Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 431 The Real Enemy

Chapter 431 The Real Enemy

The spiritual power gushing out from the surroundings directly turned into a giant blade, and the majestic spiritual power gushed out rapidly, one layer after another. At this moment, the black miasma that had just dissipated spewed out again .

"Boy, you are still a little behind me!" The Sky Demon Emperor's deep voice sounded slowly. You must know that today the Demon Emperor has reached the realm of ascending the throne. Except for the real boss behind him, who can It is said that the Heavenly Demon Emperor no longer has any opponents on this continent.

Even though Gu Feng killed the black magician with one punch, the method was clean and neat, but the Sky Demon Emperor couldn't do all of this. Gu Feng is not the only one who can do this.

At this moment, a loud noise gushed out, and under this layer of loud noise, condensation appeared in the entire sky, layer after layer continuously bombarded towards Gu Feng.

The ear-piercing sound rose slowly, and at this moment, the space that had already been dimmed suddenly shook, and then the majestic force unexpectedly condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye, entraining even more layers of ripples, each layer The ripples seemed to pierce the sky.

On the other hand, Gu Feng showed a trace of solemnity in his eyes, his whole body was slightly concentrated, his left foot was suddenly raised, he stepped on the void, and trembled, the space suddenly changed drastically, and ripples rippled one after another immediately. Come.

This is not over yet, the spewing spiritual power directly turned into a huge wall, directly blocking Gu Feng and the Tian Yaohuang, the Tian Yaohuang only felt that he was completely trapped in a cotton, and the heavy spiritual power passed by. , Unexpectedly, even a single layer of spiritual power can't be emitted.

Chi Chi!

"I want you to understand, what is extinction!" At this moment, Gu Feng's palm suddenly lifted up, and the thick palm gushed out, directly turning into a void, and at the same time that the sky was approaching, the entire land was covered There was trembling.

The oppressed space is completely broken.


Layer after layer, the berserk spiritual power finally spewed out, and at this moment, so much spiritual power directly turned into several screams, forcing them away towards the Sky Demon Emperor.

An ear-piercing sound resounded, and just as layers of majestic power piled up, the whole land finally cracked, layer after layer of spiritual power continued to howl, and within a few breaths, The whole world finally collapsed.

Bang bang bang!
Layer after layer of spiritual power roared up continuously, and the manic spiritual power gushed out directly. At the same time, the spiritual power all over the sky finally collapsed.

Accompanied by a loud sound of "Kang Dang!", the body of the Sky Demon Emperor retreated directly behind him. At the same time, a deep shock appeared on that beautiful face!
"Is this the power of a god?"

At this time, Gu Feng was floating in the midair, and a phantom slowly stood up. While his eyes were fixed, he turned his eyes to the Heavenly Demon Emperor. Instead, he lost the manicness he had before, and unexpectedly became a little more calm.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, you didn't die. I didn't expect that after so many years, you would attack again. You are really deceiving me!" The deep voice sounded slowly, and every deep voice seemed to be about to come. The whole sky was like a crack, hissing, one after another.

The expression of the Heavenly Demon Emperor has changed greatly. His original perfect plan has been completely broken at this time. With a gloomy expression on his face, he slowly said: "Reaper, I didn't expect that you are still here?"

"Haha, God of Death, the old man has naturally already ascended, but what he and I want to say is, let me kill you!" Gu Feng's deep voice sounded.

This is the real gain and loss of Gu Feng's retreat this time. After going through the nine-layer thunder calamity, Gu Feng communicated the truth of his death again, so that the original strength of only the ninth level of the earth realm directly grew to the ninth level of the heaven realm, and even Did not reach the realm of the three small.

But right now, the big bottom has come, and Gu Feng knows that he can't make a breakthrough again, but at this moment, the business of communication has changed, and the business of one after another seems to have become a bond. Communicate directly with the sky, and constantly transmit majestic power to each other.

At the same time, the god of death appeared in front of Gu Feng again.

Due to the great changes that have taken place in the Wuling Continent, the strength of the god of death has broken through this shackle by far. Therefore, the god of death cannot come directly. He can only instill his strength directly on Gu Feng's body, so that Gu Feng can stand in front of him. In a short period of time, he was directly promoted to the realm of ascending the room.

At the same time, the god of death completely enveloped his breath.

The loud noise came again, and the corners of Gu Feng's mouth were slightly raised, and at the same time as a smile emerged, the spiritual power in the sky finally collapsed, layer by layer, and kept pressing towards the Sky Demon Emperor.

You must know that this is the power from the gods. The Heavenly Demon Emperor, who is in charge, has now reached the stage of ascending the throne, but in front of the real gods, it is nothing.

An ear-piercing sound sounded, and this madness directly devoured the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and with a bang, the entire body of the Heavenly Demon Emperor collapsed under this death-filled visitation, one layer after another. Layers, constantly blasting away to the surroundings.


"Directly hit and kill!"

"The scene in everyone's original mind didn't even appear!"

"This is the end?"

The voices kept ringing out one sentence after another, and every warrior present had a strange face. Is this his suzerain? Is it possible that this is the end?
Gu Feng's whole body was suspended in mid-air, but his eyes were full of fear. His intuition told him that this was not over, it was just the beginning.

At this moment, a more majestic black miasma than before spewed out from the space crack, and the manic black miasma completely enveloped the sky in less than a few breaths. The space where Shi Gufeng was was also completely shrouded.

This is not over yet, the manic spiritual power around is condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye, swish, swish, swish sound, each sound is surging rapidly, one after another,
At this moment, a voice that seemed to have lived for tens of thousands of years condensed out. The voice was full of gloom, as if it wanted to completely split the world.

"Jie Jie Jie, I really didn't expect that I would be condensed so quickly, that waste of the sky demon, but anyway, this place will eventually become my home, and you all have only one result, and that is death!"

A deep voice sounded slowly, and at the same time, when the surroundings were dimmed for an instant, a phantom with a height of hundreds of feet appeared in front of everyone. It is rushing towards the surroundings...

(End of this chapter)

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