Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 930 You shoot!

Chapter 930 You shoot!

In the blink of an eye, it is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Ye Qing casually brought a little salute, then headed for the Suzhou-Hangzhou coach station.

Just after he got off the bus platform, not far away, a black Rolls-Royce Phantom appeared at the intersection behind him.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Han Long suddenly saw the young man in front of him, pointed at him and said:

"Miss, that person is very similar to Ye Qing."

An Jinxuan hurriedly lowered the window and took a closer look, it was indeed Ye Qing.

"Stop! Stop!"

The car approached Ye Qing, An Jinxuan quickly stopped the car, opened the door and jumped down.

"Ye Qing!"

An Jinxuan is wearing a pink thin wool sweater today, a blue knee-length pleated skirt, a pair of light pink stockings underneath, and a pair of black leather shoes.

The whole person, like a delicate girl walking out of flowers, looked at Ye Qing in surprise.

Ye Qing glanced at her lightly:
"Is something wrong?"

An Jinxuan secretly gritted her teeth, this bastard, can't she just smile at herself?
"I'm going out to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. I just saw you going to the bus station and wanted to take you for a ride."

Ye Qing shook his head and said:
"No, thank you."

An Jinxuan stepped forward and said:
"Don't, tell me where to go, just in case I can drop by."

Seeing that the time was approaching, Ye Qing had no intention of entangled with her, and said:

"I'm going to Yunjiang."

When An Jinxuan heard this, her eyes lit up, and she said happily:

"I also happen to be going to Yunjiang! Then let's take the bus together!"

After finishing speaking, he waved to Han Long and the others to let them leave first.

Ye Qing was speechless, didn't Miss An want to take her for a ride?

Since he was on the way, why did he take a long-distance bus with him?
Too lazy to think about it, he turned around and walked towards the bus station, An Jinxuan hurriedly followed.

Inside the Rolls-Royce, a bodyguard asked suspiciously:

"Brother Long, Missy and Ye Qing are going to the same place, why don't you let him get on the bus, instead take the bus with him?"

Han Long chuckled and said:

"You're stupid. If you take Ye Qing into the car, wouldn't it be a disturbance to others if we old men are in the car?"

"When people go to take a long-distance bus, the two of them spend more time alone."

As he spoke, he gave the bodyguard a look that you understand.

Afterwards, several people secretly smiled.

I didn't expect Miss An to have a little IQ!
"Ye Qing, wait for me!"

Ye Qing is already a master of the Tongxuan Realm, every step he takes, the wind blows under his feet.

An Jinxuan was a head shorter than him, so naturally she couldn't keep up with his pace, and had a hard time chasing after him.


Suddenly, she screamed.

Ye Qing turned his head and saw that she had fallen to the ground, clutching her right ankle, with tears in her eyes.

"I'm injured!"

An Jinxuan raised her eyes and looked at Ye Qing pitifully.

Ye Qing is not a hard-hearted person, seeing that she did twist her foot, he had no choice but to go forward and help her onto the public seat next to her.

"It's just a sprained foot, it's fine, I'll help you twist it back."

An Jinxuan nodded, and raised her right leg high:
"Take it easy!"

Ye Qing smiled speechlessly, after all, she is a pampered young lady, this kind of pain is terribly frightening.



When Ye Qing turned his gaze, he saw the cute pink Hello Kitty under the blue skirt.

An Jinxuan quickly pressed down the hem of her skirt, blushing and said angrily:

Ye Qing glanced at her speechlessly:
"I'm squatting here, and your legs are raised so high, it's hard not to see it, so you have the nerve to blame me?"

An Jinxuan was speechless for a moment, bit her teeth and said:

"I don't care! Anyway, if you read it, you are a little hooligan!"

Ye Qing frowned and said:
"If you talk any more, you can stay here alone."

Seeing that Ye Qing was about to leave, An Jinxuan was so frightened that she had to shut up, blushed, took off her shoes, and lowered her legs a little.

