Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 337 1 Day 1 Year

Chapter 337

Bi'er was slightly shocked. When Gu Feng said the words, her whole face was already red like a ripe apple, her little head drooped slightly, and her two little hands kept moving back and forth.

"Bi'er..." Gu Feng called out again.

"Ah! Brother Gu Feng!" Bi'er said nervously.

"Well, I have a book of martial arts, anyway, you and I have a year to practice together!" Gu Feng said slowly, Bi'er was startled suddenly, and nodded abruptly.

The face that looked like a ripe apple turned directly, turned his back to Gu Feng, and said, "Brother Gu Feng, Bi'er doesn't practice, Bi'er will protect you!"

Although Bi'er knew nothing about men and women, every time she was alone with Gu Feng, Bi'er would be extremely nervous, and even the palms of her hands were sweating a little.

This time the two of them were locked in this confined space, and Bi'er's heart was beating like a fawn ramming wildly.

"Silly girl, it's very safe in this space, you don't need a guardian!" Gu Feng smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to stroke Bi'er's hair, and then directly took out two copies of the dark dragon art paper, and put it in the palm of his hand.

The well-behaved Bi'er didn't know what to answer, especially when Gu Feng touched her, Bi'er's whole body trembled suddenly, and her head went blank.

Seeing Bi'er's appearance, Gu Feng seemed to have guessed something, but it was obviously not the time, so he resisted the heat in his heart, took a deep breath, and then looked at it carefully.

Time passed bit by bit. In the confined space, Gu Feng was constantly studying the Dark Dragon Art, while Bi'er was like a shy deer, dodging into corners.

The two of them completely reached silence at that moment, and the space immediately became quiet.

In this way, it is after January.

Gu Feng raised his eyes slowly, and exhaled deeply. General martial arts are definitely not difficult for Gu Feng, but this book of Dark Dragon Art has already been studied for a whole month by Gu Feng. time.

In the depths of his tired eyes, there was a thick blaze. Gu Feng recalled the Dark Dragon Technique he had bought, and a smile appeared on his whole body. Thank you Gong Xiao.

After reading the Dark Dragon Art, Gu Feng knew what is the real god-level martial skill, a kind of existence that has surpassed the Heavenly Rank. This Dark Dragon Art has obviously reached such a level.

However, the holy ancestor who wrote the Dark Dragon Art also cleverly divided this martial art into two parts. Perhaps only one part of the Dark Dragon Art will not have much power, and the only way to recover the other part is to combine the two into one. This dark dragon technique can display its true strength.

It's a pity that the dark dragon technique is too violent and requires the power of darkness, so it's obviously not suitable for Bi'er to practice. He looked up at Bi'er, and found that Bi'er, who was a few feet away from him, was already intoxicated in meditation. Gu Feng simply didn't bother, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes directly.

He kept practicing the Dark Dragon Technique in his mind, and the layers of death intentions in his body began to hover, layer after layer of death intentions rose continuously, surrounding Gu Feng's body. At the same time, the scene of the Dark Dragon Technique The curtain technique also gradually appeared.


"what is this?"

"What's going on? How did we get here!"

"You're here too, so everyone is here!"

In an empty place, at this time one by one warriors kept rushing out of the space, and came to this empty place one after another, everyone's face showed a trace of astonishment.

With a slight tremor, a delicate body also directly broke out from the space and fell to the ground. The moment the delicate body landed, the eyes of all the warriors around immediately lit up.

"Miss Nuo Lan, you are here too!"

Nuo Lan's clothes were already gorgeous again, and her eyes were also full of shock. Unexpectedly, after passing the first level, everyone gathered in one place.

However, at this time, Nuo Lan kept looking around, obviously looking for something. There were only a few dozen of the thousands of warriors who were scrambling to enter the secret realm.

And there is no sign of Gu Feng among these dozens of people. Nuo Lan clearly remembers that she saw Gu Feng and that beautiful girl enter the secret realm together. It is impossible for Gu Feng with such means to appear in the first level. Mistakes, and if there were no mistakes, why didn't they appear here.

Could it be that the winner of the first round was Gu Feng, who had already gone to another independent space, the more Nuo Lan thought about it, the more surprised he became, he never thought that this holy son who had been cast aside before had reached such a level.

Taking a deep breath, Nuo Lan tried to calm down the fluctuations in her heart, and then the shock in her eyes disappeared, she smiled slightly, looked at the people present, and said coquettishly: "I don't know which senior is present here Know where this is, the little girl is grateful?"

The soft voice immediately paralyzed everyone at the scene, and every warrior looked at Nuo Lan with excitement in their eyes, one by one scrambling to answer Nuo Lan's question.

at this time.

The sky suddenly changed, the originally bright sky instantly darkened, countless spiritual power roared rapidly, and then that coercive voice rang out in the sky.

"You only have one day. After one day, the inheritance of the ancestors will begin!"


Be quiet, the whole place is quiet!
In one day, the Holy Ancestor just opened it, which means it is very clear. The implication is that as long as there is another day, then he can compete for the biggest treasure of the Eternal Secret Realm, the inheritance of the Eternal Holy Ancestor.

After a few breaths of silence, dozens of people finally set off an upsurge like a volcanic eruption, and everyone's eyes were full of eagerness.

"Hahaha, it's finally here!"

"Not bad, really good!"

"Miss Nuo Lan, as long as you follow me, you will naturally have a share in the inheritance of the holy ancestor!"

"Hehe, it sounds nice. After following you, your thinking is too simple!"

Immediately, whispers continued to sound from below.

There was seriousness in Nuo Lan's eyes. She was so smart that she had already thought of other reasons. In one day, could it be possible that the holy son Gu Feng would have other inheritances in this day? It should not be possible. What kind of benefits are given to him!
On the other hand, Gu Feng.

Sitting quietly in the space, the aura of the whole body is constantly leaking, layers of dark power have already wrapped Gu Feng's entire body, and the dragon scales on the surface of the skin are constantly making dragon moaning sounds, And Gu Feng's aura also began to increase bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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