long as you are sincere, it will be delicious!"

Adam smiled faintly at Xu Junhang, and then arranged and cleaned the ingredients step by step, then put them into the pot and added seasoning.

After just 5 minutes.

Adam lifted the lid of the pot, which immediately caused a huge exclamation.

"God, how can this smell so good?"

"Although I haven't tasted it, I'm sure that the puffer fish made by Adam is even more delicious than Xu Junhang's!"

"It seems that the former World's No. [-] God of Cooking is still there, and his glory has not diminished!"


From questioning to admiration, everyone only took a pot of soup.

Adam's level made everyone present feel that he is absolutely qualified to say that Xu Junhang's eight-treasure puffer fish is rubbish!
"Please referees taste!"

With a confident smile on his face, Adam asked the staff to serve a bowl of soup for each of the referees.

When the referees drank the soup in the bowl to the last drop, they all showed extremely shocked expressions.

"Smell! It's so fragrant! Really, this smell should only be found in the sky, and it's rare to taste it once in the world!"

"The World's No. [-] Chef God really lives up to his reputation. This is the most delicious puffer fish I have ever eaten! Compared with it, the eight-treasure puffer fish is too inferior!"

Among the referees, the oldest and seemingly most qualified person turned his gaze to Xu Junhang and said:
"Can you make something more delicious than Adam's puffer fish soup?"

Xu Junhang gritted his teeth, stepped forward to taste Adam's handicraft, frowned, sighed heavily, shook his head and said:
"His production method seems simple, but I can't make this taste even if I try my best!"

"I admit, I have no way to surpass Adam!"

With one word, the audience roared.

"He surrendered!"

"The world's number one God of Cooking is a cow. As soon as he makes a move, people will convincingly admit defeat!"

Amidst the admiration of everyone, Adam proudly glanced at the audience, and said with a smile:
"The most delicious food in this world is our Italian food. The so-called Chinese food is completely vulnerable to our Italian food!"

"However, in China's gourmet world, there is no one who can make the food of his country to perfection. It's really disappointing!"

On the one hand, he was too high on Italian food, while belittling Chinese food, and even criticized the Chinese food industry as useless.

Everyone couldn't help but change slightly when they heard the words, feeling a little embarrassed.

Although Adam's words were extremely contemptuous, at this moment, people did use Chinese ingredients to make the most delicious food, which made everyone have no confidence to refute any words.

Soon, the arena gradually quieted down.

I don't know how many people looked at Adam helplessly.

Yaya frowned and said to Ye Yun:

"Papa, this person looks down on our Chinese food so much, but I think our Chinese food is the most delicious in the world."

"Papa, why don't you make a dish and defeat him?"

Seeing Adam belittle Huaxia so much, the little girl felt a trace of patriotism surge out again in her heart.

Seeing her eyes filled with anticipation, Ye Yun nodded and said:
"Okay, Papa will definitely convince him to admit defeat."

Just as he was about to get up, a voice sounded coldly beside him:

"What's the use of you going up? Do you want to be humiliated by Adam again?"

But Hong Dasheng stood up, frowned and glanced at Ye Yun, then stepped forward and said to Adam:

"My apprentice lost to you, but I didn't!"

"If you dare to insult my Huaxia cuisine, I will show you how ignorant you are!"

Adam sneered and said:

"Big words! Why on earth do you dare to say such things in front of me?"

Hong Dasheng frowned and said:

"Because I am No. 1 in Chinese gourmet cuisine! Because I once met the Chinese chef god in my dream, and got his true biography!"

~Merry Christmas everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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