Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 344 Unprecedented Crisis

Chapter 344 An Unprecedented Crisis ([-])
Under the scouring of spiritual power, the old man's aura swelled little by little, and his whole body was constantly entwined with spiritual power, like a giant shark from the deep sea, full of madness.

Even under this kind of madness, the original roar of the old man gradually increased, spreading to the surrounding bit by bit, and the faint blue behind him became more and more solid.

"The giant shark roars!"

With a roar and a bang, the entire sky trembled instantly. At the same time, a deep purple shadow appeared directly behind the old man. The roaring giant shark seemed to come from the heavens, and its momentum was extremely domineering.

It's not over yet, the blue robe that the old man was originally wearing has completely disintegrated, and the pieces are like King Kong, rushing towards the man.

boom! boom! boom!
A series of loud noises continued to spread where the old man passed, and the entire sky collapsed in an instant. It can be seen that the madness of this spiritual power has reached an unprecedented state.

Gu Feng, who was watching closely, exhaled a long breath, and wondered in his heart, is this the power of the ancestral realm? Under this kind of power, he and others are really insignificant.

Hongye on the side was also shocked, looking solemnly at the battle in the depths of the sky, Hongye swallowed subconsciously, in a battle of this level, they had no way to start.

At this moment, a humming sound sounded, and the man's smiling and cold face shrank suddenly, and then a deep coldness flashed in his eyes, drink, after a sharp drink, the man directly slapped The old man took a picture.


The space suddenly collapsed, and the ordinary palm extended at a speed visible to the naked eye. Every extension would make the space collapse more dignified, and the black miasma that filled the sky continued to wash back and forth, only a few breaths of time , This palm has a width of ten thousand zhang.

The whole palm is constantly exuding black miasma, and after the little bit of black miasma is condensed, it explodes again, forming a series of dense runes, each rune is constantly covering the palm, like It was the devil's claw from hell, and it shot at the old man directly.

Chi Chi!

The old man only felt that the spiritual power in his whole body was aroused in an instant, and all the hairs on his skin stood up, but if he looked carefully, he could find the stern look deep in the old man's eyes, as if he had found a trace of death.

"Evil barrier, die!" The old man shouted coldly, his silver teeth bit down suddenly, and with a loud bang, a row of silver teeth shattered.


Under the continuous collapse of the roaring spiritual power around him, a smile appeared in the eyes of the old man, but this smile was indeed a bit miserable.

With a sudden drink, the old man's body did not evade at all, and he completely greeted the palm.

"Hehe, I'm really overestimated, well, I'll kill you!" The black-robed man's mouth showed a sneer, but the movements of his hands didn't stop at all, as if he was pretending to be empty-handed, and he firmly controlled what had already happened. The handprints made showed a trace of sarcasm, and the black miasma in his whole body suddenly rose, and he was shocked.

It directly covered the old man.

The sky changed drastically, and the handprints with a width of ten thousand zhang directly hit the old man's body, and streaks of bright red blood continued to slide across the air.

A sneer appeared on the corner of the black-robed man's mouth, and he said: "I like your fearlessness, I will kill as many as you come, don't worry, it's just one after another, you all have to die!"


There was a loud noise, and the black-robed man jumped straight away, and the lightning in the sky condensed in an instant. The power of the pitch-black thunder and lightning was like a life-threatening chain, not giving the old man in blue any time to drink and breathe, and suddenly bombarded the old man. .

The old man spat out another mouthful of blood. After two consecutive bombardments, the old man's face was obviously as white as a sheet of paper. While the spiritual power in his whole body kept beating, his chest was even scorched.

But the speed of the old man's figure did not stop at all, like a long arrow that had been taken off the bow, it shot straight at the man, chi chi, the spiritual power contained in the surrounding space appeared and disappeared from time to time, as if it had reached a bottleneck.

Along the way, the old man kept spitting blood from his mouth. One after another blood stains made the old man's face extremely ugly, obviously he had been fatally wounded, but at this moment, the old man's deep voice slowly appeared, the voice It was bitingly cold, like ice from the Nine Netherworld.

"Giant shark, explode!"

Gritting his teeth firmly, the old man shouted loudly, rumbling, and the black miasma in the sky quickly condensed, and the expression of the man who had been wearing a faint smile finally showed a little emotion.

The giant blue shark that had been hovering behind the old man suddenly started, and its body, which was only a few meters long, expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, the spiritual power gathered more and more.

When this scene appeared, the other two old men present all closed their eyes. Among the three old men, the blue-clothed old man was the most irritable. The two old men already knew their aura like this, and they were afraid that after today, they There will be one less in the middle.

"To actually want to blew myself up, I really don't know what to do, damn it!" The man's face that had been gloomy finally showed a touch of fear, and he didn't dare to have any hesitation. It is definitely not so easy to compete.

The self-destruction of the strong in the ancestral realm is enough to destroy a whole world!
The man directly held Nuo Lan's neck with one hand. At the same time, he swiped the other hand out of thin air, and a crack in the space popped out directly. Facing the old man's attack, the man stepped into the crack without the slightest hesitation.

It disappeared into this world in the blink of an eye.

The old man who originally wanted to blew himself up did not stop at all. The figure moved, and he jumped up. The speed was extremely fast, as if he had surpassed the thunder. It shot into the space crack.

At the moment when the figure of the old man disappeared, the space crack that had been opened was closed immediately, and at the same time, a loud noise came from this crack, which was earth-shattering and had the potential to destroy the world.

Even though the crack had been closed, the space was still trembling and rumbling, and it lasted for half a stick of incense before the sky became quiet.

Mo Ran took a deep look at Gu Feng and the others, ignored them, whispered to the two old men beside him, and disappeared into this space together with the two old men.

With a long breath, Gu Feng's eyes are still beating non-stop until now, his face is full of shock, the ancestral realm, but his own strength is still too small!
(End of this chapter)

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