Ye Qing held her little feet in his hands, even though they were wrapped in stockings, he could clearly see the graceful curves like polished jade.

Her feet are not skinny and dry, but have a little bit of flesh, revealing a simple and cute look.

The five toes are neatly joined together, just like her girlish age, subtle and beautiful.

Clean silk stockings, not dyed in one layer, exudes a girlish fragrance slightly.

In order to prevent the eldest lady from screaming again, Ye Qing lowered her foot a little bit, then helped her to rub her ankle, and at the same time forcibly injected true energy into it.

Not long after, An Jinxuan felt her ankles warm and comfortable.

She blushed and asked:

"Ye Qing, last time I seemed to be in your yard, I dropped a note, did you see it?"

Ye Qing nodded and said:
"I saw it."

An Jinxuan blushed like blood immediately, and said a little excitedly:
"Then... what do you think?"

Ye Qing got up, shook his head and said:

"I took a casual look and threw it away without any thought."

An Jinxuan was speechless for a moment.

This little rascal, he actually threw the note away!

This is my first time writing a love letter!

Seeing that Ye Qing had turned around and was walking towards the station, she had no choice but to put on her shoes angrily and followed quickly.

In order to sit with Ye Qing, An Jinxuan rushed to buy two tickets.

Ye Qing didn't bother to talk nonsense with her, so he let her go.

After the two got into the car, An Jinxuan looked around in amazement:

"So it's a passenger car! It's really different!"

The car was full of people at the moment, and everyone looked over with idiot eyes.

However, after seeing her beautiful face and aura of wealth and glory, everyone's eyes changed.

I wonder which rich lady this is, who has come down to experience life.

The poor boy sitting next to her seemed to be her boyfriend. Could it be that a toad can eat swan meat these days?
Several men gave Ye Qing a jealous look.

Ye Qing ignored everyone's different expressions, closed his eyes alone, as if an old god was still there.

The car then drove out of the station and soon came to the expressway.

At this time, a tiger-shaped man suddenly got up in front of him, took out a black pistol, and shouted:
"Just sit still and don't move! I want to rob, whoever moves will die!"


This sudden change made everyone gasp in shock.

Although the big man had been disguised, someone with sharp eyes recognized him immediately, and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Zhang Zhiqiang! He is the A-level wanted criminal of the Ministry of Public Security, the killer Zhang Zhiqiang!"

Hearing this, the audience was in a panic.

"This person is said to have killed a family of seven in Jincheng, and his methods of killing were extremely brutal. How could he be here?"

"It's over! Now that the car is on the highway and there is no one around, if he goes crazy, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Because of Zhang Zhiqiang's appearance, many people's faces were as white as paper.

What's more, the indecent liquid could not help spraying from the crotch, and tears were frightened.

Zhang Zhiqiang glanced around, and after confirming that no one dared to move, he went straight to Ye Qing, pointed his pistol at An Jinxuan and said:

"I saw you coming out of the Rolls Royce just now. This is where you are the richest. Now give me all the money and jewelry on your body, or I will kill you!"

An Jinxuan was startled, she didn't expect that she would be targeted by this murderer long ago.

However, seeing Ye Qing by her side, she showed no fear on her face, instead she glanced at Ye Qing with a smile:
"My boyfriend is here, if you can beat him, I will give you all the money!"

Zhang Zhiqiang immediately aimed his gun at Ye Qing, and roared angrily:
"Boy, if you don't want to die, lie on the ground and don't move!"

"Just like you, I can stab you to death with one finger, I advise you to be good!"


As he spoke, he opened the insurance with a murderous look.

At this moment, a man sitting in the front row was about to get up and rush over.

Beside him was a hot woman wearing sunglasses and a black leather jacket, but motioned for him to sit down.

"I'll count one, two, three, get the hell out of here, or I'll blow your head off!"

Seeing Ye Qing not moving, Zhang Zhiqiang thought he was petrified, so he gave an ultimatum.

Ye Qing smiled when he heard the words, pointed to his temple and said:
"You shoot, remember to aim."

(End of this chapter)

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