Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 409 Father and Son Camera

Chapter 409 Father and Son Camera ([-])

The young man whose throat was grabbed by Gu Feng's hand immediately became extremely ugly, and his whole body began to breathe rapidly. He wanted to say something, but the vigorous and powerful palm stuck his throat tightly, so he couldn't say anything. Not a word.

Only those eyes full of hostility were staring at Gu Feng, as if they were going to eat Gu Feng in one bite.

"Let him go!" Dugu Aoxue's voice sounded.

This is the snowy land, and it is also the base camp of his Dugu lineage.

"Hehe, haven't you noticed yet? You are nothing more than a joke in my eyes, break it!" Gu Feng put away the look on his face, grabbed the young man's palm firmly, and exerted a heavy force. The majestic power shot out directly, with a bang, the endless power was like a missile full of deterrence, randomly crashing into the young man's body.


Immediately afterwards, there was a rush of extremely chaotic breathing, the young man felt that all his breathing had stopped, and then the spiritual power all over the sky was completely stagnated, and with a bang, the young man was directly scattered in this piece of world.

While all the breath in the body was completely washed away, the whole person also slowly collapsed.

kill!It's that simple!
"You actually killed him!" Lonely Aoxue's low voice sounded, the whole person's complexion has become extremely ugly, and his breath is even more anxious and unstable.

"I didn't kill you in Haolanzong back then, but now this opportunity is finally coming!" Gu Feng stepped forward with his left foot, and the spiritual power that had been hidden all the time roared from the dantian in his body like a mountain torrent. out.

Swish swish!
Countless auras were directly condensed, and then the spiritual power in the sky was directly transformed into a giant blade. The strength of the ninth level of the realm was clearly reflected, and a deep voice sounded: "Kill!"

The giant blade shook violently, as if it was about to split the entire sky, and the violent spiritual power around it also diffused at a speed visible to the naked eye, layer after layer, and devoured towards Dugu Aoxue.

The complexion of letting down Aoxue has changed greatly, and her eyes are full of shock. At this moment, Dugu Aoxue only feels that the spiritual power in her whole body has been completely sealed up. Under the circumstances, I couldn't even mention it at all.

The gloom on his face has completely disappeared at this time, replaced by deep fear, and the facial expression is also extremely wonderful at that moment.

"This is impossible, how long has it taken, how have you grown to such a state!" With a look of astonishment, he asked a little dull sentence by sentence.

"Haha, give me a break!" He drank suddenly, and then the majestic spiritual power was used in a hurry, swish swish, layer after layer, as if it was about to shatter the whole world, and there was not much time to breathe, then A giant blade smashed towards Dugu Aoxue.

At this time, Lonely Aoxue only felt that the spiritual power of her whole body was completely blocked, and the surrounding space was completely locked in at this moment, accompanied by a violent spray of spiritual power.

The sky changed drastically, and the huge momentum seemed to tear the entire sky apart, accompanied by the rush of endless spiritual power. At this moment, Dugu Aoxue regretted it.

"Boy, how dare you!"

Accompanied by a yell, a loud noise burst out from the whole building with no end in sight, and then a figure roared out of the loud noise, like a thunderbolt, it roared directly towards the ground, with a swish Shocked, just when the pointed ren under Gu Feng's control was about to smash down, a giant hand broke out through the wind, directly holding the giant blade, and the majestic momentum burst out completely at that moment.

There was a loud noise, and Gu Feng let out a muffled grunt, and then he retreated directly. At the same time, there was a touch of sweetness at the corner of his mouth.


"In this snowy region, not everyone can act recklessly, boy, you will have to pay the price for your actions today!" The figure's voice sounded slowly, and the extremely deep voice was full of domineering.

There was another shock, and then the figure roared up directly, and at the same time as the sound of swish swish swish was raised, the figure directly bombarded Gu Feng.

"Reckless Desolate Heaven Finger!" Gu Feng gritted his silver teeth violently, and shouted in a low voice while his breath rapidly expanded.

Then, a huge finger appeared out of thin air. The entire finger was tens of feet high. From a distance, it looked like an unattainable giant. The roaring spiritual power all erupted at this moment. out.

Chi Chi!

One layer after another, they rushed towards the ground, as if they had the power to destroy the sky. At this moment, the entire space was shattered.

Afterwards, Gu Feng's hands appeared to be empty, and he controlled his giant fingers to go straight towards the figure.

The figure's face was also extremely dignified, and the breathing of the whole person was one after another. Without any hesitation, the whole person stepped forward suddenly, and there was a loud bang, and the tightly clenched hands of the figure directly made countless blows. Movements, bang bang bang, one movement after another is as proficient as flowing water.

After finishing the last palm print, the figure erupted into a frenzy, and a huge mark was formed out of thin air. This was not over yet, and the giant seal under control slammed towards the giant finger in front of Gu Feng.

There was a loud noise, earth-shattering, and even more devastating. All the spiritual power burst out completely at this moment, one after another, as if it was about to blast the entire sky.

Finally, after roaring for a few breaths, the Manghuang Mietian Finger with a height of several tens of feet disappeared directly into the sky, and the spiritual power that was roaring around was also completely quieted down.

Gu Feng couldn't bear the warmth coming from his lower abdomen anymore, he opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood spewed out, his whole expression immediately sank down.

"Boy, you are indeed capable, but it's a pity that the so-called geniuses are often the first to die!" The deep voice sounded again, and then a giant hand fell towards Gu Feng's head. It is conceivable that if If Gu Feng was hit by this palm, it would be impossible for Gu Feng to last a few breaths, and it would burst open immediately.

"Hehe, second child, why are you so impatient?" At this moment, another voice sounded, the voice was full of magnetism, but it was very familiar to Gu Feng's ears, and the whole person was shocked suddenly. It was Gu Feng's father, Gu Hao.


The gust of wind passed by quickly, and Gu Hao's figure appeared directly next to Gu Feng. He glanced at Gu Feng and said tremblingly: "Feng'er, your strength has actually reached the ninth level of the realm!"

"Hahaha, the old man said that this child is limitless, hahahaha!" It was accompanied by another roar...

(End of this chapter)

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