Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 310 Death Slash

Chapter 310 Death Slash

"Ahem!" Coughing a few times in a row, Gu Feng's eyes showed a trace of coldness, and he stopped caring about the dying blood that had been beaten by him, and stood proudly on the stone steps with a swish.

Looking at the people who have been restrained like cicadas, Gu Feng nodded deeply. In this world, only strength can speak. Only when you show domineering power, then you have the capital to speak in this world .

When dealing with enemies, Gu Feng would never show mercy, and the moment this bloody man became Gu Feng's enemy, he was already doomed, that is, death!

The sound of the surrounding hurricane began to growl slowly, and the icy thunder gun in Gu Feng's palm had been placed behind his back, and his hands began to make extremely complicated movements.

"Reaper, Ning!" Gu Feng said slowly from Gu Feng's mouth with a cold voice without the slightest warmth. The moment Ning Ning appeared, a black figure with a black robe all over his body and whose face could not be seen appeared in front of everyone. .

The long sickle was held high, and death flashed continuously on the pitch-black sickle.

Chi Chi!

The moment the God of Death appeared, everyone around subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and a look of fear flashed across their eyes, looking at the God of Death with horror.

"what is this?"

"Is this the real hole card of Saint Son Gu Feng?"

"It's such a forced pressure. In front of this black figure, my martial spirit actually trembled!"


"Death, condensate!" With another icy drink, the majestic death erupted instantly, and the strong death intentions seemed to be drawn, and they continued to condense out, and within a few breaths, they poured out Entering, constantly condensing towards the phantom of the god of death.

Swish swish!
The incorporation of every death intention will make the figure of the god of death solidify. You must know that the current Gu Feng is not a kid who just came from the western realm. After inheriting the holy son and getting the death talisman, the current Gu Feng can It is said that he is already the person with the purest business in the entire continent.

Not even death can compare.

The death intent emanating from the death talisman in Gu Feng's body is heading towards the figure of the god of death at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the coercion from the people around him is also getting more and more dignified. There is not much time to breathe, one by one It was already short of breath.

"Your life is under my control, and your death is also under my control. The world is dead, and I am the god of death!" Cold words came out of Gu Feng's mouth.

Swish swish!
Gu Feng's hands appeared to be empty, and then his eyes trembled suddenly, and the phantom of the god of death behind him appeared directly in front of Gu Feng.

"Chop!" With a cold drink, the words were followed, and the scythe held high by the Death God trembled, and the cold scythe showed mania.

The hands that were in the shape of empty hands suddenly changed, the left hand turned directly, and made a chopping motion. With a bang, at the moment when Gu Feng's left hand chopped down, the scythe that was held high slammed and flew towards the audience. Everyone fell down.

Where the scythe passed, everyone present felt a tremor, and the fear from the soul instantly covered the whole face. This is not over yet, the space whistling past directly burst, with a bang, at that moment, everyone only felt His whole body trembled, and within a few breaths, the scythe that was held up high fell down heavily.


A loud noise erupted in an instant, and the roaring spiritual power crazily surged towards the surroundings. This was not over yet. At the moment of the slash, countless death intents instantly devoured everyone on the scene.

Some people who were already dissatisfied with fear in their hearts actually knelt down and bowed down under Gu Feng's beheading. While their souls were trembling slightly, their whole people were extremely unstable.

"This kind of ending is what you asked for, crosscut!" Gu Feng's icy words continued to ring out, and it sounded like a dying bell to everyone's ears.

There was a loud noise, chi chi, the moment the death sickle slashed away horizontally, the space that had been completely filled with death was shaken, and an extremely black death sickle directly condensed out, the whole sickle has Tens of feet long, swish swish, swish, swish, and death intent appeared and disappeared on the whole scythe.

The moment the scythe appeared, all the people present gasped, their complexions turned pale, and their eyes were full of horror when they looked at the scythe.

Gu Fengxu's hands suddenly changed direction, changing the original vertical orientation to a horizontal orientation, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he said fiercely: "Cut!"

As soon as the words fell, the sickle in the hands of the god of death also appeared horizontally, and the cold sickle continued to radiate death, and it directly cut horizontally towards everyone present.

Everyone's eyes froze suddenly, and bursts of air-conditioning breathed out directly. Under the fear, each warrior felt a sense of ice-coldness, and with a bang, the sickle that was completely condensed in the space slashed away.

Everyone present could only feel the trembling and rattling of every part of the body. Every body was cut by the scythe like a mustard, and it seemed extremely fragile.

In less than half a breath, all the people present let out a roar from the soul. When Gu Feng slashed down, everyone died, and even the soul escaped.

Only Xuezi escaped this ruthless cut because he was lying down all the time!
Chi Chi!

The remaining death in the surroundings is still emerging, Xuezi's whole body is trembling, his mind has reached the verge of collapse, his heart is thumping, swallowing a mouthful of saliva, looking at Gu Feng's eyes no longer He lost his mania, and said in amazement, "Is this really a human?"

His eyes trembled slightly, and Gu Feng exhaled a long breath. Just at that moment, he himself entered an extremely wonderful realm, and the surrounding spiritual power was completely controlled by himself. At that moment, the whole person seemed to have become a The ruler of this piece of heaven and earth!

The phantom of the god of death in front of him dissipated little by little, and the vigorous death around him also gradually dissipated. Gu Feng clenched his fist and turned his gaze to the trembling blood again.

"It's really good luck for you. I didn't expect that you survived while so many people died. It's a bit surprising!" Gu Feng said in a calm tone.

But to Xuezi's ears, it was like a life-threatening talisman, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"Don't kill...I, please..." Xuezi knelt down, his whole body trembling.

"Hehe, the moment you become my enemy, this is already your end. I will never be lenient when dealing with enemies. Go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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