Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 354 The battle between the strong

Chapter 354 The battle between the strong ([-])

Nine Heavens!

The spiritual power here is extremely rich, thick enough to become viscous, and even the air is so scarce that it doesn't look like an ordinary warrior can survive here, because the spiritual power whizzing around can instantly wipe him out completely. Meteor, this is the highest point on the mainland, the sky of the sky.

Ordinary warriors are not qualified to stand here, because the constraints here are too great, and even the body here will be constantly squeezed crazily.

Only those who are above the Heaven Realm are qualified to be here. With their domineering body and the vastness of the Nine Heavens, even warriors as strong as the Ancestral Realm do not have the capital to shake the Nine Heavens, and they can only break through the final constraints , when one becomes a god, one can break through the sky.

Therefore, on the mainland, there is a rule that the Nine Heavens can become a battlefield above the heavens.

And in such an environment, there were two figures standing upright at this moment, and the two figures slowly looked at each other with their eyes full of coldness and murderous intent.

The gowns of the two figures were constantly floating, being swallowed by the manic spiritual power around them. If you didn't look carefully, you would think they were two old friends for many years.

"Nuoer, let me ask you one more question, would you like to join my Golden Elephant Sect!" Jin Xiangtian said slowly with a gloomy expression, his eyes roared full of madness.

The current Golden Elephant Sect is very short of warriors, especially high-level warriors. After all, Jin Xiangtian doesn't just want to dominate the entire Vientiane Domain. What Jin Xiangtian wants is to have the entire Central Province recognize his status as the Golden Elephant Sect.

Noel, who was dressed in a black robe, smiled slightly, a hint of coldness emerged from the depths of his old face, and then said slowly in his hoarse voice: "You really talk a lot of nonsense!"


The icy spiritual power continuously slapped Jin Xiangtian's skin, which made the skin on Jin Xiangtian's face tremble.

"This is what you forced me to do, Xiangtian Fist!" Jin Xiangtian roared angrily. At the same time, the spiritual power in his body rapidly expanded. complex movements.


With two roars, the entire sky dimmed. This is not over yet. A golem from ancient times was formed directly behind Jin Xiangtian. The whole golem was golden in color, with fierce eyes, as if it could take a bite. Like a monster that swallows people alive.

Chi Chi!

Afterwards, Jin Xiangtian slapped his palm violently, and with a loud hiss, the movements of Jin Xiangtian's hand were directly condensed, followed by a monstrous palm print, which directly devoured Nuo Er.

The majestic sky was shaken, and the golden spiritual power in the sky was continuously washed away, and the endless power seemed to cut Nuo Er alive.

"Go to hell with me!" roared a deep voice, at the same time, Jin Xiangtian's feet did not slow down at all, he just kicked up, and rushed towards Nuoer with a swish.

Under the scouring of spiritual power all over the sky, Jin Xiangtian seemed to have turned into a ferocious elephant, rumbling, and under constant shock, Jin Xiangtian yelled suddenly with his outstretched hands, like an ancient evil god.

There were waves on Nuoer's face, and his eyes were narrowed. Facing Jin Xiangtian's arrogance, Nuoer didn't dare to be negligent. This roaring spiritual power seemed to be able to completely swallow Nuoer at that moment.

Chi Chi!

There were bursts of tingling sensations on the skin, and the dry and chapped skin seemed to be about to burst. At the moment when countless spiritual powers were concentrated, Noel's narrowed eyes suddenly trembled, followed by a loud shock.

"Death, kill the sky!"

A deep voice sounded, and I saw Noel's thin body shaking violently, as if the death intent from the prehistoric wilderness spread continuously from Nuoer's body, layer by layer, rushing towards the surroundings crazily.

This is not over yet, the countless death intentions are directly condensed into a huge black wall, and the giant wall is permeated with streaks of black spiritual power. Under the engulfment of this spiritual power, the death intentions all over the sky directly hit Jin Xiangtian That punch shook him up.

The situation in the sky changed drastically, and even in the sky as stable as Mount Tai, there was a slight tremor, and under the roar of countless spiritual powers, punches and walls collided with each other.

At that moment, the originally pervasive space instantly shattered, and countless fragments continued to swell, and the extremely hard space fragments were like a piece of glass shattered by a punch, continuously shooting towards the surroundings.

At the same time, there was a trace of blood on the corner of Jin Xiangtian's mouth, and he stepped back suddenly. With his hands trembling violently, beads of sweat appeared on Jin Xiangtian's forehead.

At this moment, the golden golem behind Jin Xiangtian almost completely disappeared in this piece of heaven and earth. If it hadn't already broken through to the small ancestor realm, it might be as simple as bleeding a trace of blood.


The gust of wind continued to roar, Nuoer put away the roaring spiritual power, his eyes were also solemn, there was only a slight difference between the masters, although he won the first confrontation with Nuoer, but it was definitely not as easy as he imagined.

At this moment, a muffled groan sounded, and the shattered space suddenly collapsed, and then a figure appeared out of thin air. It was a figure in a purple gown, and even its head was inside the purple gown .

Being able to tear apart the void directly, and stepping on the sky without any scruples, this purple figure is another strong man who has stepped into the realm of the three small ones.

After all, if it's just an ordinary strong man in the sky, he can't tear the space of the sky so easily.

"Jie Jie, it's really incredible. The patriarch of the dead clan is indeed the patriarch of the dead clan. He is really extraordinary, Jie Jie!" A gloomy voice slowly came out from the purple figure.

The moment the purple figure appeared, Jin Xiangtian's face quickly revealed a look of ecstasy, and he stepped forward a few times, respectfully saying: "Ziyi Patriarch!"

The ancestor in purple nodded, and said slowly: "It seems that the ancestor is right, send me over, this Nuoer is really not something you can fight alone!"

Hearing these words, Jin Xiangtian directly lowered his head. The originally proud Jin Xiangtian didn't even have any intention of refuting in front of this purple figure.

The same words were extremely shocking to Nuo Er's ears. He never expected that there would really be a strong person, the strong ancestor, who could this be!

The purple-clothed patriarch once again set his sights on Nuo Er, and said in a gloomy voice, "Nu Er, patriarch of the dead clan, maybe after today, you will no longer exist, but it is a pity that there will be fewer people in this continent. Go to a strong man, but it doesn't matter if you think about it, because anyone who dares to resist will be swallowed by black miasma, Jie Jie Jie!"

(End of this chapter)

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