Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 371 It's Still Just One Punch

Chapter 371 Still Just One Punch


The surrounding hurricane was still whistling unceasingly, icy cold and biting. Under the current situation, it was obvious that the ending had already happened, and it fell through the eyes of everyone present.

It was still just a punch. If you think about it carefully, for this punch, Tianshang is not much different from the previous warriors, because for Gu Feng, it was all a punch.

Another mouthful of blood spewed out, and there was endless fear in the depths of Tianshang's face. He couldn't figure out why this happened. It should have been a one-sided situation. In this situation, a big change has obviously taken place.

"Hehe, kid, I've already given you the chance, don't say I'm bullying, you're just looking for death!"

"It's not as simple as you think that I can stand here, boy, accept the judgment of fate!"

The previous words of insult and disdain are still floating in the ears of every warrior at this time. Looking at the situation at this time, it is indeed so pale and powerless.

His complexion was already as pale as white paper, mouthful after mouthful of blood continued to spurt out, and there was even a faint blood stain left at the corner of Tianshang's mouth, and the blood that had completely scabbed dried up at the corner of his mouth, extremely dry.

A heavy sound came, Gu Feng jumped up directly, and with a swish sound, the figure passed quickly. When everyone saw their eyes clearly, Gu Feng's body had already landed in the distance, and while the spiritual power in his whole body was continuously roaring, Gu Feng's eyes also showed a deep coldness.

"I don't know what happened between Haoyue Academy and Tianying Academy, but there is one thing I hope you can understand, that is, from now on, the existence of Tianying Academy will only be a stepping stone for Haoyue Academy!" Gu Feng said coldly.

The sound is not loud and indeed resounds through the entire sky!
The stepping stone is really so arrogant!
The elder uncle who has been watching the changes of the scene is also trembling all over his body. At the same time as the spiritual power of his whole body rises and falls, the blood red in his eyes finally fades a bit. The pain in his mind seems to have been released recently, and All of this is because of one person, Gu Feng!
At this time, Tianshang, who was collapsed on the ground, looked at Gu Feng who was looking at him expressionlessly, and said coldly: "Hehe, stepping stone, don't think that you can take over Tianying Academy if you defeat me, as long as..."

Before he finished speaking, the fist in Gu Feng's hand had already slammed down, and with a bang, it was like a watermelon being violently exploded, and rushed away to the surroundings.

And Tianshang, who originally wanted to roar a few words, has completely turned into a cold corpse, and even his soul is trying to escape, because just under this punch, a gust of icy air has flooded up, instantly freezing Tianshang .

Everyone in the field gasped. Every martial artist didn't know why this happened, and where did this violent ice energy come from. Could it be that this young man named Gu Feng also has ice martial spirits? .

As soon as Wu Ling was mentioned, everyone realized it at this time, because they were shocked to find that the young man who was standing in the third martial arts field at this time did not seem to have even released Wu Ling from the beginning, and all the moves were just Punch!
With a long breath, Gu Feng glanced at Tianshang who was already dead and couldn't die anymore. A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. After a cold drink, he jumped up and returned to the center of the martial arts arena. .

At the same time, he turned his icy gaze to the resting place where the Sky Shadow Academy was located, and said slowly: "I wonder if there are any active warriors in the Sky Shadow Academy now?"

The tone was very flat, but in Tianying Academy, it was indeed like a needle prick, very uncomfortable.

One of the old men who had been standing at the end of Tianying Academy had a murderous look flashing in the depths of his eyes. He raised his palm slightly, and the spiritual power in his dantian spun rapidly. The target was Gu Feng.

sneak attack!

That's right, the leader of the Tianying Academy this time, a strong man who has reached the first level of the Heaven Realm, is completely angry at this time. Seeing the death of one of his warriors, he is extremely furious, It's already out of proportion.

And what he wants to do most now is to kill Gu Feng!

Just when this piece of spiritual power was about to break out, a cold and hoarse voice sounded in the old man's ear, and at the same time, a wave of brilliant spiritual power directly smashed down on the old man.

"court death!"

An ear-piercing sound sounded, and on the attic, an old man in a black robe was like a flash of lightning, and with a bang, he directly oppressed the old man. Death directly enveloped the old man.

"What's going on?" The old man who wanted to sneak attack was shocked in the depths of his face at this time, and his whole face was completely distorted, because at that moment, all the old man felt was fear, and it was endless. fear.

"Hehe, you don't deserve to know!" The hoarse and cold voice continued to sound, and then the death in the sky exploded, directly turning into a beam of light, which fell towards the old man, and there was a loud bang.

The old man's staunch body fell straight down, with a bang, all his breath disappeared, and his whole body's spiritual power completely disintegrated. This scene happened so quickly that everyone present didn't know what happened. maple.

A strong man in the sky, the top old man of the Sky Shadow Academy, was killed just like that, and the man who did all this last night just let out a cold snort, and then returned to the incomparably tall attic again.

The strong wind continued to howl, and this sudden change had already stunned everyone present in place, and the depths of every warrior's face were condensed with horror.

"Could it be that the Zhongzhou Dazong faction made a move!"

I don't know who shouted it out in the crowd. As soon as the words came out, everyone present nodded their heads, and looked at the attic with even more shock.

The referee frowned slightly, but after looking at the attic again, his heart was shocked. He didn't say anything more, and looked at the remaining warriors of the Sky Shadow Academy who had been dumbfounded, shook his head, and said in a low voice. Said: "Haoyue Academy wins!"

As a loser, Tianying Academy no longer has any honors. At this moment, some praises have all turned into contempt. This is this world, a world where martial arts are respected.

Only strength can speak. If there is no strength, no matter how much honor and prestige you have, it is just a joke after all, and you will not even be given the respect you deserve. It is extremely cruel.

Gu Feng nodded towards the referee, and with a swish, his figure quickly passed by and disappeared in place...

(End of this chapter)

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