Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 403 Dragon Emperor

Chapter 403 Dragon Emperor

The roaring spiritual power cracked layer by layer, like a calm lake being forcibly broken open, causing waves to appear around.

The dim sky seemed to be collapsing, and a series of extremely chaotic spiritual power roared frantically. Just after Bi'er rescued Gu Feng with lightning speed, traces of the black mist of the Sky Demon Emperor appeared. trembling.


The Sky Demon Emperor sounded a little surprised, and at the same time, looked at Gu Feng, "I really didn't expect it to be the breath of Rou Zu, and you are actually the descendant of Rou Zu!"

"Xiao Feng, are you alright?" Hui Fang also looked eager. At that moment, no one would have expected what the Sky Demon Emperor wanted to do, and directly pointed the finger at Gu Feng.

Gu Feng waved his hand, a wry smile appeared on his face, indeed, at that moment just now, all he felt was insignificance, if he didn't have dragon scales himself, he might not even have the heart to resist.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and then the roaring spiritual power suddenly stopped, and at the same time as countless spiritual power poured back rapidly, a crack appeared in this space, the whole crack was tens of feet high, majestic. His spiritual power is continuously condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Swish swish!
At the same time as the rapid sounds sounded, this piece of heaven and earth also became dark, whoosh, at the same time, the originally extremely dark sky shrank suddenly, and immediately a golden air condensed directly.

If the appearance of the dragon of space and the dragon of darkness just now had caused the surrounding spiritual power to become frenzied, then the appearance of this scene at this time has completely shaken the world.

"How is it possible?" The Heavenly Demon Emperor's gloomy and cold voice finally changed drastically at this moment, and a deep look of horror condensed in the depths of his eyes.

A loud roar sounded, and the dim sky suddenly collapsed at this moment. At the same time, the golden color of the sky gathered towards this crack at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Old Dragon!" Hui Fang's eyes flashed a gleam.

Among the three beast emperors in the demon domain back then, the wolf emperor had the best relationship with the dragon emperor. Although in ancient times, the first generation of wolf emperors had devoured giant dragons, but this generation of dragon emperors obviously ignored the past and had the best relationship with wolf emperors. The emperor seems to cherish each other.

This is also the contradictory premise that inspired Tian Yao's jealous heart.

"Master Dragon King!" The two giant dragons that were originally suspended at the side were shocked at this moment, and they bent slightly towards the crack, and their tone was full of respect, but if you feel carefully, you can find their emotions at this time. There is a trace of worry in all eyes.

Of course, this worry is hidden very deeply, and even the presence of the Heavenly Demon Emperor has not seen it for a long time.

"Old dragon, I really didn't expect that you haven't died yet. You and the old wolf really look the same. You can't be killed anyway, but it's okay, you all came today, so let's all disappear here!" God The demon emperor's gloomy voice sounded, and before the words fell, the demon emperor suddenly grabbed at the huge crack.

A berserk spiritual power shot out quickly, with a bang, countless black miasma gas directly condensed into a giant blade, which split towards the huge crack, hiss, and at the same time as the space was shaken, a whole crack appeared Constant trembling.

A loud shout came out frantically from the cracks in the nine layers of space at that moment, and the bang bang bang continued, and then the golden meaning that had already permeated the entire sky suddenly took shape at that moment, followed by countless spiritual powers , with a bang, a golden dragon immediately condensed and formed.

If the Dragon of Darkness and the Dragon of Space are already tens of feet long, then the length of the golden dragon in front of him can be said to have completely covered the sky and the sun.

"Old Dragon!" When the golden dragon appeared, Hui Fang's trembling voice also emerged. While his eyes kept jumping, Hui Fang's entire body began to tremble.

"Ladolas!" The old dragon responded, and then the whole giant dragon was shocked, and the golden energy shot out from the center of the sky-filled dragon body to the surroundings, and while the whistling hurricane continued to rise, the whole world was shocked. All become golden.

"Break me!"

At this moment, the deep voice of the Sky Demon Emperor rang out, and then the black mist made a burst of puffing noises, accompanied by an instant influx of spiritual power all over the sky, layer after layer of whistling, every time The attack of a layer of black miasma will cause the earth to tremble and crack.

After only a few breaths, when this piece of heaven and earth collapsed, a huge hole finally appeared in the whole piece of land. This is not over yet, the hole is spreading out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chi Chi!

The Dragon Emperor's eyes were solemn, and the two long golden dragon beards swayed slightly, and then the entire body of the Dragon Emperor was shaken, and all the spiritual power was released at a speed visible to the naked eye at that moment, one after another. At the same time as the spiritual power spread everywhere, the whole world uttered a dragon's roar.

Each dragon chant seemed to be the thickest barrier, hitting the ground directly, with a shock, the whole land became quiet at that moment, and the cracking stopped instantly.

"Darkness, space!" Dragon Soul's low voice sounded.

Immediately after that, the two giant dragons that appeared earlier trembled suddenly, and then with a swish, the two figures appeared directly around the Dragon Emperor, and at the moment when the aura around them continued to condense, strands of dragon chant power directly Converging towards the Dragon Emperor at a speed visible to the naked eye.


There was a loud noise, and the golden color of the Dragon Emperor's whole body became a lot rougher when the power of the dragon's chant gathered. Then they collided with each other, and the whole sky trembled violently.

"Dragon! Destroy!"

With a sudden drink, the Dragon Emperor raised a dragon's head high, then roared into the sky, and with a shock, all the spiritual power in the sky was completely gathered together at that moment, and at the same time, a wave of earth-shattering The trend is to bombard the black mist of the Sky Demon Emperor.

The surrounding gusts were still howling, and the spiritual power all over the sky was completely condensed at that moment, like a giant blade, smashing towards the shadow of the Sky Demon Emperor, the originally majestic and dense black miasma At this time, Qi is like a blank sheet of paper, without the slightest resistance.

Loud bangs sounded one after another. After the last loud tremor, the Sky Demon Emperor finally burst open. Countless spiritual powers opened and closed, and the cloud of black mist directly turned into a A little bit of ashes.

There wasn't even a roar...

(End of this chapter)

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