Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 382 Angered King 8

Chapter 382
"Tian'er, are you alright!" The old man in the yellow shirt was full of tension, and as soon as he appeared, he immediately looked at Wang Tian who was already lying on the ground showing pain, and said with concern.

Wang Tian nodded, then looked directly at Gu Feng and Nuo Er with resentful eyes, and said viciously: "It's these two people, grandpa, it's these two people who beat Tian'er like this, grandpa, you must give Tian'er Son is in charge!"

Even the sobbing tone directly put all the blame on Gu Feng, without mentioning his own thoughts at all, and he didn't even hide the viciousness in his eyes.

Wang Ba nodded, and then whispered a few words, then slowly turned around, his eyes bypassed Nuo Er, and looked directly at Gu Feng, a majestic spiritual force spurted out.

"Boy, come out for me!"

The icy tone seemed to freeze the entire sky, and there was no trace of warmth in the rage, and all the spiritual power was completely focused on Gu Feng, as if he was going to swallow Gu Feng in one gulp.

What's even more venomous is that there is actually a spirit in this violent spiritual power. This spirit is exactly the martial skill that only those who have reached the small ancestor realm can possess. The violent part of this spirit is persecution. Once Gu Feng didn't choose to stand out, but remained behind, then this spirit would directly invade Gu Feng's body and become an obstacle for Gu Feng's future cultivation.

What's more serious is that this spirit will directly become a reminder for Gu Feng's cultivation.

Nuoer's brows were also tightly frowned. What he didn't expect was that the members of the Wang family would come so quickly. The old man in front of him, Nuoer still had some impressions in his memory. He was really Wang Ba who broke into death, but After entering the state of death once, Wang Ba didn't get any benefit, so he was defeated.

Unexpectedly, this time it happened again, and this time it was probably not good, because from Wang Ba's aura, Nuo Er also felt a trace of threat, that oppression that also came from the small ancestral realm.

"Wang Ba, you shameless old bastard!" Nuoer naturally saw the spirituality in Wang Ba's eyes to Gu Feng, and cursed directly in a rage.

"Hahaha, what is shameless, hahaha, Noel, you are so confused, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. I also felt the intention of death from the boy, and it was an extremely pure intention of death. The boy should be the hope of your entire dead race, hahaha!" Wang Ba didn't care about his reputation at all, he growled and said coldly.

Just at the moment when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, there was a sound of palm strikes, and then Gu Feng's figure came out from behind step by step, but there was still no trace of fear and fear in the depths of that face, and some were just indifferent .

"It's really amazing. After beating the grandson, a grandpa came out. You cooperated very well!" Gu Feng said flatly.

Wang Ba and the others narrowed their eyes slightly, they obviously didn't understand Gu Feng's actions, clapping his palms and talking nonsense, could it be that he was frightened out of his wits!

"Little master!" Nuoer's heart tightened, and he hurriedly called out.

"Patriarch Nuoer, don't worry, there are some things you can't hide from!" Gu Feng waved his hand slowly and said calmly.

Seeing Gu Feng's indifferent appearance, Noel retreated again, but there was still worry in his eyes. Now standing in front of him is a strong man who has reached the small ancestor level. Once the other party has the killing intent , even if you are yourself, you can't stop it.

Because the strength of the fifth level of Gu Feng's land realm is really far from him.

Gu Feng looked at Wang Ba, and there was a trace of teasing in the depths of his indifferent face, and said: "Wang Ba Wang Ba, your name is quite interesting!"

What's the meaning!
Obviously, Wang Ba has not reacted to Gu Feng's words, he has not reacted, but this does not mean that the other warriors present have not reacted, because right now each warrior has covered his face and started laughing.

This kind of smile is full of different meanings.

There was a sudden shock in his mind, Wang Ba finally came to his senses, his eyes suddenly shot straight, staring at Gu Feng, dare this kid is turning a corner and cursing himself!
"Boy, you're looking for death!" With a cold shout, the aura of his whole body rose rapidly, as if he was about to erupt at any time. Seeing this, Nuoer pulled Gu Feng past him, and the aura that was not weak at all appeared and disappeared from time to time.

Gu Feng patted Nuoer on the shoulder, indicating that Nuoer is okay, then stood up again, with a trace of disdain in his eyes, and said sharply: "I ask you, are you from the Wang family?"

A boring question, Wang Ba said in a deep voice: "Nonsense!"

"Since you're from the Wang family, let me ask you again, do you know the shape of the entire continent?" Gu Feng's tone had already become sharp.

It can be said that most of the warriors present did not understand the situation of the mainland. They did not know the so-called situation of the mainland, but this did not mean that Wang Ba did not know it. On the contrary, Wang Ba knew it clearly. As a member of the Wang family The higher-ups, even the significance of the Hundred Academy Competition, he is fully aware of.

Seeing Wang Ba's momentary loss of speech, Gu Feng smiled coldly, and then said: "You must understand a lot, bastard. Since you understand a lot, then I will ask you again, this time you directly tore through the space. Without the consent of the Wang family!"

"Do you know the current situation, once there is a loss, can you bear the eternal infamy of this continent?"

"Also, as a high-ranking member of the Wang family, you actually favor your direct descendants so indiscriminately and indiscriminately. Are you worthy of the word Wang family?"

"As a grandfather, you don't care about teaching, hehe, ask the warriors present, what is your grandson doing?"

"The Wang family is one of the best families in the entire continent today. Not only do you not have any shame, but you look proud. Are you sorry for the entire ancestors of your Wang family!"

The stern voice kept forcing Wang Ba, Wang Ba's original proud expression became more and more ugly under the persecution of Gu Feng's words, and blood seemed to drip from his dark face.

What Gu Feng said is right, maybe no one will care about him because of what he did before, plus his status in the Wang family, but now it's different, the black magician reappears, if he really does something Whatever happened, I am afraid that the Wang family will not let themselves go for the sake of their reputation, then the gain outweighs the loss.

It can be said that Gu Feng is really smart, and in a few words, he directly pointed out the weakness in Wang Ba's heart. To put it simply, these few ordinary words have already stabbed Wang Ba's vitals thoroughly.

"Grandpa, don't listen to his nonsense..." Wuyou yelled immediately when he saw that the situation was wrong.

But it was indeed Wang Ba who greeted him with a cold look...

(End of this chapter)

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