Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 416 Destruction

Chapter 416 Destruction ([-])


One after another, the screaming sound of the giant dragon continued to rise and fall in the entire space, and the roaring spiritual power around it suddenly shrank, and then it also directly burst.

It's not over yet, the berserk spiritual power roared towards the surroundings in just half a breath, one layer after another, while continuously whistling, the whole world finally cracked.

"Jie Jie, don't play tricks anymore, Dragon Yin, it's ridiculous, so what if it's a real dragon, you have to kill me!" The deep voice spewed out again, and then the violent spiritual power around finally appeared big change.

Dugu Zhan's whole body has been completely covered by black miasma. From a distance, every inch of Dugu Zhan's skin is dark, but this dark color is not simply black, The extremely disgusting darkness seems to be completely broken in the blink of an eye.

"No matter what happens to you next, now I will let you understand what is destruction!" Gu Feng's deep voice sounded slowly, and then his white hands began to dance, inch by inch, every dance would make you The spiritual power roaring around appeared frenzied.

This is not over yet, just after the last few handprints, the whole world finally appeared to be cracking, swish, swish, layer by layer, and at the same time, the whole earth trembled.

Swish swish!
One after another extremely jerky imprints were continuously made in Gu Feng's palm. Each imprint seemed to have been formed thousands of times without any lingering. After making a total of 81 imprints, the whole world finally changed.

At the same time as the ear-piercing sound sounded, the sky, which was originally roaring with dense black miasma gas, suddenly cracked, and thunders began to gather around the roaring black miasma gas. You must know that every thunderbolt is extremely heavy on weekdays. After condensing countless thunderstorms, the whole world finally changed.


Accompanied by a loud sound, at that moment, the entire sky trembled slightly, and then it was torn apart directly. Layer after layer of spiritual power poured back rapidly at this moment. It got dark.

This is not over yet, the momentum that could have completely swallowed the entire sky, at this moment, it roared completely, layer by layer, and dragon chants came and went one after another.

At the same time as the sky changed drastically, thunder after thunder was like a thunder snake, constantly whistling around the thunder, and the swishing sounds came and went, hum, at this moment, a piercing sound rang out.

With a bang, the entire world collapsed, accompanied by the complete stagnation of spiritual power in the sky, and the majestic power roaring around completely collapsed at this moment, and then a pitch-black giant dragon suddenly appeared, accompanied by Endless Dragon Pressure, directly bombarded Dugu Zhan.

"My God, what is this?"

"It's a dragon, how could this kid have a dragon!"

"Summoned out, this kid actually summoned a giant dragon, it's terrifying!"


Whispers kept ringing around, and at that moment, everyone looked at Gu Feng with fear in their eyes, even the old men who had been sitting on the rostrum all stood up abruptly, their eyes even more filled with fear. in shock.

Because the change this time is really too shocking, even if the giant dragon in the demon realm has gradually dissipated, even if the giant dragon in front of you is just an illusion, as long as you can get along with the giant dragon, everything around you will be unchanged .

"So what if it's a dragon, it's broken by me!" A deep voice suddenly sounded, and then Dugu Zhan controlled his hands and raised his hands forward. It was directly dimmed.

There was a loud noise, and the Dragon of Darkness controlled by Gu Feng's hands just raised his head to the sky and roared fiercely, and then directly bombarded Dugu Zhan, swish, swish, and every strand of spiritual power burst out directly at this moment, the whole world There was also a brief dimness.

"I'm Bing, I'm Yan, I'm Yan Bing! Congeal!" Gu Feng's eyes didn't dare to neglect the slightest bit, and he looked straight ahead, accompanied by rapid breaths.

Then, Gu Feng drank suddenly, and the violent spiritual power was completely condensed at this moment, hissing, layer after layer of spiritual power spun out from Gu Feng's hands, carrying endless extreme flames and extreme ice.

There was a loud noise, just after contact, only a few breaths later, this piece of heaven and earth finally burst open, and then all the spiritual power was completely condensed, layer after layer of spiritual power was visible to the naked eye in an instant The speed roared out towards the distance.

"How is it possible? In this situation, how could you still be able to control Yan Bing!" A horrified voice roared out from Dugu Zhan's mouth, and the whole person immediately became sluggish for a moment.

One after another loud noises spread throughout the entire world, and every loud noise was full of deterrence. After several loud noises lasted for a whole period, the endless power of flame and ice rushed towards us, layer by layer. The momentum of flame and ice roared towards the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bang bang bang!
Dugu Zhan only felt his body tremble for a short time, and then his breathing became rapid. The whole person seemed to be pressed out by a majestic force, and at the same time as it continued to spread to the surroundings, the surface of the whole person's skin also condensed. Layer upon layer of majestic power.

Dugu Zhan only felt a short-term freezing on the surface of his body, and at the same time as layers of freezing continued to condense, Dugu Zhan only felt a slight tremor, and then an indescribable chill began to spread rapidly centered on his dantian Come on, this is not over yet, every inch of spread will make the whole person growl.

But at the end of Dugu Zhan, a power of ice, this piece of world once again experienced a huge change, and saw that the flames that were roaring around were bombarding towards Dugu Zhan at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sound of ice and fire colliding directly jumped out at this moment, Dugu Zhan only felt a strange feeling coming from his lower abdomen, and then a warm current gushed out into his body, with a bang, Dugu Zhan directly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

He never thought that he would be injured, but this thought only appeared for a moment, and was replaced by a look of horror on his face again, because there was already a deep horror in Dugu Zhan's eyes, because in A trace of dragon's chant appeared in his dantian.

And I have never dealt with dragons at all, that is to say, this level of dragon chant power was given by the kid opposite, and the hoarse voice slowly came out, "What did you do to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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