Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 25 Sad Wang Tian

Chapter 25 The Sad Wangtian ([-])
As the saying goes, the poison of a tiger does not eat its eggs, and Wang Tian's punch to Wang Yue actually explained a lot of things. On this continent where martial arts are respected, sometimes everything can really be ignored.

Wang Yue is not Gu Feng, so naturally he can't look like Gu Feng, who can face the power of a strong man in the Xuan Realm. Wang Yue, who has always been domineering in Qing County, also ignores his own strength, even if he is already , but still only have the fifth level of spiritual power. Even if he resists with all his strength, how can he be the opponent of the profound realm powerhouse? Facing Wang Tian's domineering punch, it has almost become a certain death situation.

Cracking, the sound is very soft, even if the sound of falling logs around is very noisy, the sound is still very obvious to the ears.

The long sword in Wang Yue's hand snapped at the sound. Wang Yue, who originally wanted to rely on this magical weapon to resist, suddenly had a look of horror on his face. The long sword in his hand was a treasure of the Wang family. would be so useless.

Wang Tian laughed: "Nizi, is it strange that the quality of this Wang Jian is very strange? To tell you the truth, your Wang Jian is just an imitation. I have already given the real Wang Jian to your elder brother for safekeeping. I already knew that you are staring at it. With this king sword, I can see your every move, haha!"

Wang Yue shouted with a pale face: "Old bastard, you will die, even if you are a ghost..."


Before Wang Yue could finish his words, he was blasted out by Wang Tian, ​​his chest sank directly, and white bones pierced out of his chest cavity. On the back wall, it was dead dead.

"I have to decide my own life, so what are you!" Wang Tian said indifferently, without any sense of guilt for killing his son with his own hands.

The old man of Wu Dian saw all this, shook his head secretly, and sighed: "Patriarch Wang Tian, ​​you can't even let your own son go, you are really cruel."

"Old man, so what if you kill it, so what if you don't kill it, this is my family matter, can you manage it? Don't think that you are the elder of the Hao Lanzong, so you can interfere in everything, and you kid, I am Wang Tian Today is all thanks to you, anyway, I will not go back to the Wang family, if any of you dare to approach me again, I, Wuyou, will drag you back even if I die!" Wuyou's tone was a little growling, and the whole person's breath It was also extremely unstable, with the veins on his forehead exposed, as if he was receiving enormous energy.

"He's going to explode his martial spirit! He's just a lunatic!" Shi Yue said in a low voice, looking at Wuyou with fear in his eyes, the self-explosion of a strong man in the profound realm is not something they can bear.

Although this kind of berserk power would not have any effect on the old man of the Wudian, it would be fatal to Gu Feng and Bi'er.

But ordinary martial arts practitioners will not use such martial skills unless they have to. Self-explosion is the explosion of martial spirits. The group of people who are respected are those who have healing martial spirits, and those who have reached the level of martial arts with healing martial arts will not exceed two hands in the entire Western Realm.

The reason why Shao Yuan didn't explode his martial spirit just now is that he was too careless. After all, it takes time to explode his martial spirit. The other is that he never thought that he would be killed by Gu Feng. Maybe he didn't. I want to understand, after all, if you let a strong man in the profound realm believe that he will be killed by a warrior with only eighth-level spiritual power, this is probably more difficult than ascending to the sky.

The whole hall is still cracking, and the brows of the old man in Wudian are also tightly knit together. Although it is possible for him to stop Wang Tian's crazy move, it is only possible. If he fails and does not stop it, then welcome them What will happen is a self-destruction. Maybe he can avoid it by relying on the power of the situation, but the others present will feel uncomfortable, and they may even be bombed to death directly.

Gu Feng pushed Shi Yue away, walked towards Wang Tian step by step, and said slowly: "Patriarch Wang Tian, ​​there is one thing I have been deceiving you for a long time. I am not the disciple of Elder Shi Tian of Hao Lanzong at all. Qing County is not ordered by some family teacher to get rid of your Wang family and Shao family. I came to Qing County only because I was framed and hunted down in Haolanzong, and Shi Tian is my enemy. Poor you After all, he is just a fool who is at my mercy and doesn't even know what he is doing."

Gu Feng's words pierced Wang Tian's ears like a sharp thorn. If what Gu Feng said was true, then he was really trying to die. The reputation of the county, in order to squeeze the Shao family out of Qing County, in order to be able to climb the big tree of Shitian, so that he will not be manipulated by him, he will not come to this banquet, and perhaps the Wang family will not be destroyed by himself. Thinking of this, Wuyou kept comforting himself: "Impossible, this is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible. Your Wang family and Shao family are cancerous tumors in Qing County. They harm civilians and do all kinds of evil. How many of your eight concubines are sincerely with you? Almost all of them were snatched by you. Let's go!" Gu Feng's words were sharp.

Wuyou regretted it, but the most unsold thing in this world is regret medicine, which hurts others and eventually harms himself. Wuyou wants to grow stronger, and kills innocent people indiscriminately on weekdays. He is like a hegemon in this Qing County. After all, because of his greater self-interest And it was calculated by Gu Feng.

After half a breath, Wuyou suddenly raised his face, with a stern look on his face, and roared: "Even if it is so what, this Qing County belongs to Wang Tian, ​​and it is my blessing for me to snatch them as my concubines. Not only that, as long as I can get the appreciation of Elder Shi Tian, ​​I want to turn the whole Qing County into a purgatory on earth! Hahahaha! Boy, I just didn’t expect to fall into your scheme and turn the boat over with you, but please don’t get too complacent Good morning, because I've changed my mind now, I'm going to kill you!"

Gu Feng was not surprised but smiled slightly, and said in his heart: "This Wuyou is really stupid, he will be provoked by me so easily, as long as he comes to kill me, he will have a chance to kill you, what an idiot!"

(End of this chapter)

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