Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 29 Beer's Life Experience

Chapter 29 Beer's Life Experience ([-])

The sudden change caused Gu Feng to be slightly taken aback, why did the mysterious man in front of him kneel down suddenly, and even called Bi'er the third miss.

"Miss San!" Bi'er only felt her body tremble, and muttered in her mouth.

Then some dusty memories in my mind gushed out like a flood that had been suppressed for a long time. Tall buildings, Noda's hall, gorgeous clothes...

The more she thought about it, the more painful it became. Bi'er supported her head with both hands, shaking desperately, and her expression was disfigured in pain.

"Miss San, I am your servant, Miss San, don't you remember?" The messenger's voice rang in Bi'er's ears without a break.

"Servant! Brother Gu Feng, help me, my head hurts, my head hurts!" Bi'er's eyes were narrowed into a thin slit, her whole head was shaking non-stop, and the muscles on her face were twisted together .

Gu Feng stood on the ground with one hand, resisting the pain in his chest. Seeing Bi'er's appearance, although he had already sensed something, he still hugged Bi'er tightly, hugged her tightly, and kept comforting and stroking her. , and at the same time shouted at the suffering messenger: "Enough! Don't you see that she is already like this, don't say any more!"

After shouting loudly, the bitter messenger actually stopped. Unexpectedly, he didn't get angry because of this, but knelt quietly at the side, but the vicissitudes of the eyes were always on Bi'er, and the eyes were gone. The indifference at the beginning was just caring.

Seeing that Bai Li was wrong, he was smart enough to guess something. When he thought of the origin of the messenger of suffering, his heart beat even more. The reason why the messenger of suffering was willing to protect him and go to Haoyue City was because he and his Father made an agreement, relying on the contacts in the entire Baidi City, to help the suffering messenger find the third lady in his mouth, and as an agreement, the suffering messenger will escort him.

Looking at the appearance in front of him, I'm afraid that the third lady in his mouth should be this weak woman. What makes Bai Li even more worried is that he once asked the third lady to accompany him to eat and drink, and even wanted to do that to her. thoughts.

As soon as he thought of this, Bai Li's face immediately turned pale. Although the bitter envoy had a contract with his father, it was only a verbal agreement. Right now, he has set his mind on the third lady. According to the bitter envoy's Acting style, oneself are easy to suffer.

So he hurriedly greeted Xiao Si, whispered a few words in a low voice, and the two of them wanted to sneak past, but after walking a few steps, the voice of the suffering messenger slowly appeared: "Master Li, please wait!"

The Messenger of Bitterness turned his back to Bai Li, his voice was like ice in the Nine Nethernesses, without warmth, even with his back to Bai Li, Bai Li was trembling, because of fear, the clothes on his back were immediately wet stand up.

Bai Li's body that was about to leave also froze immediately, which was very embarrassing.

"I don't know... the Messenger of Suffering... what orders do you have?" A few breaths later, Bai Li still trembled and asked, his biggest reliance now was his father, and he hoped that his father could deter the Messenger of Suffering.

There was a sudden shock, a black shadow passed by, Bai Li only felt a turmoil in his stomach, and then his whole body was ejected, hitting a wine table, with a bang sound, the wine table collapsed, Bai Li's mouth He even vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

At that moment, the breath languished.

Bai Li's face was full of fear, his face was as white as a sheet of paper, blood was still dripping from between his teeth, he never imagined that the messenger of suffering would be so decisive, he didn't give himself any chance to speak, he just punched him, but he didn't know that In the eyes of the bitter envoy, even if he killed Bai Li, it didn't matter. It was only because he had a verbal agreement with Bai Di that he acted lightly.

"Misery Messenger, could it be that you forgot about the agreement with my father, and you are going to kill me next time? Is it possible that all of you from Zhongzhou are so virtuous!" Bai Li pondered for a while, and immediately roared out. , He was very afraid, he was afraid that the Messenger of Suffering would kill him directly, and he hoped that this would deter the Messenger of Suffering.

"It is precisely because I had a verbal agreement with Bai Di that I didn't kill you, otherwise you would have become a corpse with just one punch, and please remember, don't make such a big hat every now and then, because This is really dangerous for you." The bitter messenger still turned his back to Bai Li, and said slowly, without the slightest emotion in his tone.

Bai Li stared at the suffering messenger with resentment in his eyes, the nails of both hands stabbed fiercely on the big bluestone, his whole body was filled with a gloomy aura, his teeth were shaking constantly because of resentment.

"Go back and tell Bai Di, I have found the third miss, and the verbal agreement between us will no longer count, now you can get out!" The bitter messenger's tone was still very indifferent, as if he was on trial.

"I will remember you, Xiao Si, let's go!" Bai Li took Xiao Si's support, covered his chest with one hand, said in a low voice, and then the two turned and left.

After Bai Li left the inn, the atmosphere in the entire inn still did not ease up. No one thought that the situation would suddenly turn into this.

In Zhongzhou, these two words shocked them too much. If Haoyue College can be regarded as a top school in the western world, then in Zhongzhou, even Haoyue College cannot rank well, because Everyone in the Wuling Continent knows that Zhongzhou is the core of the entire Wuling Continent, and the land in Zhongzhou accounts for half of the entire Wuling Continent.

And the man in black in front of him turned out to be from Zhongzhou, no wonder he could ignore Baidi City, beat Baili violently, and only such a giant from Zhongzhou could do this.

In addition to being shocked, the eyes of everyone looking at Bi'er were also full of fear, because this woman actually made the man in black kneel down and guarded her forever. Who is she?
(End of this chapter)

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