Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 374 The Man Who Owns Yanbing

Chapter 374 The Man Who Owns Yanbing

you win!
These three big characters seem to weigh ten thousand catties, and it is conceivable that the difficulty contained in them is said from Bing Nai's mouth. A generation of genius Bing Nai, especially in Bing Nai's attainments, has reached an extremely impressive level.

But after all, there are mountains beyond mountains, and people beyond people. Even with such abilities, he still lost in the battle against Gu Feng, and he lost completely.

Bing Wushuang stood on the edge of the arena, and the worry in his eyes finally receded slowly, so he looked at Gu Feng with gratitude. Bing Wushuang knew that if Gu Feng insisted on killing Bing Nai just now, then he would It really can only break the rules of the game.

Fortunately, Gu Feng didn't do it, and he didn't break the rules of the game.

Gu Feng slowly closed his hands, looked at Bing Nai with easy-going eyes, and said slowly: "You are very strong in Bing!"

Indeed, if Gu Feng hadn't possessed Yan Bing and had such a huge hole card, I'm afraid the match against Bing Nai just now would have been very hard to say. Although he failed so badly, at least he wouldn't win so easily.

The fear in the depths of Bing Nai's face slowly receded, his hands were clasped into fists, a wry smile appeared on his face, and he said slowly to Gu Feng: "Thank you for your mercy, there is one more person next, let's prepare well!"

As soon as the voice fell, it was like a gust of hurricane, and with a bang, Bing Nai disappeared directly in place.

There is one more!
Could it be even weirder than this Bing Nai who used ice? Thinking of this, the smile on the corner of Gu Feng's mouth became deeper and deeper. I am going to meet someone who is evenly matched for participating in this Hundred Academy Competition.

Intermediate Court.

"Bing Nai, are you okay?" When Bing Nai returned to the rest area, one of the young women with ponytails came over immediately and asked.

Bing Nai shook his head, but he didn't look at the girl with the ponytail. Instead, he looked at the young man who had been closing his eyes all the time, and said, "Senior Brother Chuan..."

Before he finished speaking, the young man named Senior Brother Chuan slowly opened his eyes, then waved his hand casually, interrupting what Bing Nai wanted to say, and said: "I saw it, maybe it's in his body Have the same thing as me!"

As soon as he said this, Bing Nai froze in place, and the expression on his face froze for an instant, and all the information related to Senior Brother Chuan immediately appeared in his mind.

"Bing Nai, you are not my opponent!"

"You are very strong in ice, but I am stronger than you because I have this!"


The more I think about it, the more terrified Bing Nai's face becomes. All the information converges to one point, that is Yan Bing. At this point, Bing Nai's staring eyes suddenly looked at Senior Brother Chuan.

"You mean..."

"That's right!" Senior Brother Chuan replied slowly, and then his body, which had been sitting upright like Mount Tai, vibrated and disappeared directly in place. A wave of fluctuation flashed in the air. Then he appeared on the martial arts arena.

Leaving Bing Nai with a dull expression on his face, it was actually Yan Bing!

The first martial arts arena!
Gu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the young man in front of him. The quiet and introverted feeling made Gu Feng extremely uncomfortable, and from time to time, there would be faint breath, which was very familiar, but very no the same.

Bing Wushuang was also slightly startled, but quickly returned to her original state, without talking nonsense, just took a few steps, and came to the center of the first martial arts arena, raised her hands, and said slowly: "Start!"

"Gu Feng!"

"Xiao Chuan!"

Xiao Chuan's voice was not hoarse, but rather capable.

After the two signed up for each other, Xiao Chuan directly stepped over. With a bang, he quickly made a movement with his left foot, and with a bang, he came directly to the side of the martial arts arena.

The surrounding air also expanded rapidly, and at the same time, a wave of extreme inflammation quickly formed in Xiao Chuan's body, chi chi, the fiery heat seemed to melt the entire No. [-] Martial Arts Field.


While the wind was roaring rapidly, Xiao Chuan opened and closed his left hand with a loud shock, and a bright flame directly appeared in Xiao Chuan's palm.

At the moment when the flame appeared, the originally extremely low temperature around it began to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the coldness in the space kept flickering and distorting, as if it was about to burst at any time.

"It's so hot!"

"This level of enthusiasm, how can there be such a contrasting feeling!"

"too strong!"

"This is something to watch, it's actually a collision of ice and flame!"


Immediately there were whispers around, and while all the spiritual power present was roaring rapidly, Xiao Chuan was already full of extreme inflammation, and this extreme inflammation was like a flame erupting, constantly spreading towards the surroundings.

boom! boom! boom!
Just as the violent extreme flaming power rapidly spread to the surroundings, Gu Feng's eyes finally appeared shocked, because the bone flaming ice and devouring flaming ice in his body actually jumped when faced with this extreme flaming power , and this beating appears extremely irregular.

There is only one reason for this situation, and that is Yan Bing. Gu Feng's eyes turned into two huge lights, and he suddenly moved towards Xiao Chuan.

Yan Bing!

He also has Yanbing in his body!
This kind of thought was also reflected in the mind of Bing Wushuang who was watching from the side. The momentum of the flames and ice is precisely this momentum of flames and ice. The extreme flame power released by Xiao Chuan has already made Bing Wushuang feel manic.

Xiao Chuan's solemn face finally showed a trace of coldness. Under the continuous flow of flames all over his body, his hands actually began to slowly stretch out. While the roaring spiritual power was continuously flowing throughout his body, Xiao Chuan's eyes suddenly flickered. Ning, shouted in a deep voice: "Yan Fen!"

The sky changed drastically in an instant, a wave of heat from the bright sky was formed out of thin air, and the moment this heat was formed, the space in this piece of space collapsed directly, and all the messy breaths formed rapidly, only a few breaths In time, a sky-like existence appeared.

Chi Chi!

Every inch of the blazing heat made the sky tremble and rumble. With the sound of bombardment after another, tremors finally appeared in the depths of the sky, and then a pair of giant hands were directly broken.

This is a giant hand completely formed by flames. The huge giant hand seems to swallow the whole world. At the same time as countless spiritual power surged wildly, the whole giant hand directly devoured Gu Feng.

Wherever it passed, the space collapsed due to the intense high temperature, and that's not all, the crazily collapse was spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye, rushing towards Gu Feng at a high speed.

"It's really overbearing!"

(End of this chapter)

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