Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 100 You Should Be Killed

Chapter 100 You Should Be Killed
The man with triangular eyes only felt a burning pain coming from his lower abdomen, and then his whole body's breath fell directly, and he hit the big tree behind him that needed several people to hug him.


The whole big tree fell in response, and the man with triangular eyes was spitting blood continuously from his mouth, his complexion was as pale as paper, his breath was very unstable, and he was probably on the verge of death.


"Who are you? We have no contact with Your Excellency, so I don't know why Your Excellency will be cruel next time. Is it possible that Your Excellency is not afraid of being spurned by the world, so bullying others with power."

The triangular-eyed man struggled and coughed a few times. He was obviously a sophisticated person, and with a few words, he put the one who made the move at a disadvantage.

Sure enough, as soon as this remark came out, there was no more sound.

The triangular-eyed man rolled his eyes, secretly thinking there was something going on, he greeted the other four people, held him steady, and said in a low voice: "This person's strength may have reached the profound realm, if he fights hard, the five of us will look like this now. There is only one way of thinking, but fortunately this person's brain is not clear, and I retreated after a few words, taking this opportunity, let's go first, and then we will be with the people from the Shangbai family and the Luo family, and we will have no worries."

"Third uncle, you have suffered!" said the woman who was hugging the devil spider egg tightly.

"No problem, let's go!"

At this moment, the eyes of the five people flickered, and a figure appeared out of thin air at the exit, walking towards the five people step by step, with slightly heavy steps.

The triangular-eyed man known as the third uncle frowned tightly, because this figure seemed a little familiar, and he suddenly remembered a person. Isn't this person the boy who was sent into the magic spider by his palm?

"Who are you, don't block our way!" Among the five people, a man with dry firewood yelled at Gu Feng, apparently he hadn't remembered Gu Feng yet.

The man with triangular eyes gave him a cold look, and warned him that he still doesn't know whether the strong man in the profound realm is around or not, and it's unclear what the relationship between the strong man in the profound realm is with this young man.

A look of astonishment appeared on the face of the woman embracing the spider's egg. He naturally recognized the young man in front of him, but based on his experience, the young man should have been taken as dinner by the spider, so how could he appear here? Could it be that they are twin brothers with the same father and mother.

The man with triangular eyes naturally thought of this idea.

"Are you looking for your brother?" the woman holding the spider egg said loudly.

There was no response, Gu Feng was still moving towards them.

"There was a boy inside just now, who looked exactly like you. He passed us in a hurry. He should be an older brother or younger brother. Are you looking for him?" The triangular-eyed man immediately added, immediately covering up all their crimes. After all, in his eyes, the dead will never speak.

However, Gu Feng still didn't respond. When he was a few feet away, he stopped and looked at the five people in front of him with great interest.

The scene seemed awkward for a while.

"Go to hell with me!" The skinny man couldn't hold back anymore, the atmosphere that made him breathless was really uncomfortable, he didn't understand why he had such a big fear of a young man.

In his eyes, Gu Feng was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. He took out the sledgehammer on his back, his eyes turned cold, and he wanted to smash Gu Feng's head to pieces.

"Go to hell with me!" a voice roared.

A look of disdain appeared on Gu Feng's face. With his left hand, he held the Tianlei Spear horizontally in his hand, and directly stabbed him with a single shot. This set of movements didn't take half a breath, and the throat of the thin as dry wood man was already crushed. Run through, his face is full of puzzlement, why Gu Feng's speed is so fast.

"I don't know if you still remember my long spear?" With a wave of his hand, the skinny man threw it out. At the same time, Gu Feng held the Tianlei spear horizontally in front of his chest, and said lightly.

"You are, you are the one just now!" Finally, another girl in purple exclaimed in shock, and among the five people, she was the only one who noticed the spear behind Gu Feng.

The other three people were startled suddenly, no matter in their expressions or actions, the boy in front of them was really the same as the boy who was killed by them just now, could it be the same person.

But, this is impossible, the young man in front of him is obviously not yet 20 years old, and the demon spider just now is indeed as strong as the human profound realm, how could this young man escape from under the demon spider.

Could it be a strong man in the profound realm who is under 20 years old? The triangular-eyed man known as the third uncle shook his head. Regarding his second guess, he was more willing to believe the first one. After all, a profound realm under the age of 20 The strong one is really too scary.

"It seems that you still don't think of me, so do you remember that you just sent me into the mouth of the magic spider with a palm?" Gu Feng charged the Tianlei Spear violently and hit the ground.

As soon as this remark came out, the remaining four people all looked at each other in blank dismay, their faces full of astonishment.

"Batian Fist!" The triangular-eyed man roared suddenly, and his left fist immediately gathered a wave of spiritual power, and the whole fist continuously emitted a yellow light.

It hit Gu Feng's chest.

Sneak attacks have always been his forte. He would not believe that Gu Feng had a profound cultivation. He thought that Gu Feng must have escaped by chance. When Gu Feng was killing people just now, he was keenly aware that he did not notice any different fluctuations around him. Apparently, the strong man in the Profound Realm that made him fear had already left, since he was not in the same group, let's kill him again.

The Batian Fist carried out a series of fist seals, and each fist seal was connected end to end, one after another, continuously.

"People like you really deserve to be killed!" Gu Feng said coldly.

Facing the ever-enlarging fist marks in his pupils, Gu Feng let out a low growl, grasped the Sky Thunder Spear tightly with his left hand, and stabbed straight forward.

He was going to block the punch with a gun.

There was a loud bang, and the Thunder Gun didn't seem to tremble. On the contrary, the fist strength of the man with triangular eyes was completely shattered by the bombardment of the Thunder Gun, without any resistance at all.

The fist print was shattered, and the man with triangular eyes spurted out a big mouthful of blood. He was already on the verge of death, but now he was even more sluggish. Looking at the extremely black gun head that was constantly rushing towards him in his pupils, the man with triangular eyes was afraid, and he regretted it. , regretted provoking Gu Feng, regretted attacking Gu Feng.

But all regrets are too late.

The whole sky trembled, and a pitch-black spear directly pierced through the head of the man with triangular eyes, until all the vitality collapsed, the man with triangular eyes still had a look of fear on his face.

When Gu Feng pierced the triangular-eyed man with a single shot, the other three were completely stunned. Fast and ruthless, this is not something a young man can do, it is clearly a devil.

"Don't kill us, this devil spider egg is for you, I can give you everything, don't kill us!" The woman holding the devil spider egg said in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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