Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 377 Outbreak

Chapter 377 Outbreak
The two different auras collided suddenly, and at the same time, an unparalleled sense of oppression erupted directly at the point of complete collision.

The roaring oppression devoured the dark dragon directly, and the spiritual power all over the sky collapsed in an instant, and even the entire space of the sky seemed to collapse.

Chi Chi!

The breaths around one after another condensed at a thunderous speed, but after a while, they scattered at a manic speed, and the dark dragon actually began to dim bit by bit.

The roaring spiritual power was still roaring rapidly, and the crackling sound was bombarding the entire sky, and the thunder and lightning that constantly started around seemed to re-condense.

Magnificent and in condition!

The audience who witnessed all this gasped one after another, and while their eyes were full of shock, accompanied by the cold air entering their stomachs, all they felt was endless coldness.

With a long exhale, the crowd came to their senses. While their eyes were fixed, they were also slightly afraid, because if it was any of them, they would not be able to resist this roaring momentum.

This is the highest-level battle of the Hundred Academy Competition, a battle that shakes the entire sky.

An ear-piercing sound sounded, followed by a sudden contraction of majestic power, the two breaths of ice flame that Xiao Chuan shot out seemed to burst out after being contained to the extreme, and suddenly became larger.

The stalemate changed rapidly, and with a loud bang, the situation was finally broken. Xiao Chuan's clothes had completely collapsed, revealing muscular lines. The spiritual power finally came out, and it devoured the dark dragon that had already dimmed a little.


While the gust of wind was roaring rapidly, Gu Feng couldn't bear it any longer, a warmth surged up from his lower abdomen, his mouth was sweet, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and his face immediately became sluggish.


Coughing twice in a row, the hands that were originally in a state of emptiness shook slightly, and then the dark dragon roaring deep in the sky suddenly shook, and directly turned into dots. The meaning of letting go, rushed towards Gu Feng's body.

One ice and one flame, one blue and one red, like two life-threatening dragons, without any stagnation, they threw straight at Gu Feng.

"It's over!"

"It looks like this match has already come to an end!"

"I didn't expect Xiao Chuan's ability to reach such a level!"

"Have you noticed that Gu Feng's martial spirit has never appeared until now!"

As we all know, all martial arts are based on majestic spiritual power, and the highest form of spiritual power is the appearance of martial arts. It can be said that without martial arts, no matter how powerful a martial skill is, it will be greatly reduced.

Blood was dripping from the corner of Gu Feng's mouth, looking at the two auras in his pupils that were constantly expanding, Gu Feng didn't feel a trace of fear, but showed a faint smile instead.

I saw that Gu Feng stepped on his left foot suddenly, and while the spiritual power in his whole body continued to gather, the movements of his hands were completed in only half a breath. At the same time, he shouted in a deep voice: "Reaper, Ning!"

An ear-piercing sound sounded, and the two breaths of ice and flame that were whistling unexpectedly froze for a moment at that moment, and then the space behind Gu Feng suddenly opened, accompanied by the emergence of endless death intentions, a whole body was dressed A figure in a black robe emerged, holding a long sickle in his white palm.

grim Reaper!

Wu Ling!

"what is this?"

"It's so depressing!"

"Is this Gu Feng's martial spirit? Why is it so suppressed!"

Whispers continued to ring out around them, but what happened next made their already stunned expressions completely dull.

Because an ice and a flame also appeared on Gu Feng's body, these two completely different auras condensed directly in Gu Feng's body, rushing, rushing, accompanied by the growth of one after another spiritual power, the two auras finally became Condensed.

"Flame Ice Tai Chi!"

With a sudden shock, Gu Feng directly completed countless movements with both hands, and the connection of each movement was as tight as a stream. At the same time, a round gossip slowly emerged in front of Gu Feng, one ice and one flame. , Two completely different auras, there is such a balance.

"Broken!" Xiao Chuan's face became serious. When he saw the two auras of extreme ice and extreme flame on Gu Feng's hands, Xiao Chuan understood that this was the flame ice displayed by Gu Feng, but vaguely, After all, Xiao Chuan felt a little strange, because this flaming ice breath actually had a bit of devouring power.

Devouring power!

However, the current situation did not allow him to hesitate for a moment. The arrow was on the string and he had to shoot. His hands suddenly folded together, and a huge light was formed out of thin air. At the same time, when they collided with each other, Xiao Chuan jumped up. With a hint of coldness, he directly slammed at Gu Feng.

At the same time as the situation in the sky changed drastically, a huge light condensed out of thin air, and accompanied by two shocking auras, one ice and one flame, directly smashed towards Gu Feng.

Gu Feng didn't dare to be negligent, he controlled the condensed Yanbing Tai Chi with both hands, and shook it towards the huge light.

A huge sound resounded, destroying the heaven and earth, as if directly trying to break the land, the violent spiritual power shrunk rapidly, the world finally trembled, followed by a The tremors gathered more and more, and over time a crack appeared out of thin air.

The collapse of the space didn't stop, and a crack was torn open!
"Elder! Help me!" Bing Wushuang, not daring to neglect in the slightest, soared into the air and shouted solemnly.

As soon as the voice fell, several figures jumped out of the attic immediately, and each figure gathered towards the first martial arts arena with lightning speed. All full of shock.

"This is the person from Juling Pavilion!"

"It actually attracted the elders of Juling Pavilion, this time the violent power is really too crazy!"

boom! boom! boom!
The several figures jumping out from the attic, including Bing Wushuang, immediately made several marks out of thin air, swish swish swish, several marks directly hit the cracks that were opening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With a buzzing shock, the originally roaring crack slowly closed.

At the same time, these figures were directly distributed in every corner of the first martial arts arena, directly chanting the formula, and with a bang, a blue mask enveloped the entire martial arts arena.

It took only half a breath for all of this to happen, and the changes in the scene were still roaring.

(End of this chapter)

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