Chapter 325

The majestic voice resounded throughout the entire sky, and at the same time, everyone present was shocked, and mania immediately jumped out of the slightly tired eyes.

"The inheritance is about to start!"

"What's going on here, there should be no movement at all!"

"do not know!"

"Is it the ancient times of the Son of God!"

"Anyway, it's a good thing that this inheritance can be opened, hahahaha, it's really good!"

"This inheritance must belong to me!"

The moment the majestic sound sounded, whispers immediately popped up from the surroundings, and everyone's eyes showed mania, obviously forgetting all the previous fears.

Gu Feng was also slightly taken aback, but in just a moment, two extremely fiery rays of light shot out from his eyes, and his whole body was shaken with a loud bang. After all the hardships and hardships, the inheritance of the holy ancestor has finally come.

It's just that Gu Feng doesn't think that everyone who inherits the holy ancestor has a chance. Since entering this eternal secret realm, Gu Feng has encountered crises that cannot be counted on one hand. Every inheritance has a death penalty. Danger.

Obviously, even though the inheritance of the holy ancestor has been opened, Gu Feng does not think it is safe.

"Okay, this is the opportunity, as long as we enter this place of inheritance, hehe, holy son Gu Feng, I must make his death ugly!" Mo Yan's face was cold, and his eyes were like snakes and scorpions. Gu Feng, however, did not dare to stay too long, like a poisonous snake, caught off guard, and bit Gu Feng.

The sky made another two loud bangs, and immediately the ground that had been cut into a huge gully by the golden giant blade trembled immediately, and countless spiritual powers frantically gathered towards this space.

Chi Chi!

Every concentration of spiritual power will cause the whole space to emit piercing sounds, and then everyone present widens their mouths and their faces are shocked.

Because a huge white screen tens of feet tall had appeared in front of everyone, and there were strong fluctuations constantly emanating from the giant screen, and every fluctuation seemed to cause the entire sky to shatter.

"The land of the holy ancestors!"

Four large silver-white characters floated on the white light curtain. The four big characters are vigorous and powerful. Even if you just glance at them, you can feel the strong coercion brought by them.

"Ha ha!"

"Hahahaha, this is the inheritance of the ancestors, hahaha!"

"This is obviously the gate of space, the gate of space leading to the inheritance of the ancestors, hahahaha!"

When this white light curtain appeared, a strong blazing heat erupted from the surroundings immediately, and every warrior's body was covered with spiritual power, and the aura that had been accumulated for a long time was suddenly raised at that moment, as if they were scrambling to be the first, deep Afraid of falling behind.

"I'm the first!"

As soon as the words fell, one of the young men in blue rushed towards the giant white screen, and with just a few strides, he directly slammed into the white light screen.

"It's such a good thing, we naturally can't lag behind!" The blue youth just left, and several figures beside him rushed towards the white light curtain.

"I'm afraid it's too simple!" Gu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the shock on his face had completely disappeared.

At this moment, an ear-piercing voice sounded, and the person who originally wanted to be the first to eat a crab directly bumped into the white light curtain, and countless spiritual power burst out from the white light curtain, swish, swish, swish, several times Afterwards, a vast force devoured these people.

Painful howls from the soul rang out, and in less than half a breath, these people were directly reduced to ashes under this vast force, even the souls never let go.

The sudden change caused everyone present to gasp. No one would have expected such a result. At the same time, those who were eager to try all stopped.

"How can the power of the ancestor be blasphemed!"

At this moment, the majestic voice sounded again, but this time the majestic voice was extremely heavy in the ears of everyone present.

The vast voice seemed to come from the sky, and the heavy feeling continued to erode everyone present, and it lasted for several breaths before disappearing again.

Coincidentally, everyone exhaled a long breath of foul air, and looked at the huge light curtain with eyes showing fear.

"Hehe, this kind of barrier is naturally nothing to me!" At this moment, a figure stepped out slowly, wearing a white gown with a proud appearance.

"It's Mo Yan!"

"It's just a barrier. Maybe tens of thousands of years ago, it still had some deterrent power. Now that the years have passed, it's impossible for such a barrier to stop me!" Mo Yan's eyes flashed with disdain.

"Mr. Mo!"

"Mr. Mo, do you have a trick?"

"As long as Mr. Mo helps us open this barrier, we are willing to follow Mr. Mo!"

Immediately, there was a whispered word after sentence, every person who was stalking made the smile on Mo Yan's face more and more intense, some people are like this, the more you flatter him, the happier he will be.

Intentionally or not, Mo Yan looked at Gu Feng from time to time, with a look of disdain on his face, as if he was telling Gu Feng, did you see it, only I can open this channel, why don't you beg me now!
Gu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, obviously noticing Mo Yan, the gloomy face made Gu Feng slightly frown, wait, now is not the time, when you enter the inheritance, I will definitely let you know what the word regret is written.

What's more, if you think the inheritance of the holy ancestor is so simple, then you are really too idiotic. You must know that the holy ancestor is a famous big man in ancient times, and the barrier he set up is not simple.

How can the majesty of the holy ancestor tolerate the blasphemy of you and other rats!

"Perhaps this token is useful for you to obtain inheritance!"

At this moment, what Rou Zu said to Gu Feng earlier sounded in Gu Feng's mind, his eyes froze for a moment, and then there was a flash of surprise.

Gu Feng's calm face made Mo Yan extremely uncomfortable, and the more he looked at it, the more angry he became. Under the viciousness, Mo Yan directly pointed the finger at Gu Feng, and secretly said: "It's this kind of look again, I really hate it! "

Little did they know that from the beginning to the end, Mo Yan was the creator of everything.

"Hehe, have you noticed that the Holy Son has not displayed any effect from the beginning to the present. He entered the secret realm and experienced thunder and was named the Holy Son. Is it true that he is just talking?" Mo Yan thought He fixed his eyes on Gu Feng without any concealment, and a sinister smile slowly emerged from the depths of his face.

"I don't know if you, the Holy Son, can do anything? If not, you might as well hand over the name of the Holy Son to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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