Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 319 The Terrifying Bier

Chapter 319 The Terrifying Bier
Chi Chi!

The air keeps shrinking, and the energy contained in the black spots expands bit by bit.

The entire barrier suddenly went dark, and all the condensed black spots exploded at that moment, and countless spiritual powers spewed out rapidly, swish swish swish, one after another spiritual power was like a warhammer from the destruction of another world, and it crazily output to the surroundings with.

The black-robed man finally felt the fear, his whole body trembled, and all his fine hairs stood up under the washing of the exploding black spots.


The icy voice was like a goddess from another world, and the temperatureless words sounded like a bolt from the blue to the man's ears. While trembling all over, a deep sense of fear had already risen in his heart.

Gu Feng's eyes were already full of shock at this time, seeing all this happening, Gu Feng only felt that the cells in his whole body trembled at that moment.

Even if they were separated by a few feet, Gu Feng could feel the coercion emanating from those black dots, and the feeling of powerlessness made Gu Feng extremely uncomfortable.

Suddenly, the entire sky was slightly darkened, and within a few breaths, the speed of the darkness became faster and faster, chi chi, every time the shroud made the sky depressed.

"what's the situation!"

"What a powerful coercion!"

"What's going on, it seems to be coming from that direction, what happened?"

"This coercion seems to destroy this piece of world!"

The people in the entire secret realm felt this kind of coercion. The most exaggerated thing is that the entire secret realm has been completely darkened at this time. In the darkness, everyone's eyes are all focused on the direction of Gu Feng and Bi'er.

In this eternal secret realm, every warrior's heart is extremely trembling, and when they look at each other, they can see the deep fear in each other's eyes.

The rapidly suppressing black spots finally reached a bottleneck, and all the spiritual power was crazily washed away, and the whole body of the man in black robe was completely torn, and what was even more exaggerated was that scars appeared on the surface of the explosive skin. .

At this moment, boom!Rumble!Rumble!

There were three loud bangs in a row in the entire dim sky. With a bang, the whole earth trembled slightly, and a majestic explosion sounded. With the painful scream of the man, every speck of dust in the barrier disappeared. It's completely gone, even the spiritual power in the enchantment is completely gone.

After a long time, the world was quiet again.

Bi'er let out a long breath, and a gleam of joy flashed in her calm eyes. She was finally able to fight for Brother Gu Feng!

Her delicate body trembled slightly, and Bi'er went limp immediately.

Gu Feng was in a hurry, took a few steps in a hurry, hugged Bi'er's delicate body, and gently stroked Bi'er's somewhat strong face, the shock in Gu Feng's eyes did not retreat for a long time.

The move just now was really too strong, so strong, if Gu Feng himself was bound by Bi'er, facing such a powerful force, I don't know if there is a chance to break free, this is the power of the ancestors, the ancient god of death , Eight Patriarchs, and Sixty-Four Emperors, none of them are simple.

Gu Feng knew that Bi'er was completely out of strength for the delicate body that had passed out in her arms, but the icy breath just now made Gu Feng feel a little cold.

"Silly girl, brother Gu Feng will protect you well in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. Don't blame yourself for yourself, you will always be the kindest person in the world!"


The inheritance of the ancestors.

At this time, the inheritance place of the holy ancestors was already surrounded by warriors. Originally, each warrior's face was more or less condensed with a trace of excitement. At this time, there was a little horror on the faces of everyone present.

"Young master, what was that breath just now?"

"I don't know, this breath is really too shocking, so shocking that I don't leave any sympathy!"

"Could it be that someone triggered a mechanism in one of the secret realms?"

"It shouldn't be possible. Most of the secret realms in the Eternal Secret Realm have been found out this time. In the entire Eternal Sacred Palace, I am afraid that only this ancestor inheritance has such a strong aura!"

I saw very young people in white clothes talking to each other. If Gu Feng was here, people would definitely be able to recognize the identities of these people. They were the ones who saw Gong Xiao and his party at the Gong style auction back then.

It's just that, at this time, Gong Xiao and the others looked a little tired, but there was a trace of joy in the depths of their eyes, presumably it was the ancient who had just obtained a certain inheritance.

"Brother Leng, what should we do? There are more and more people!" He Shuang in Tsing Yi said with a gloomy face and a hint of surprise in his tone, obviously a little surprised by the result.

"Although it's a bit unexpected, it's okay. The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit. We will hide behind these people this time. As long as these people can gain something by then, ha ha!" He Leng's face was also a little ugly , but after a few sentences, it quickly returned to normal.

This is the members of the He family who were counting on Gu Feng from the beginning. Originally, the members of the He family were going to rely on the news from the family to directly find the inheritance of the holy ancestors, but they found that the entire inheritance is extremely vast, and there are endless organs in it. He Leng It can be said that the group was extremely exhausted during this quest.

In addition, the black mage hadn't returned for a long time, He Leng already had some guesses in his mind that the black mage should have encountered an accident.

That's why He Leng came up with a plan. Being cunning and cunning, he decided to pass on the secret of the holy ancestor. He believed that every warrior who entered the eternal secret realm was for the inheritance of the holy ancestor. After the news got out, he firmly believed that no one would be able to resist this temptation.

Sure enough, within a few days after the news spread, people had already arrived one after another, but what He Leng didn't expect was that the news spread faster and faster, and soon everyone in the secret realm knew about it.

Of course, the name of Gu Feng on the reward list is naturally arranged by He Leng. If the black magician dies, He Leng has already raised Gu Feng's evaluation by one level at this time. If you find yourself, the reputation of the entire He family will be damaged at that time. Secretly contacting the black magician is absolutely intolerable to every warrior on the mainland.

Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, the safest thing is to kill Gu Feng on the way.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, He Leng narrowed his eyes slightly, and secretly said: "Come on, hehe, come on, this place will become your cemetery, and the inheritance of the entire secret realm will belong to me! Hahahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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