Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 346 Sky Demon Emperor

Chapter 346 Sky Demon Emperor

The palm prints froze quickly, and a roaring jet-black force lingered rapidly, and with a bang, the whole world trembled, and the spreading momentum gathered bit by bit.

The already trembling body of the man in black robe trembled even more violently, his eyes were full of fear, but he couldn't raise his heart to resist in front of this alluring man, because the man knew that he was in front of the demon emperor. Really like an ant, he wanted to kill himself, but it was just a wish.

Even if both have reached the ancestral realm.

The black miasma roared rapidly, and the raised arm of the Heavenly Demon Emperor froze slightly, as if he had thought of something, and then he fell slowly, staring at the man, and said: "Today, I will spare your life. During the critical period, the emperor does not want any mistakes, understand?"

The man in black robe shook his body and nodded again and again, his face was filled with astonishment.

"Take out the monument of the holy ancestor. With this monument of the holy ancestor, I believe that the great Lord Elder should be able to be resurrected again!" the Sky Demon Emperor said in a deep voice.

The black-robed man didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, he grabbed it out of thin air with one hand, and with a bang, Nuo Lan's beautiful delicate body appeared in front of his eyes. It is constantly revealing a sense of horror.

Waves of majestic force continued to condense, squeezing Nuo Lan's body non-stop. When Nuo Lan slowly opened her eyes to see everything around her, the expression of shock in the depths of her face became more intense. .

"What do you want to do?" Nuo Lan said coldly, trembling her body, trying to calm down the fear that had arisen in her heart.

"Take out the things, I don't want to be rough on women!" A cold voice came out slowly, and then the dense black miasma in front of him suddenly dissipated, and the body of the Sky Demon Emperor appeared directly in front of him. in front of Nuo Lan.

Looking at the beautiful man in front of him, Nuo Lan became obsessed at that moment, and subconsciously asked, "Who are you?"

"Sky Demon Emperor!" the man said coldly.

The name Sky Demon Emperor can be said to be known to everyone in the entire Wuling Continent, especially not long ago, the Sky Demon Emperor directly unified the entire Demon Domain, and even caused the original Silver Moon Wolf Emperor and Dragon Clan to disappear completely.

It can be seen that the three characters Tian Yaohuang are already taboo in the entire mainland.

Nuo Lan never thought that the man in front of her who was so beautiful that she would be jealous would actually be the Heavenly Demon Emperor, subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, Nuo Lan raised her eyes in shock, and said: "What do you want, I will I can give you all!"

"Hehe, since you have what I want, but there are some things that I'm not interested in!" The Heavenly Demon Emperor said slowly, then raised his slender palm, and grabbed it out of thin air. floating behind the body.

The moment her piranha's martial spirit appeared, Nuo Lan spit out a mouthful of blood, her face quickly became sluggish, and then Nuo Lan felt the martial spirit behind her tremble.

While the endless black miasma continued to invade, the monument of the ancestors that had been swallowed by Nuo Lan slowly appeared. After a few breaths, this tens of feet long stone tablet appeared directly in this area. In heaven and earth.

At the moment when the stele appeared, Nuo Lan's face finally collapsed, and his whole body fell straight down. This feeling of being forcibly stripped of his martial spirit made Nuo Lan extremely uncomfortable.

"Sure enough, it's the monument of the holy ancestors, hahaha!" The Heavenly Demon Emperor waved his hands violently, his whole body disappeared in a flash, and a phantom appeared directly, and at the same time trembled, the majestic force surged past, presenting The panic-colored stone tablet disappeared into this world together with the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

As for Nuo Lan, who was forcibly stripped of his martial spirit, whether he is alive or dead, and has nothing to do with him.

Feeling that the coercion just dissipated slowly, the man in black finally raised his head slowly, and the look of horror in the depths of his pupils also disappeared. After a while, he turned his gaze to Nuo who was lying on the ground. Lan.

"What the Heavenly Demon Emperor doesn't want, I want it, Jie Jie Jie!" A cold voice sounded slowly, and the man in black robe directly hugged Nuo Lan, and disappeared into the black miasma with a roar. end of gas.

And Nuo Lan, whose face was completely pale, couldn't resist at all, so he had to be trampled by him, and after being trampled, life or death depended entirely on the mood of the black-robed man.


a month later.

It has been a month since the change in the Eternal Secret Realm, and this month a piece of news spread throughout the five regions of Central Province at an extremely fast speed.

The black magician reappears, and the aliens reappear!

All of a sudden, the whole of Zhongzhou was stunned. Except for the monster domain, which has been extremely quiet, the other four domains have the most powerful sects in their own country to stand up and calm down the affairs in this domain.

It seemed that they had received extremely unified opinions. This chaotic state only lasted for a few days, and then completely quieted down, as if nothing had happened.

Vientiane Domain, Golden Elephant Sect!
"Sovereign, the three young masters..." An old man said slowly with his face down and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.

In one of the first places, a middle-aged man in a golden robe waved his hands, and the spiritual power in his whole body was completely restrained, and his originally strong body appeared a little tired.

"No matter who did this, after half a year, I will make Shen Zong disappear in the Vientiane Domain!" A cold voice came out.

"Sovereign, do you mean to start a war with Shen Zong?" The old man was startled suddenly. Indeed, he also hesitated. It can be said that Shen Zong's status in the entire Vientiane Domain is already at the height of the sun, and all the casual cultivators are facing Shen Zong jumped away, and at the same time, in just one year, the entire Shen Zong was completely different from what it used to be.

"Hehe, it's only been a year, and Shen Zong already has a status that threatens my Golden Elephant Sect. If it grows for a few more years, I'm afraid it will ride on my head!" Jin Quantian's face was extremely gloomy.

Indeed, it has been a year since the opening of the Eternal Secret Realm. During this year, Shen Zong, who had just risen, continued to expand, and casual cultivators rushed to join in one by one.

Now in the Vientiane Realm, Shen Zong's status has vaguely affected the Golden Elephant Sect. This is what Jin Quantian resents the most. If he hadn't considered that he was about to make a breakthrough, Jin Quantian would have decided to make a deal with him now. Shen Zong made a move.

"In half a year, I think we should be able to touch that level. At that time, let alone one Shen Zong, even if he has ten Shen Zongs, I will definitely let him return to his original form!"

(End of this chapter)

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