Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 56 Dragon Emperor

Chapter 56 Dragon Emperor
"Naughty animal, I didn't expect you to be alive!" A majestic voice came out of the dragon pond.

Afterwards, a column of water in the center of the Longtan rose towards the sky, and there was another strange noise in the sky, and a giant dragon floated past. emerged.

The moment the middle-aged man arrived, the unscrupulous and constantly spreading evil and withered aura actually stopped, and the peaceful vitality that was about to be exhausted because of Luosi began to spread again.

It was a middle-aged man full of majesty, wearing a golden battle robe, holding a battle gun tightly in his left hand, his eyes were very sharp, and there was a huge pressure invisibly. There will be breath.

"Wake up!" The middle-aged man slammed, and the spear held in his left hand hit the ground fiercely. With a loud noise, all the students around him continuously sent the evil and negative energy to Luosi instantly. stop.

The horrified look on Luo Si's face disappeared in a flash, and he stopped caring about Gu Feng, turned around, faced the middle-aged man, and said in a low voice: "Old man, you are still alive, I didn't expect that the war did not let you Falling completely?"

"Before I kill you bastard, I'm still reluctant to die!" The middle-aged man said slowly, with a strong murderous intent in his words, and then he rushed towards Luo Si directly.

This sudden change was so fast that before all the students could react, a golden figure and a gray figure were already fighting together.

After the middle-aged man collided with Luosi, the two separated for a distance. At this time, the shock on Luosi's face had completely disappeared, and instead he was full of jokes: "As expected, the old man has already There is only a body left, and now you are afraid that you only have the last remaining wit! Jie Jie Jie!"

The middle-aged man was shocked, he really only had the last wit left, but Luosi was not, he was actually a body, although he was not as powerful as before, but he was a body after all.

You know, the battle between the strong is often just a little bit worse. Right now, what the middle-aged man has left is only a wit, and he may be able to resist at the beginning, but after a long time, he will definitely not be Luosi's opponent. If your old friend is still there, there may still be a chance, but in that explosion, the old friend must have fallen.

"Dragon Emperor, just accept your fate. The Lord admits that you are the top person in every aspect among the human beings I have met, but it is a pity that you will eventually fall into my hands. Your old friend, the Golden Dragon, will Those who are waiting for you underground, if you want to blame, you can blame these ignorant human beings, they have fulfilled me, and if they fulfilled me, Luo Si will reward me again, Jie Jie!" Luo Si's hoarse voice echoed in this space.

"Luo Si, don't get complacent too early, even if I only have the last wit, I will definitely kill you! Little brother, I will lend you Yan Bing!" The Dragon Emperor had already discovered the Yan Bing in Gu Feng's body. Bing, without Gu Feng's consent at all, forcibly peeled off the Bone Flame Bing in Gu Feng's spiritual sea with a wave of his hand.

The forest bone inflammation that was originally suspended in the spiritual sea was empty, and Gu Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his face instantly became sluggish. This feeling of being forcibly stripped off is really uncomfortable, and Gu Feng also deeply understands this kind of power. With such strength, he can forcibly strip away what belongs to him.

"In the name of the Dragon Emperor, I use Yanbing to destroy the heavens and the earth, and kill the evil spirits!" The bone Yanbing between the hands of the Dragon Emperor kept trembling.

"Damn it!" For the first time fear appeared in Luo Si's eyes. What he didn't expect was that the Dragon Emperor could have such a powerful power. Under this power, Sen Gu felt the trembling of his soul and smelled the breath of death. smell.

Without any thoughts, he turned around and fled, but it was too late.

"A blow from the dragon spirit!" The Dragon Emperor yelled violently, the flame ice between his hands jumped even more violently, and the whole body flew towards Luosi at high speed, directly dragging the flame ice to Luosi's back hard smashed down.

"Hiss!" Luo Si let out a sound of soul pain, and then layers of ice flowers continued to cover, and a layer of burning flames appeared at the bombardment place, and the extreme ice and heat surrounded Luo Si. completely covered.

"Damn Dragon Emperor, even if I die, our evil army will come again after all, you just wait for the day when we will destroy you, Jie Jie Jie!" Loth roared in pain.

"I don't know if that day will come, but one thing is very clear, that is, before that day comes, you will definitely not be able to see it again. This time, I will definitely make you never stand up again, and kill me!" Touching Yan Bing, the Dragon Emperor exerted his strength again, and firmly pressed down on Luosi's body.

A brilliant white light appeared on Luo Si's body, and the white light became bigger and bigger, forming a mushroom cloud shape in less than a few breaths. After a long time, the mushroom cloud slowly dissipated, and Luo Si's body also completely disappeared. In this space.

After finishing all this, the Dragon Emperor took back the already dim Yan Bing, and returned to Gu Feng's side, with a hint of admiration in his eyes, and said: "Son, you are very lucky to be recognized by Yan Bing, now I Return this Yanbing to you, I'm sorry, in order to kill Luosi just now, most of the energy of this Yanbing has been used, I'm afraid you won't be able to use it again within three years!"

With a bang, the ice in Dragon Emperor's hand returned to Gu Feng's spiritual sea, and the feeling of regaining it made Gu Feng finally feel a little better.

With a wry smile, Gu Feng thought to himself, it's all been used up, and what's the use of saying sorry, just count yourself as unlucky.

The Dragon Emperor seemed to have seen through Gu Feng's thoughts, smiled slightly, and a kindness appeared on his stern face, and said slowly: "My child, I will naturally not use your things for nothing. This Bone Flame Ice is indeed good, but Now your strength is still too weak, it is better not to use it before reaching the realm, otherwise, if you meet some envious people, you can forcibly peel off the bone ice in your spiritual sea! This is the method of dragon scale body training. technique, I will give it to you, it can be regarded as a kind of feedback, I wonder if you would like it?"

Gu Feng was taken aback suddenly, he never thought that the Dragon Emperor would be so generous, and directly bestowed the Dragon Scale Body Refining Technique on himself, his eyes showed a trace of blazing heat, without any hesitation, he said directly: "Thank you, Dragon Emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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