Chapter 421
Every ray of light here seems to have eyes, motionless like a mountain, moving like electricity, bombarding towards Gu Feng, bang bang bang, the moment three loud noises came, Gu Feng jumped straight away Get up and retreat madly into the distance.


Both feet stepped on the ground, as if they had been ferocious for a long time, and there was a little bit of momentum revealed. At the same time, the whole ground also cracked loudly. As the cracking momentum continued to approach, the sky was full of death. Gathered up.

There was another loud noise, and Gu Feng's figure disappeared the moment he was there. Fortunately, the speed was fast enough, otherwise he might suffer another pain.


The whistling spiritual power around was still whistling, and at the same time, the entire sky was dimmed. While layers of spiritual power continued to pour in, layers of oppression began to appear on Gu Feng's skin. .

The extremely intense sense of oppression is spreading towards the surroundings. Gu Feng only feels that the surrounding space is getting narrower and narrower. In less than a few breaths, the majestic oppression has already spread towards the surroundings. Of course, this is still Endless, more and more oppression is gathered as if the whole world is about to be crushed.

"Break me!"

Facing the death intent roaring towards Gu Feng once again, Gu Feng's face sank suddenly, and he stomped down with his left foot. When there was a loud bang, the spiritual power was completely poured back at that moment, and then, gushing out Zhi's death intention seemed to be violently oppressed, and it was scattered away into the distance.

"Death talisman, condense!" At the same time, Gu Feng kept moving his hands, and at the same time, he stood up slowly, the breath in his body gathered little by little, and at the same time as the sound of swish swish quickly condensed, Gu Feng suddenly With a shudder, the majestic death came out directly.

The two breaths collided violently at this moment, and then retreated frantically, swish, swish, and with a few loud noises, this piece of heaven and place became quiet again.

"Is this the horror of this place?" Gu Feng slowly wiped the blood left on the corner of his mouth with his left hand, and said slowly, his tone seemed a little harsh.

At this moment, the whole space trembled, and then a crack appeared out of thin air, and then all the death gathered in the sky, rumbling, and at the same time as there was a loud noise, a black tombstone appeared directly in front of Gu Feng.

The tombstones are tens of feet high, and the entire tombstone is covered with extremely ancient and jerky spells, each spell seems to be inspired, filling the entire tombstone.

There was deep shock in Gu Feng's eyes, his body was slightly condensed, then he walked a few steps, looked up, looked at the lines of text, Gu Feng began to read bit by bit in an extremely jerky tone stand up.

"The dead zone is divided into three stages. The first is recognition. You can see the stone tablet, which means that you have passed the first step of recognition. The second is precipitation. You need to go through nine thunder disasters and completely integrate the death talisman into Your own body, this third step is to flourish!"

Gu Feng was stunned, no wonder, it turns out that this is the biggest secret of the death realm. This separate space is called the death realm, and the previous attack on me was just a recognition. The stele has already been bombarded by the huge light into a piece of slag.

Exhaling a long breath, Gu Feng slowly concentrated his eyes, and all focused on a few words, the nine-fold thunder calamity, I didn't expect to go through the nine-fold thunder calamity here, but fortunately, I already have a dragon body now Otherwise, I am afraid that when the time comes, facing the deterrence of the nine-fold thunder calamity, the whole person will directly perish.

The breath of the whole body was condensing bit by bit, and Gu Feng's whole body began to roar, his eyes closed, and then the whole body was directly suspended in mid-air, and the breath of the whole body completely merged with the entire space.

His hands shook violently, and then Gu Feng drank in a low voice, his mouth suddenly changed, and with a swish sound, a talisman was directly condensed. At the same time, the sky of the entire space began to change bit by bit.

Loud bangs sounded continuously, and the originally extremely gloomy sky seemed to be aroused at this moment, and bursts of fierce colors appeared unexpectedly.

At the same time, what engulfed the entire space was frenzied thunder and lightning. The gushing thunder and lightning seemed to have consciousness, and began to gather in the sky.

And the target of this thunder and lightning turned out to be Gu Feng who was closing his eyes. You must know that Gu Feng had seen the Nine-Layer Thunder Tribulation before. That grand scene is still extremely clear in Gu Feng's mind.

Gu Feng's gaze was extremely serious, and he lifted it up slightly, looking at the continuously condensed thunder and lightning, Gu Feng's face was unusually solemn, and he said to himself: "I didn't expect the first level of the nine-level thunder tribulation to reach this level!"
Because at this time, Gu Feng felt that every inch of his skin was trembling. Under the action of high pressure, cracks began to appear on the surface of Gu Feng's skin, and the cracks became more and more frequent. , it has been completely condensed.


There was a loud noise, and the spiritual power in the sky was completely condensed at that moment, and then a thunderbolt smashed directly at Gu Feng who was sitting upright with a force of piercing through the air. After the thunder and lightning passed by, Gu Feng's face immediately appeared ferocious.

Taking a breath of cold air, Gu Feng felt his whole body go numb instantly. If it wasn't for the death talisman on his head that was constantly spinning, layers of strong death intent would also gather towards Gu Feng. This thunderbolt caused serious injuries.

After a thunder tribulation passed, the sky changed again, followed by another crash.

"It's really non-stop!"

"Dragon body!"

With a deep drink, the dragon power in Gu Feng's body gushed out directly, one layer after another, rapidly spreading towards the whole body, swish swish swish, the dragon scales layer by layer seemed to be endowed with life. Gu Feng's whole body was completely glued together.

"Let me use the power of the dragon body to resist your thunder calamity!" Gu Feng's eyes showed a hint of ferocity, and then he stood up suddenly, and the breath in his whole body was completely condensed at this moment. With the violent power, Gu Fengxu raised his hands suddenly.

Resist the thunder calamity hard.

If this scene were to be seen by others, they would definitely exclaim that Gu Feng committed suicide. You must know that this is the ninth level of thunder calamity. Those who didn't dare to face it directly, let alone Gu Feng resisted directly.

"Come on..." Gu Feng roared while his eyes were fixed.

(End of this chapter)

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