Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 386 Refining

Chapter 386 Refining ([-])

The quiet space is filled with layers of spiritual power, and all the spiritual power has a feeling of extreme inflammation and extreme ice. At the same time, the spiritual power hovering all over the sky is also oppressing the ground from time to time.


I don't know that the strong wind coming from there is still howling unscrupulously. In such a space, there is a dark figure. At this time, this figure is sitting with eyes closed. If you look carefully, you can He found that the spiritual power permeating the space in front of his eyes emanated from this figure.

And behind such a figure hangs a long black gun. The whole black gun seems to have aura, and under such circumstances, it is actually suspended in mid-air.

Chi Chi!

And beside the black gun is a pitch-black phantom, even if this phantom is only suspended in mid-air, the strong sense of oppression is still invisible.

Especially the long scythe in Xu Ying's hand, which kept oppressing the somewhat depressing atmosphere in the audience.

The black shadow sitting upright is naturally Gu Feng. It has been a month since Xiao Chuan left. During this month, Gu Feng has been sitting upright, not moving at all. Quickly flashed through the howling.

At this time, Gu Feng, the originally roaring red and blue power in his body has become much quieter, but Gu Feng understands that this is just the calm before the storm, he never believed that a piece of flame ice would give in so easily, you know This is Extreme Flame Flame Bing, an existence that surpasses Forest Bone Flame Bing in the mainland rankings.

Time was still passing by bit by bit, and since the extreme flame ice entered Gu Feng's body and was suppressed like lightning, there was no news about it.

It just so happened that during this period of time, Gu Feng has completely restored the scene in his body that was destroyed by the extreme fire and ice. Gu Feng is not in a hurry at all, and now everything is ready and only owes Dongfeng. It is absolutely sure that he will be completely refined.

Of course, if Gu Feng didn't choose to wait, but broke through the level directly, maybe he wouldn't feel anything at first, but once he was fighting with others, the extreme fire and ice contained in the sea of ​​spirits suddenly erupted, that's really true. It's over.

This kind of threat of attack from inside and outside can definitely destroy a person easily!

To put it simply, Gu Feng would never allow a time bomb in his body!

As for whether the Extreme Fire Flame Bing will appear, Gu Feng has never worried about it, because if the Extreme Fire Flame Bing does not appear again, then his devouring power can prevent the Extreme Fire Yanbing from appearing forever, and this is also a matter of time.

Therefore, the extreme fire and ice will definitely appear, and the time to appear is only a few days.

Thinking of this, Gu Feng revealed a profound smile, his eyes blinked slightly, and his whole body continued to settle down.

Outside the secret room.

"Master Ice City, how is our Suzerain?" Nuoer, Bi'er and others have obviously been here for a long time. Since this is the secret room of the Ice City, even Nuoer can't know what happened inside. Bing Wushuang.

Bing Wushuang smiled wryly, shook his head, and said: "Elder Nuoer, I don't know, because Brother Gu Feng said that no one should disturb me, so I directly banned this space. There is no way for a strong man in the ancestral realm!"

"However, although I can't specifically observe what's going on inside, I can feel that the aura in Brother Gu Feng's body is extremely strong, and there won't be any problems!"

Bing Wushuang said slowly, apparently the following few words gave Nuoer and others a big reassurance.

Another three days.

An ear-piercing sound suddenly sounded, and then the power of extreme flame and extreme ice, which had been suppressed by Gu Feng, spewed out rapidly again, chi chi, while every aura continued to rise, the screaming spirits around The force is also completely condensed in one piece.

On top of Gu Feng's head, the power of flame ice that had been flowing slowly shrank suddenly, and then condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than a few breaths, it directly turned into a giant screen.

Gu Feng's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and slowly stretched out his tongue to lick his slightly dry lips, saying: "It's finally coming!"

There was also a blazing heat in the deep eyes, after waiting for more than a month, it was finally about to appear.

boom! boom! boom!
As soon as the words fell, clear and clear voices began to appear in the surrounding meridians, each voice was extremely loud, and after this sound, there was even a trace of fiery meaning in the meridians.

Extreme Flame Yanbing, as the name suggests, its dominance lies in its flames. This kind of manic flames can definitely destroy everything easily. If it is above a certain level, it is even stronger than Mortal Flame Bing.

The power of fire!


At the same time as the manic spiritual power surged rapidly, the surrounding space finally trembled, and if the space resonated layer by layer, it actually began to collapse one after another under the blazing heat.

While Gu Feng's whole body was constantly trembling, the skin all over his body began to become hot, red hot, and streaks of blood from the deepest part of his body emerged bit by bit.

"Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect to be able to find such a perfect host after getting rid of that trash. It's really lucky!" At this moment, a cold voice slowly sounded in Gu Feng's mind.


Extreme fire and ice!

Gu Feng was startled suddenly. He didn't expect Ji Huo Yan Bing to condense real spiritual wisdom. No wonder Xiao Chuan was tortured like this. After all, Yan Bing is already an extremely terrifying existence, let alone a Yan Bing with intelligence.

"You have actually condensed your spiritual wisdom, extreme fire and ice!" Gu Feng's deep voice sounded slowly.

"Jie Jie Jie, that's right. On this continent, only my arrogance can possess spiritual wisdom. Hey, it's really good to have the aura of bone inflammation and ice. As long as I let this seat swallow you, when the time comes... After swallowing the bones, Jie Jie Jie, there will definitely be earth-shaking changes in this seat!" Ji Huo Yan Bing's gloomy voice continued to resound in Gu Feng's spiritual sea.

The gloomy voice was full of threats.

"That's true. What I didn't expect was that Yan Bing like you has already condensed wisdom. It's really strange. However, all this is too simple in your eyes!" Gu Feng put away Surprised, on the contrary said calmly.

Immediately afterwards, Jihuo Yanbing's tone changed drastically, and he shouted: "How is it possible..."

(End of this chapter)

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