Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 359 Merging

Chapter 359 Merging
There was a muffled sound, and everyone present was slightly startled, and then every warrior opened his eyes, and every warrior looked at Gu Feng.

"This young man is Shen Zong's youngest elder, Gu Feng!"

Afterwards, Gu Feng closed his eyes slightly, and kept chanting blunt spells in his mouth. Each spell was like an exaggerated rune scene, and it kept spitting out from the corner of Gu Feng's mouth. A dark space closes together.

Chi Chi!

Bang bang bang!
One after another, the sound kept ringing out, and then Gu Feng's eyes shook suddenly, and he roared up to the sky, and a black cloud condensed directly, whirring, the roaring wind around him continued to condense.

In less than a few breaths, the sky became quiet again.

"Everything is condensed, the sky and clouds are changing!" Gu Feng yelled suddenly, and raised his hands towards the sky with a bang, the majestic spiritual power was immediately stimulated, chi chi, every spiritual power roared continuously, within a few breaths, It directly turned into a black cloud of Noda.

The black clouds are tens of feet high, each layer of black clouds is constantly trembling, layers of spiritual power are rising and falling one after another, whistling, under the gust of wind, this piece of black cloud finally shattered with a sound.

Everyone present, even someone like Nuo Er, didn't know what Gu Feng wanted to do. They could only see his hands spinning continuously, and the whistling spiritual power around him was like the lines waving in his hands.

At the same time as this continuous rotation, some dark lines directly cover every warrior present. If someone can be careful, they can find that the lines of each warrior are moving towards the direction of the Golden Elephant Sect warrior at a speed visible to the naked eye. I searched in my mind, but no one knew about this except Gu Feng.

"What is he trying to show us?"

"Let's wait and see!"

Time passed bit by bit, and Gu Feng's originally dignified face gradually became dim after constant exertion. Swish, the rotation again and again made the whole sky tremble.

After nine or nine 81 rotations, the sky finally became quiet. At the same time, the faces of every martial artist present were filled with shock, and even Noel froze in place.

Because a light curtain with a height of tens of feet suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, and there were scenes of images in this light curtain, each image was about the Golden Elephant Sect, about how Jin Quantian colluded with the black magician!


"how is this possible!"

"What kind of martial skill is this, how could he have such an ability!"

Immediately, whispers began, and even Nuo Er was shocked. This kind of martial arts against the sky had never appeared in Nuo Er's mind.

"What did the little master gain in this retreat, as well as his strength, even I can't see through it!" Nuoer stared at Gu Feng closely, and the corners of his mouth grew bigger and bigger, whispering constantly.

You must know that Nuo Er is now a martial artist who has stepped into the Small Ancestral Realm in the Three Small Realms. In front of such a big guy, he actually said that he can't see Gu Feng's strength clearly, which is indeed too shocking to hear.

The huge light curtain is still flickering continuously, and every flickering is a record of how the black magician came to the Vientiane Realm and how he colluded with the Golden Elephant Sect.

After a whole stick of incense lasted, the light curtain was completely quiet, and at the same time, the expressions on the faces of every warrior were completely frozen.

At this time, a warrior in the original team of the Golden Elephant Sect was pale. Originally, he had been hiding in the Golden Elephant Sect. He was the only one present at the scene who was Jin Xiangtian's real confidant. It can be said how Jin Xiangtian colluded with the black magician. , All these scenes were watched by him.

At this time, every scene played by the huge light curtain was witnessed by him with his own eyes. In other words, Gu Feng moved the scene in his mind onto the light curtain.

As soon as he thought of this, the martial artist immediately turned pale, his eyes rolled rapidly, and he wanted to run away backwards. At the moment when his body just moved, Gu Feng's icy voice came out slowly.

"Why, do you want to leave now?"

The warrior's brain suddenly froze, and then he stopped directly in place, his face suddenly showed a look of fear, and before he could turn around, a pitch-black long spear stabbed directly, "Puff!" The martial artist fell down slowly, completely lifeless.

Until he died, he didn't know why Gu Feng could know him, why Gu Feng could play everything he saw in his mind.

"Now you should know that the Vientiane Realm is no longer what it used to be. The entire Vientiane Realm has begun to be polluted by black magicians. Now, we should work together!" Gu Feng's deep voice resounded throughout the sky.

As soon as this remark came out, there were no strange voices on the scene again. It was indeed as Gu Feng said, if the Vientiane Domain was not united, it would probably become the first target of the black magician, and the result would be that the entire Vientiane Domain would Completely perish.

"Not bad!"

"It's good to work together, but it's even worse if the dragons have no leader. Therefore, I suggest electing a leader, and at the same time, unify all the sects, big and small, in the entire Vientiane Domain!"

"Hehe, it's nice to say that everyone wants to be the leader of the alliance. I don't know who you want?"

"Yes, if you really want to unify, I think I, the founder of the Mountain Sect, will definitely be able to do it!"

"What's the matter with the Kaishan Sect, only my Haiwang Palace can do it!"


Faced with the temptation of this unification, some martial artists from various sects immediately shouted, no one wanted to give up the foundation they had worked so hard to build, even in this extraordinary period.

Scanning all this with his eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of Gu Feng's mouth, as if everything in front of him was under his control, and then he turned his eyes to Shen Yun, now he really needs a sect that can take responsibility.

Shen Yun felt Gu Feng's eyes, and naturally understood what Gu Feng meant, but when Shen Yun saw Gu Feng during this period of time, Shen Yun already had a decision in his heart.

A figure passed by, and Shen Yun's figure stood proudly beside Gu Feng. After taking a look at Gu Feng, he said in a low voice: "I, Shen Zong, will assume the responsibility of the Vientiane Domain. At the same time, if anyone has any opinions , then please stand up!"

The low and deep voice immediately quieted down the environment where Xixi was muttering, one by one warriors looked at each other, and one of the warriors immediately stepped out and said in a deep voice: "Shen Zong is indeed a great family, but that's not the case. You can make hasty decisions, if you want to become the leader, I don’t know if you have asked us what we mean..."

(End of this chapter)

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